James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 8, 2024
His just ragging because his not winning his got a cheek to call anyone names. You are beautiful and thank the lord you done that video 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 his a fat baldy lonely old man and see after what ive seen his done to people he should go take himself into a mental unit he needs serious help!!

Would say what you've heard is true. His dramatics have been on for 10 years
I did wonder if he was causing harm to himself causing the admissions I even thought was it possible that he would take high doses of anti inflammatorys to cause stomach ulcers/bleeds as you can’t take them if you have crohns. It make sense.
razor blades. Swallowing them. He’s known for it.


Jun 14, 2024
No mention of cancer . Just his mental health . Just for all those currently blocked.

All he’s now admitted to us is that he’s been addressed by the hospital regards our complaints - his posts

And also by the police …. They would have no powers to stop him posting whilst he’s released under investigation .

And James aka whatever the do his name is . she’s a pink haired legend, another spello we can assume .

Also explains why he has stripped his instagram .

I’m guessing he now doesn’t know who to trust .

Ps using that lad who’s gone missing as an example ? Really James ? Is this going to be your next stolen plot twist ? I wouldn’t bother as literally no one cares .


US aka the truth knowers

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So basically he’s dismissing all the cancer stuff and thinks this is all about his mental health. From the other messages I just read he is clearly completely broken and beyond help and even the psych ward don’t want him. I’m sure he causes trouble in hospital and it’s just too much to deal with. He then posts and wonders why everyone dumps him. Even the suicide attempts are fake, he just wants attention any way he can get it and then ss all over anybody that cares.


Mar 11, 2024
Someone explain to me how his using that poor boys name who missing in his videos and still not ANSWERING the cancer questions? I honestly cannot get over he thinks people care about clout or money 🤣 ive got 190 followers private account u blocked me so unblock me and have a chat then?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
This is why I don’t interact with anything on TikTok. I don’t want to be blocked 😆
Me either...I just watch with steam coming out my ears.
I see all the questions asked about chemo/cancer etc for him to ignore every single one then his minions delete the comment after its been asked a few times.
He may have 500k followers but how many are just there to watch the s show unfold?
I hope to God that karma comes knocking soon


Mar 11, 2024
He needs sectioning . Your nhs file is all linked so why are the doctors not sectioning him with all these hospital trips and suicide attempts. Honestly it’s mental . If he’d just admit he doesn’t have cancer then yeah people wouldn’t like him but eventually it would all dissolve this way we aren’t forgetting it .
Apparently - because he wont let them or the family can’t because he wont consent them and because his age. im saying apparently because someone sent me messages saying that.
Jun 18, 2024
Some consolation from all of this… if people have suspicions about him in the future all these comments and posts about him will be easily found from a quick Google search. When I first encountered his name several years ago and became suspicious it took many hours of internet searches, whole evenings taken up piecing together the facts from the lies and cross referencing his claims.
Now people can see everything all together and make a more informed decision before getting too involved with him. He’s gonna spend the rest of his life a very lonely soul if he continues along this path he has chosen for himself. Even some of the worst people can find forgiveness and redemption but first he has to be honest not only to the public but to himself that the way he has behaved is unacceptable. If he actually told the truth he may even find an improvement in his mental health. Keeping up with this constant web of lies that he has spun for himself must surely be mentally draining.