James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Trojan Horse

Jun 22, 2024
South Wales
He apologising about the holiday like it’s upset people.. He’s apologising for going in the pool like it’s upset people…
All you are doing there Jamesy boy is apologising to yourself, because you knew you dropped a massive bollock going on holiday, drinking and swimming in a pool, and you knew that was your downfall. Especially after ramming your major surgery posts down people’s throats. You really think people wouldn’t know that you can’t have half of your lung removed then go jetting off a few days later. Absolute mug!
Jun 18, 2024
One thing that really boils my p1ss is him trying to make out he’s a hero advocating understanding for people suffering with cancer and mental health problems.
He then calls the genuine cancer patient he went on holiday with “wig head”. The person I know who was a victim of one of his scams is triggered with suicidal thoughts at the sheer mention of his name.
Way to go James, you’re such a caring advocate 👍


Jun 15, 2024
He thinks he’s releasing powerful statements when in reality 90% of people will scroll right past.
The only person that cares is him. The people that no longer believe him will have been out enjoying the blazing sun we had or watching the football while he’s in bed with no one spouting the same s over and over again. When I got home I scrolled right past his video.

We’ve heard it all for weeks now. It’s old and boring.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Predictions for this week guys...I think if we pre empt our friends antics he then looks very predictable and obvious if he does them and we have the joy of the 'I told you so'...
My predictions are...I think he'll have a reasonably quiet week posting wise. I think he thinks he made his point yesterday with his 'woe is me' videos, I think he'll throw in a live mid week just to keep his fan girlie's feeling sorry for him, I think there will be a few recycled quotes vid's posted maybe even a hospital visit. I mean surely his Oncologist will want to see him about restarting chemotherapy. Even if he has had surgery to remove tumours from his lung/liver wherever he chooses it was (obviously we know he hasnt) but his team will be keen for him to restart his 'mop up' treatment?
Unless the money is drying up then we'll get to see his delightful mug all over tiktok relentlessly because the Rangey and the new house aren't going to pay for themselves 🤣
Oh sorry, how rude of me...Morning Jimbo 👋 don't forget about the offer of coming to my chemo with me. After all, Bigbob said if he was James then he would and as I think you've proved, Bigbob was you so shall I them to bring an extra chair in? Maybe you could get yours at the same time...we could bond over a bag of poison ☣️ all the best 😘


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
i reckon we will defo get a live at some point this week because he will miraculously be admitted to hospital for his 150th bleed this year. he will restart his omeprazole chemo and reuse the cannula over his sock clip which always makes me cringe because i’ve never seen doctors insert a cannula over a compression stocking but that may just be me😭
Jun 22, 2024
Landscape Tumbleweed GIF