James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jun 21, 2024
Oh you’re not in this afternoon Jimmy Riddle again? Are you in a Travelodge again? Thats another trick of yours isn’t it when you are hiding. Or have you gone abroad to get those major lung tumour removal and life threatening bowel op scars wet in the swimming pool, in between your non existent chemo sessions of course.

When you coming back? Running for a week won’t make it all go away. Fraud is taken very seriously and so is forging and falsifying official documents. Benefit fraud too isn’t too popular either with the authorities. All of who are waiting to chat with you.

Half of your estate are on to you, you should see the messages going around. Seems you are not a nice oerson at all are you? You like to bully people especially females. One even saw you shouting abuse at another as they walked down the road. How very brave of you. You are even legally banned from having any contact with another. Police on speed dial for you but even they are not fans of you are they? 😂😂

How is the dream house purchase going? I heard it fell through. That’s because it never began. Bankrupt but think you can get a mortgage 🤣🤣 but that was just another of your million lies, like your Range Rover! Be realistic, you have nothing, you never will. You don’t even have a moral so fook knows where you think you have just bought your dream house 😂 and let’s be honest we know that the fake photo you put up wasn’t your dream home, your dream home is ICU in Manchester Royal Infirmary, that’s where you would love to spend your life. Dream on Pinocchio.
You’ve been his address 😂 you fing legend 😂😂😂😂

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Damn! I’d of gone tomorrow 😂😂
James, if this is you, I think we need a chat sweetheart...
I tell you what, I've got chemo a week on Tuesday...you know, chemo, chemo for my real terminal cancer so if you fancy coming along you can see what really happens and how horrific the whole ordeal is youre more than welcome..I'll even let you take photos of a real chemo bag, not an out of date omeprazole bag. This one will have the correct date on it, the biohazard symbol on it, and all my relevant 'real' info on it.
We can even get a selfie together if you want and then you can post about how you support others with cancer whilst on you're 'journey'.
Fancy it? Let me know? We all know you won't cos you're a pathetic little weasel who seriously need help but hey...the offers there 😆