James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Oh James, you know your trolls personally now? Last week they were family members, which one is it. I thought you had evidence with ip addresses? It’s not like you to talk bullshit, surely?
I can assure you though, you don’t know who I am, but sadly I know a VERY lot about you. Also, your family don’t troll you, they want nothing to do with you. Imagine being so thirsty for attention that you will forsake any relationship with your family? Or friends. You prefer to have an imaginary life full of lies. What a sad sap you are.

I thought you were having a break from tiktok, you said that 80,000 times this week. More bullshit, it rolls of your tongue daily, You can’t stay away though can you? Your earnings from it will be diminished soon though, everybody is aware of what a sick, liar you are.

As for calling our lovely friend Baby Reindeer….omg, isn’t it you that’s the stalker? Stalking hospitals, socials, etc. A troll is not somebody that exposes you, but she has onbviously hit a nerve because you are very triggered by her. You are weird. A freak. But the police will tell you what a wrongun you are when they come. They wouldn’t ban you from social media yet either, that happens when you are charged. Not if, when.

You forgot to mention that you documented your cancer story too. And what a story it was. You seem to be struggling to back that up with any proof, so instead think being defensive makes it look real. It is a lie, I know it and you do. I can 100% prove you do not have cancer, stage 2 or 4, bowel, liber, kidney or lung, depending what story you use. Can you prove you have? No, thought not. I am not disputing your mental health, because I know you are seriously fed up to want attention and viewers by making something like this up. What an embarassment of a man you are, you are the laughing stock of Manchester and tiktok.

Why would anyone want to use you for clout? What clout would anyone get from you? Nobody wants to admit even knowing you let alone use your sick head for clout. As for views and followers, you bought yours. I don’t care one bit about that, never have I gone live, never want to, don’t want followers apart from my friends and when you stalked my profile before blocking me, you would see it’s private. I use tiktok for amusement and do me, you didn’t fail on that, you are the biggest joke on the app.

Just one other thing, thank you for falling in to my trap too. Are you really that thick? Do you really think that me or anybody here fell in to any Insta trap? You fell in to mine though and you are still in it. I’m on your friend list on one of them 😂😂😂 try harder you little weasel.


Jun 11, 2024
Some consolation from all of this… if people have suspicions about him in the future all these comments and posts about him will be easily found from a quick Google search. When I first encountered his name several years ago and became suspicious it took many hours of internet searches, whole evenings taken up piecing together the facts from the lies and cross referencing his claims.
Now people can see everything all together and make a more informed decision before getting too involved with him. He’s gonna spend the rest of his life a very lonely soul if he continues along this path he has chosen for himself. Even some of the worst people can find forgiveness and redemption but first he has to be honest not only to the public but to himself that the way he has behaved is unacceptable. If he actually told the truth he may even find an improvement in his mental health. Keeping up with this constant web of lies that he has spun for himself must surely be mentally draining.
That's a great point - I wish this thread existed years ago! Hopefully it'll save a future acquaintance or partner a lot of emotional/financial distress.

Personally I can't see him changing for the better, but I guess it's a possibility with a lot of self reflection.
Jun 13, 2024
He would have been believable if he had stopped after the first apparent cancer surgery.
I noticed he never mentioned having appointments with an oncologist or the cancer nurses, there was no mention of scans or the anxious wait for results, it was only dramatic admissions. Even when he was sat in a hospital bed saying his cancer had spread he never showed an ounce of concern.
This right here is exactly what initially raised suspicions for me. I’ve been in the medical field since Jan 2000, both British Army & NHS. I’ve learnt an awful lot during this time but one thing will always stand out - genuine patients DO NOT beg for/crave attention. Some genuinely raise awareness/raise money for relevant charities during their fight, some take it in their stride despite the internal battles their bodies/minds are going through daily, some even minimise their symptoms/diseases to help others, ease their families worries etc etc. They’re the most courageous people I encounter daily, determined to reach their medical milestones, they fight with hearts of lions even during their darkest moments. They’re the people I’ll forever champion🎗


Jun 14, 2024
This right here is exactly what initially raised suspicions for me. I’ve been in the medical field since Jan 2000, both British Army & NHS. I’ve learnt an awful lot during this time but one thing will always stand out - genuine patients DO NOT beg for/crave attention. Some genuinely raise awareness/raise money for relevant charities during their fight, some take it in their stride despite the internal battles their bodies/minds are going through daily, some even minimise their symptoms/diseases to help others, ease their families worries etc etc. They’re the most courageous people I encounter daily, determined to reach their medical milestones, they fight with hearts of lions even during their darkest moments. They’re the people I’ll forever champion🎗

You are so right, my cancer journey was private and so traumatic and I couldn’t discuss it with friends or family. Outside of my appointments I never spoke of it because I couldn’t. To film yourself right after a stage 4 diagnosis when your world would be crashing down around you is ludicrous. To then expect anyone who knows this journey to believe they would operate within 24 hours it’s beyond crazy. He even kept saying his chemo would be starting again when it’s been 3 months since his one and only session, that window for chemo has long past.