James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Also, further to his GFM and the need for it for 'travel expenses' for someone that's going through cancer you are entitled to free hospital transport.
Now I'm not sure if this is the same in every council, district, area but it was for me.
I never had the need for it but the option was there if I did so unless the NHS now provide transport to Tenerife again bollocks 'Mr Liar Lair Pants on Fire!!
Also, God, I'm on one now 🤣 if he got dragged out of a canal on Wednesday after his 'attempt' how when he did his live earlier in the week was he not wearing a hospital gown? He had green shorts and tshirt on? Are the NHS doing his laundry too cos surely his 'attempt' clothes would have been ruined and if he's doing this on his own who is taking fresh clothes in for him or perhaps he takes his hospital bag around with him 'just in case' 😡
Jun 18, 2024
That’s why I also became suspicious- he literally put everything out there, attempt to take his life was straight on tik tok, life changing surgery was straight on tik tok and it didn’t make sense there were no days to process what had happened which most people do. You can’t say it’s for awareness as it was so fresh and not go into details that’s why to me it rang weird and looked more like attention posts than awareness ones. Life changing moments make you think you don’t run straight online to post - I don’t know if that’s just me though thinking that.
Plus whoever said about the medication is right, chemo haunts you and you will always remember the make / name of any medication and nothing was mentioned - if you were documenting a journey like cancer for awareness then surely you would talk about that!
Makes me sad when I see genuine heartbreak on tik tok for families who are battling this, children especially and those who are raising awareness for mental health and I can’t get my head around who would lie like he has about this …. It’s like you don’t want to not believe someone going through that is not telling the truth


Jun 6, 2024
north West
***Not a sympathy post***
I like many people was sucked in by this guy when I first saw his post a few months ago.
I myself am currently going through cancer and have been for the last 3 and a half years, I've underwent having a total hysterectomy, debulking surgery, 60 hours of chemotherapy and was clear for 3 years. In February of this year I was told it had returned and I was now in palliative treatment/care and am now back in chemotherapy to try to keep the cancer stable.
When you go through something like this, we'll for me anyway, you almost become a 'medical professional' yourself, you know every date, every treatment name, every regime and you certainly don't risk going on holiday 3 days after surgery. You do everything in your power to stay as healthy as possible. Not risk your treatment options by swimming in a foreign pool. You just wouldn't do it!!
I'm a really positive person about my 'story' and if anyone asks how I am, I'm always 'fine'.
This joker is making an absolute mockery of cancer fighters/survivors.
For him not to talk about his chemo regime speaks volumes. When I speak to anyone in my position we all know the name of our chemotherapy drug/drugs and we all know when our next visit is and we all know our options going forward and we're all more than happy to talk about it and for this idiot to not even broach the subject of chemo did it for me.
I hope to god that we expose him for what he is!!!
Love you all ❤️
Sending lots of love to you. This is why he angers me so much, people like you going through hell and still positive, yet he is lying about a horrible disease to gain sympathy and money, making a mockery of genuine sufferers 💕


Jun 14, 2024
He thinks he’s amazing because of all the followers he has on tiktok, the way he spoke to people in lives saying oh you’ve only got 100 followers just solidified what I thought about him!

Those followers would have been paid for same as Elphaba, people think they are important when they see the high followers. With over half a million followers i’d expect at least 20k viewers in a live not 400-500


Jun 14, 2024
He would have been believable if he had stopped after the first apparent cancer surgery.
I noticed he never mentioned having appointments with an oncologist or the cancer nurses, there was no mention of scans or the anxious wait for results, it was only dramatic admissions. Even when he was sat in a hospital bed saying his cancer had spread he never showed an ounce of concern.

When I was told of my cancer I completely crumbled, I don’t know anyone who’s been told they have cancer and spread who don’t. He was so matter of fact.


Jun 14, 2024
My primary 3 years ago was ovarian with spread to my colon, bowel, spleen and diaphragm and omentum which was successfully operated on albeit an horrendous surgery with a huge recovery time and a tough chemo regime.
My current mets are in a lymph glad in my stomach and also in my liver lining.
My Oncologist has not once talked about further surgery before exploring chemo options and definitely not within 24hrs of diagnosis. I had scan after scan after scan, multiple MDT discussions and there's no way his little scratch was from lung surgery.
I had a 'procedure' 4 weeks ago which resulted in 25 staples which was no way near a 'lung operation'.
They don't do about with multiple surgery's/procedures with fear of causing further spread.
This guy is talking out of his arse!!!

Yes the surgeries are devastating, I was cut from ribs to pubic bone and had 60 staples as my rectal cancer had spread to the right side of my pelvis. I had tubes everywhere and was tied to a IV stand for 2 weeks with 4 drains coming out of me and walking to the end of my bed was like a marathon. Surgery and recovery is brutal and i’d have been risking major infection jumping in a bloody pool. Not to mention the huge mental impact this has, i’d not be sat in a bed chucking out tik toks when just told I had stage 4. He has zero emotions.


