James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
The caption , and the date on the hand 😂👀
So the omperzole infusion makes an appearance that day again dated 11/4 but when you look at the bottom of the picture it says May update which correlates to your picture.
Didn't James say he was due to go on holiday in May but had to cancel as he needed emergency surgery following an endoscopy but he didn't post for a week but when he did post again he stated he had been extremely unwell? I'm guessing he wasn't in hospital and he was on holiday as the recycled pictures have come out again. Screenshot_2024-06-19-22-05-30-93_be80aec1db9a2b53c9d399db0c602181.jpg


Jun 6, 2024
north West
So I've been looking for these pictures for ages and I've finally found them. Again dearest James you are contradicting yourself.

This goes back to Christmas day I think we've mentioned this already but these pictures definitely prove it.
One says he was at home cooking dinner all alone

Then the second one his in hospital with a small heart attack and needing a small operation and an endoscopy bit the other picture shows he was at home cooking dinner.

So which one was it James?
He chocked on his turkey, didn’t you know? Caused a heart attack 😂😂


Jun 12, 2024
It’s quite sad that people like James have to go to such extremes to get attention.

Since following him I have seen other people popping up being exposed for faking chronic illnesses. Every one of them looks ecstatic when talking about their ‘complex conditions’. I’m sure they make them as complicated as possible to send the doctors head in a spin so that they *have* to be admitted because they don’t know what else to do with them. One problem gets dealt with so they invent another one which is what James does.
This is why I don’t advertise my health any more (and at times I don’t even want to be associated with the conditions I have because of it!) they drive me up the wall some of them are genuine but way over the top and their life is their illness to get views and some are just plain faking. It’s actually becoming a trend over here and it’s starting to becoming recognised by medical professionals making it extremely hard for those generally ill and often get judged as a result.


Jun 12, 2024
Someone help me understand his rationale…his followers were being scammed so he set up a GFM, asking for money, to protect his followers?!? I’m at a loss for words. Unless of course, he’s panicking because a report has been submitted for fraudulent activity?
That’s exactly what it is he’s just making up excuses and changing his stories when he gets found out!
Jun 17, 2024
Someone help me understand his rationale…his followers were being scammed so he set up a GFM, asking for money, to protect his followers?!? I’m at a loss for words. Unless of course, he’s panicking because a report has been submitted for fraudulent activity?
His followers weren't being scammed that's a lie, maybe a few said can we help, get a gofundme etc he duly did, then people started to question his cancer diagnosis I think that's when he s a brick. And realised he could be done for fraud so he's now trying to distance himself from a gfm he made!


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
Don't these people realise it takes seconds to find them? She's a glorified ambulance chaser not a nurse, she's took a first aid course and calls herself a first responder..Easy to find on fb, talking se about being a medical professional
how embarrassing 😭 i’m training to be a fing nurse and the amount of s our boy spouts is ridiculous