James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 17, 2024
Is there actually proof that he hasn’t got cancer? Obviously anyone with half a brain was able to tell that things didn’t add up and I know he’s been caught out about the RNLI and timelines not matching up but I actually haven’t seen definitive proof that he hasn’t got cancer.

He reckons he has, he obviously won’t go live with anyone who says they have proof he doesn’t and some people still believe him.

Until any “evidence” is shown then it’s just our opinion surely?
Jun 17, 2024
Is there actually proof that he hasn’t got cancer? Obviously anyone with half a brain was able to tell that things didn’t add up and I know he’s been caught out about the RNLI and timelines not matching up but I actually haven’t seen definitive proof that he hasn’t got cancer.

He reckons he has, he obviously won’t go live with anyone who says they have proof he doesn’t and some people still believe him.

Until any “evidence” is shown then it’s just our opinion surely?
Considering he's lied about everything else it's not a stretch to say the cancer is a lie,so many going through the same have questioned him and they get blocked. Or on his live he reads their question out about treatment and he says this chat is going too quick or I'm not talking about my treatment. Excuse after excuse


Jun 17, 2024
Considering he's lied about everything else it's not a stretch to say the cancer is a lie,so many going through the same have questioned him and they get blocked. Or on his live he reads their question out about treatment and he says this chat is going too quick or I'm not talking about my treatment. Excuse after excuse
Absolutely agree - as soon as he came up on my fyp having coming out of a coma every other week I thought he was at the very least exaggerating
Jun 17, 2024
It’s all well and good doing this, I’m happy that he’s being called out on his lies and well done to everybody who has exposed him for past and current scams. I’ve been waiting years for him to be publicly caught out. I just don’t think a TT live will achieve much as we all know what he’s like.
What I want is for him to face the music. There’s been a lot of talk on here of him being investigated, I hope it isn’t just “talk”. Has anybody reported him to the police, NHS, DWP etc or contacted the press yet?
When I contacted the Christie’s (I am a patient there too) I request they did a welfare check (if he was truly a patient there his team would have made contact; except they said can you confirm his name as there is no patient under that name at this trust…says it all doesn’t it)

Before I get attacked by anyone, I never requested any information nor any personal information all I said was “ive been following someone on Tiktok who is undergoing treatment; he’s posted a concerning video please can you make his team aware and for them to do a welfare check!

Following this my Christie told me to go to the police and they would too…and I’ve reported his actions to the police also!
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Jun 18, 2024
Good to know this. I would have contacted the authorities myself but I can’t get too involved as I want to protect the identity of my friend who fell for his lies and scams. Just the mention of Koefed’s name triggers suicidal thoughts in them so my priority is their mental health & wellbeing. I’ve not even told them about this forum and all the comments on here as they want to keep it in the past.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Is there actually proof that he hasn’t got cancer? Obviously anyone with half a brain was able to tell that things didn’t add up and I know he’s been caught out about the RNLI and timelines not matching up but I actually haven’t seen definitive proof that he hasn’t got cancer.

He reckons he has, he obviously won’t go live with anyone who says they have proof he doesn’t and some people still believe him.

Until any “evidence” is shown then it’s just our opinion surely?

I think when you go on a public platform such as tiktok and 'document' your life story, health etc you will always come under some scrutiny.

Whilst I admire people that do it, I could never...hell, I don't even like my photo being taken but if what you are documenting is true and factual then you wouldn't or shouldnt have an issues proving that what you're saying is the truth especially when you say you want to help people (as he has)...you shouldn't have too but in the world how it is, there are so many scams, fraudulent transactions and unscrupulous people out there then nowadays you have to come with the receipts.

I think his defiance to show any proof speaks volumes because he could shut us all down with 1 piece of proof.

I have dozens of oncology letters, consent forms, discharge letters, photos, documents etc that I could show if needed and to shut a whole online forum down that doubted me...would I show proof...in a heartbeat!! I've even offered for him to come to chemo with me on Tuesday!!

I'm loud and proud about my cancer story, I actually bore myself sometimes talking about it but 3 years ago I was told I could potentially have 6 weeks to live but I'm still here fighting my arse off to live and when people like him abuse a cancer diagnosis for his own gain then he deserves to be called out for it!!
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Jun 13, 2024
Did anybody record the Live on Tuesday? I may be mistaken but I’m sure he said nobody had been to his flat, after saying that someone had smashed a cctv camera and posted dog poo through his letterbox. Did I imagine this? To be fair I was watching the footie and may have mis-heard.
I heard the same, how true it is i dont know. What i do know nobody has given out his address on here 😂😂 and he said it was his neighbours and to be fair they all know hes a liar 😂 so if and whoever did it, well done👏