James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 18, 2024
I heard the same, how true it is i dont know. What i do know nobody has given out his address on here 😂😂 and he said it was his neighbours and to be fair they all know hes a liar 😂 so if and whoever did it, well done👏
Nobody on here gave out his address or said he isn’t gay. The accusation of not being gay was on a Reddit post, nothing to do with this group (although there are bigger accusations on here that he conveniently fails to address).


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
Seems someone is desperate to hold
On to followers, another 1k lost yesterday so he’s posted a montage of hospital se. From his crohns admissions no doubt. No mention of cancer surprise surprise. I actually detest this man having lost my mum to lung cancer I would love him to actually get his comeuppance just for my own sense of justice. You have to be some kind of stupid to not just accept you went to far fcuk right off under the rock he crawled out from. Sorry for long post. Feeling deflated today.


Jun 13, 2024
Seems someone is desperate to hold
On to followers, another 1k lost yesterday so he’s posted a montage of hospital se. From his crohns admissions no doubt. No mention of cancer surprise surprise. I actually detest this man having lost my mum to lung cancer I would love him to actually get his comeuppance just for my own sense of justice. You have to be some kind of stupid to not just accept you went to far fcuk right off under the rock he crawled out from. Sorry for long post. Feeling deflated today.
I noticed the loss of followers to. Good for them seeing through his BS


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Yes I saw his desperation attention seeking video yesterday. A photo of a scar years old from a Crohns op. The one of the doors of the operating theatre made me laugh, he must wander round hospitals taking photos of signs. Does he think we believe he was just about to be wheeled in to theatre and had his phone in his hand and they paused so he could record? 😂 everyone knows you go to theatre with nothing, but not Billy, he was allowed to take his phone.
What a sad muppet, walking around taking photos of hospital signs so he can make up a story and lie about things. And he said we should get a life? The manchild is seriously fooked up.


Jun 4, 2024
So glad I've found this! I felt really sorry for him when I first came across him but then had my doubts after noticing he was posting updates but with the same pictures/videos . But the biggest doubt was when he had his lung surgery then went live a couple of days later. He was in hospital but shuffling around on the bed with no problem! I myself am 35 years old and last year diagnosed with secondary breast cancer on my lung and liver. I had to have a lung biopsy and I was so sore and stiff for days..that was just a biopsy, not major surgery! Because mine has spread its stage 4...if only I was as lucky as james and able to have a miracle surgery and be on holiday days later. I'm sure he's messed up and not realised that if it's spread then there is no cure! Also, he had no drains after this surgery?!! As for proof, if I log onto my NHS app there's all of the letters written from the hospital to my GP, stating all procedures, diagnosis, any catch up appointments with my oncology team, treatment appointments etc so why doesnt he access this and prove us all wrong..there must be something on there about his cancer diagnosis!! I'm so angry at this man...he's vile pretending he's going through cancer when people like myself are facing a real terminal diagnosis 😡
Sending lots of love to you! ❤️ he’s mocking people with a real stage 4 diagnosis, anyone living with it knows how serious it is. Yet we have this muppet asking on lives ‘when did I ever say I had stage 4 cancer?’ after telling everyone on TikTok his bowel cancer had spread to his lung. Not very clued in is he?!
Jun 17, 2024
Yes I saw his desperation attention seeking video yesterday. A photo of a scar years old from a Crohns op. The one of the doors of the operating theatre made me laugh, he must wander round hospitals taking photos of signs. Does he think we believe he was just about to be wheeled in to theatre and had his phone in his hand and they paused so he could record? 😂 everyone knows you go to theatre with nothing, but not Billy, he was allowed to take his phone.
What a sad muppet, walking around taking photos of hospital signs so he can make up a story and lie about things. And he said we should get a life? The manchild is seriously fooked up.
Oh there's one somewhere saying just in recovery ward after the operation 🤣🤣🤣🤣 who's he kidding.


