James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
I'm amused by how he keeps spouting that we are all 'trolling' him for 'likes' & 'views'...petal, my account is private, I have 53 followers of which most are friends and family, I have 0 videos posted and I couldn't give a stuff for likes and views!!
Sweetheart, we are not all attention seeking narcissistic liars who crave and need attention from strangers. We just know right from wrong and call out bullshit when we see it.
You could have had an amazing, supportive platform documenting your Crohns and mental health 'journey'.
I have friends with Crohn's and it's awful but you chose to take it too far and now look life a fool.
I like to think even after all I've been through I still have a good heart and wouldn't like to see anyone in distress or struggle with their mental health and would help anyone if they needed it but you've dropped a huge bollock here by running with this cancer narrative.
It's blatantly obvious that you don't want to be questioned on any cancer/chemo questions as you've turned all your comments off and I'm 100% sure that if you run the 'live' this evening, any mention of cancer/chemo will be blocked 🚫
I'm a massive believer in Karma and what goes around, comes around and you my friend are going to get your arse handed to you on a plate I fear.
Lies eventually catch up with you and as many have said on here, you have to be extremely clever to be a good liar, and you my friend are not.
Posting recycled videos with 'woe is me' quotes doesn't get you out the s...if you're going to go public with a story, especially cancer, you definitely have to have the information, knowledge and experience of living with it and you sweetheart don't!
You've made your own bed and now you have to lie it and let's not make that a hospital bed as genuine people need those, not fakers or liars!!


Jun 14, 2024
Tik Tok used to be amusing and lighthearted, it’s become a toxic playground for the narcissistic woe is me generation. The amount of people on the app that lie and manipulate to make money and garner attention is insane. Thenameisluna aka Anette actually said the words “cancer is easier than ME”. Her whole account is about her health yet she does absolutely nothing to help herself. She’s just posted that a clothing shop not stocking size 30/32 is discrimination against her, no Annette you are the problem. I’m sick of her coming up on my fyp moaning about everything, and when she undermined the severity of cancer I lost all respect.

Then we have Brittany Miller whose faked cancer and Elphaba whose just offensive to everyone and holding a knife to their throat on live and is still there. WTF is going on.


Jun 4, 2024
I'm amused by how he keeps spouting that we are all 'trolling' him for 'likes' & 'views'...petal, my account is private, I have 53 followers of which most are friends and family, I have 0 videos posted and I couldn't give a stuff for likes and views!!
Sweetheart, we are not all attention seeking narcissistic liars who crave and need attention from strangers. We just know right from wrong and call out bullshit when we see it.
You could have had an amazing, supportive platform documenting your Crohns and mental health 'journey'.
I have friends with Crohn's and it's awful but you chose to take it too far and now look life a fool.
I like to think even after all I've been through I still have a good heart and wouldn't like to see anyone in distress or struggle with their mental health and would help anyone if they needed it but you've dropped a huge bollock here by running with this cancer narrative.
It's blatantly obvious that you don't want to be questioned on any cancer/chemo questions as you've turned all your comments off and I'm 100% sure that if you run the 'live' this evening, any mention of cancer/chemo will be blocked 🚫
I'm a massive believer in Karma and what goes around, comes around and you my friend are going to get your arse handed to you on a plate I fear.
Lies eventually catch up with you and as many have said on here, you have to be extremely clever to be a good liar, and you my friend are not.
Posting recycled videos with 'woe is me' quotes doesn't get you out the s...if you're going to go public with a story, especially cancer, you definitely have to have the information, knowledge and experience of living with it and you sweetheart don't!
You've made your own bed and now you have to lie it and let's not make that a hospital bed as genuine people need those, not fakers or liars!!
Exactly crohns disease is horrible and he could have used his platform to raise awareness and help people but he had to take it to another level and give himself cancer, he really messed up outing he has a stage 4 diagnosis and when questioned he was still acting as if he was stage 2, as well anyone with mets knows where their mets are yet he was getting confused what organ it spread to. He done nout to help people with cancer either, just kept posting BS. I knew he was a fraud when he kept going live and not saying a thing just reading out comments that suited his agenda. Hope it was worth it for a Tiktok payout James 👍
Jun 19, 2024
His version of Jingle Bells

Oh my bullshit smells, my bullshit smells
My bullshit smells today
Oh what fun it is to tell the Internet
That I'm leaving but I'll stay

Flying through the sky....
After being rescued by RNLI..
I'm so grateful for ICU
They didn't let me die

I've dug myself into a hole
For I'm not on chemo but Omeprazole
But if I don't scam everyone
I'll end up on the dole..

Oh, my bullshit smells, my bullshit smells
My bullshit smells today....
Nope I can't breathe 😂😂😂😂😂