Jun 14, 2024
***Not a sympathy post***
I like many people was sucked in by this guy when I first saw his post a few months ago.
I myself am currently going through cancer and have been for the last 3 and a half years, I've underwent having a total hysterectomy, debulking surgery, 60 hours of chemotherapy and was clear for 3 years. In February of this year I was told it had returned and I was now in palliative treatment/care and am now back in chemotherapy to try to keep the cancer stable.
When you go through something like this, we'll for me anyway, you almost become a 'medical professional' yourself, you know every date, every treatment name, every regime and you certainly don't risk going on holiday 3 days after surgery. You do everything in your power to stay as healthy as possible. Not risk your treatment options by swimming in a foreign pool. You just wouldn't do it!!
I'm a really positive person about my 'story' and if anyone asks how I am, I'm always 'fine'.
This joker is making an absolute mockery of cancer fighters/survivors.
For him not to talk about his chemo regime speaks volumes. When I speak to anyone in my position we all know the name of our chemotherapy drug/drugs and we all know when our next visit is and we all know our options going forward and we're all more than happy to talk about it and for this idiot to not even broach the subject of chemo did it for me.
I hope to god that we expose him for what he is!!!
Love you all ❤️

Long may your cancer stay stable ❤️

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Sorry guys...my angry floodgates have been opened now...
Also and I know it's not the same through each hospital trust but having been in for multiple surgeries and procedures, I've always had to confirm that someone will be on hand for 24 hours after leaving hospital incase anything happens, now I know you can just say yes and it's never checked but I've always had to have someone collect me from whatever ward I've been on before they will let me go?
Again, I know every place is different but surely after having 'major' lung surgery he would even so far as been told not to even carry your hospital bag to the car...if he's got 'no-one' who's collecting him, helping him?...surely respite would have been mentioned due to the severity of his surgery as they simply don't have the ward beds to keep someone in, especially someone of his age?
So many things just don't add up and unless you're aware of the protocols, procedures etc (I wasn't before my diagnosis) it's very hard to lie and keep up the pretence and unfortunately he's not doing a very good job of it 😡


Jun 20, 2024
west sussex
This guy came up on my fyp a good few months ago.. I never followed him but he was always on my fyp.
I am a stage 4er from breast cancer to lung&bone. I have done 8 different chemos.. 2 of them palliative care chemos as I’m not curable. I have progressed on all of the chemos and now have been given 4 months to live - anyway this isn’t about me at all but just showing I have understanding.
I questioned how he went abroad after lung surgery let alone with lung mets - my oncologist will not let my fly due to breathing being bad from lung tumours.
He would have had a chemo time line - 2 weeks on 1 week off for example. He would have had oncology appointments during his week off chemo. He would NOT of got the result of the lung mets the same day as they would send the tumour off to be tested to check what type of cancer it was - it could of been a new cancer or same as his bowel cancer. Results take weeks! They would of not operated on someone that poorly so many times in such short amount of time between.

He would have oncology letters.
He would have scan appointments letters ( before starting chemo and during)
He would have weekly blood test appointments for his chemo
He would have many scan results.
He would even have GP letters ( him copied in) with all results of bloods/scans/biopsies etc etc.
also he would likely have access to ALL of above via the NHS app - most cancer patients have this access so they know what their bloods are doing ready for chemo and to make sure they can see all letters that are sent/written.

I smelly BS quite early on.. he looked way to healthy for someone going thru everything he said he was… and never any new “scars”

This who thread has been a interesting read and I agree with everything that’s questioned
Jun 8, 2024
Just wanting to say to my fellow cancer sufferers that I'm so sorry you are also going through this and I'm wishing you all the best.

This man has made a complete mockery out of cancer patients and their families aswell as those suffering mental health severe enough to want to take their own lives.
He's an absolute arse wipe.
Absolutely!! You’re all so brave, and true warriors! I suffer with my mental health. My mum passed from cancer 13 years ago. So I get it. Loads of love to you all, and the support you’ve given me has been amazing xxx


Jun 14, 2024
I do wonder if we're playing into his narrative though...we all know he reads this thread...Hi James 👋
I just wonder if when he comes back to tiktok (24hrs) if the stuff we've put on here is something he will use to make him sound more believable to his little fan girlie's?
Love you all ❤️

Yes I 100% believe he will use experiences and terminology in here and repost as his own.
Jun 17, 2024
Yes I 100% believe he will use experiences and terminology in here and repost as his own.
I honestly don't think he's intelligent enough to understand what he'd be reading, well we now know that after he fed up saying it was now in his lung. I think he's noooo idea he's given himself a terminal cancer. What's next a miracle recovery? Cured by alternative therapy? He's dangerous absolutely dangerous.
And to you brave souls here who have told your story I'm grateful for your input it's been interesting to differentiate the s from the truth
