James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 14, 2024
She has. That’s awful. I just hope she has done that to be smart, she knows what he said about her so hopefully she takes action on him too.

That’s someone telling the truth as she just walked away from the drama unlike James. She knows she has nothing to prove and is fighting a battle far bigger than the s show he has created and has no time for it.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
His attempt at saying someone was on here pretending to be him.

Oh dear 😂😂

How does he know! He has obviously read every post. And funny he posted here, then vanished, appears on live, ends his live then is back on.

He seriously isn’t even ntelligent enough to cover his lies.
That and him saying Jac left the room when he was out. Last week she left when he was in bed, he woke up and she had gone.

Jacq has proved by her actions she is the honest one, she knows what it is like to battle cancer, she has no time for him.


Jun 15, 2024
Absolutely astounding what he's done to that girl and to mimic her dying little sisters treatment that takes a special kind of sick bastard. He's a fing spare part, and he wonders why he's zero friends! Going through his journey alone, JAMES YOU AINT ON A JOURNEY YOU'RE RIPPING OFF OTHER PEOPLES JOURNEY AND CLASSING IT AS YOUR OWN.
I'm fuming but it just confirms what we've all said, he's treated her appallingly. I'm thankful that this group never ever once went for her as we knew full well even without speaking to her (at that time) she was 110% not to blame.
There's a place in hell waiting for you James you absolute scum bucket.
be able to document his very own jail journey 😂

Trojan Horse

Jun 22, 2024
South Wales
Oh didn’t take long for his video.
His new line is ‘I wasn’t going to make this video but….’ But what? But you decided to bore us all to tears again.
He starts by saying he is getting bored of the bullshit going around…..yes so are we, sick of YOUR bullshit.
How sad are our lives? Clearly not as sad as his desperate for attention by lying that he has cancer. No friends, no family, no life, just days spent making up stories.
And he says he is giving the chance to show evidence he is lying, but won’t unblock or let us comment in his live 😂😂 we can’t show evidence that you have cancer because there isn’t any! We have evidence you haven’t. Nothing to hide you say? But blocks everyone who asks you a question.
Oh, that person you spoke about isn’t remanded in custody either, not what we heard 😂Lies.
As for your ex friend….slipped up there didn’t you? You first told us she left while you were asleep. Now she left while you were out. How did you manage to stay out until 3.30am, were you not worn out not only with cancer but recovering from 3 major surgeries? Ooops, you can’t even lie properly.
It is on her that she left, she clearly didn’t want to spend another second with you, just like every other person that never stays mates with you. You mean the gorgeous cancer survivor who you kindly referred to as ‘wig head’. You knock us sick, keep making your videos tripping yourself up in every one of them.
Absolutely spot on!!! 👏👏


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
He keeps going on about us showing him evidence and showing him proof! How could we possibly prove he has cancer when he can’t even prove it himself. 🤦‍♂️ How could you prove something that doesn’t exist??
How about you prove to us you have cancer that spread from you bowels to you lungs, which resulted in you have half a lung removed.
i’m waiting for him to say something so fing stupid next, we need to place bets on what part of his body will be cancer riddled next

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
He's just so unbelievably rude in his lives!! How people can still gift this man (I use that term lightly) and give him sympathy is beyond me??
You haven't even got to be clever to see that whenever anyone asks about his treatment/cancer/diagnosis that he blocks them and he's not even discreet it..."you're a troll, you're blocked" but them says "I'm not talking about my health on here anymore because I just get trolled for it" but if you're claiming to be sharing your 'journey' to help others then how are you doing that?
It makes me chuckle that his little fan club say "it's because they're jealous"...jealous of what??
Anyway, I hope you all have an wonderful day you gorgeous lot apart from you James, I hope you step on an upturned plug and get splinters down your nails...oh s, no I don't cos that would turn into an unnecessary hospital admission 🚑
Oh and James, I'm still waiting for confirmation if you want to come with me on Tuesday? 😘

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
i’m waiting for him to say something so fing stupid next, we need to place bets on what part of his body will be cancer riddled next

I think the whole cancer debacle will be ignored now.
I think he probably realises he fed up and made himself terminal and is having to back track quickly...the next thing will be his mental health and how the trolls made him do it...deflection deflection deflection!!!