Mar 19, 2024
Yes I saw his desperation attention seeking video yesterday. A photo of a scar years old from a Crohns op. The one of the doors of the operating theatre made me laugh, he must wander round hospitals taking photos of signs. Does he think we believe he was just about to be wheeled in to theatre and had his phone in his hand and they paused so he could record? 😂 everyone knows you go to theatre with nothing, but not Billy, he was allowed to take his phone.
What a sad muppet, walking around taking photos of hospital signs so he can make up a story and lie about things. And he said we should get a life? The manchild is seriously fooked up.

Wow, a photo of the doors to an operating theatre! That's 100% proof that he was on his way there to have the secondary cancer removed from his lung (or kidneys, or wherever else he could conjure up) that it had spread to as he couldn't quite make up his mind. Yes, you total dipstick, thickhead, tosspot and wank-stain of a cockwomble, you said that your tumour (if you actually had one in the first place) had spread which makes it Stage 4. Keep on denying that you said it because when all the evidence is put in front of you, you actually DID to those who have medical knowledge.


Jun 4, 2024
He needs to be cancelled and taken off TikTok. He was giving REAL stage 4 patients the idea they can whisk off on holiday days after surgery (I think he convinced Jacq). No sensible person would do this with no insurance, if god forbid they fell ill abroad they would be handed a massive bill. In regards to having a stoma, that was proved to be false, seen him in lives showing scars which are old and healed no sign of a stoma or marks where it would have been. No showing his back to prove the lung surgery he apparently had. The guys an absolute fraud and needs to be stopped! Makes me so angry and upset as I have lost family members to this horrible disease as I’m sure a lot of people on here have experienced. He is disgusting the way he’s behaved.
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Jun 4, 2024
He WILL live with the truth and I hope he feels ashamed of himself. He knows he doesn’t have the same diagnosis as TRUE cancer patients. Not one person on here can prove his current ‘diagnosis’ apart from HIM. A simple post of his cancer would stop any post about him, yet he keeps posting irrelevant stuff but no proof. Con artist. Liar tactics! The moment he does none of us can say a thing, why is he withholding this stuff?!
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Jun 6, 2024
north West
So glad I've found this! I felt really sorry for him when I first came across him but then had my doubts after noticing he was posting updates but with the same pictures/videos . But the biggest doubt was when he had his lung surgery then went live a couple of days later. He was in hospital but shuffling around on the bed with no problem! I myself am 35 years old and last year diagnosed with secondary breast cancer on my lung and liver. I had to have a lung biopsy and I was so sore and stiff for days..that was just a biopsy, not major surgery! Because mine has spread its stage 4...if only I was as lucky as james and able to have a miracle surgery and be on holiday days later. I'm sure he's messed up and not realised that if it's spread then there is no cure! Also, he had no drains after this surgery?!! As for proof, if I log onto my NHS app there's all of the letters written from the hospital to my GP, stating all procedures, diagnosis, any catch up appointments with my oncology team, treatment appointments etc so why doesnt he access this and prove us all wrong..there must be something on there about his cancer diagnosis!! I'm so angry at this man...he's vile pretending he's going through cancer when people like myself are facing a real terminal diagnosis 😡
So sorry that you are going through this and do hope you are feeling as well as possible at the moment. This is what makes me so angry, you along with some other people on this thread are going through the horrendous journey of cancer yet he is lying about it, making a mockery of it and giving false hope to genuine sufferers. He boils my blood.
Feb 6, 2024
I made a police report about obtaining funds under false pretences as did many others here
Alot of us on a very similar thread did the same. The police do nothing but tell you to report it to Action Fraud, who nearly a year later have as far as we know done nothing, we also reported it to GFM. Whom never gave us an update on our report. There was charity fraud, and a fake book fraud. Adding up going by the figures we saw to over £150, 000. We also reported to Instagram. There's too much going on in this world with all the scammers and liars. Authority's cannot keep up. 🫤


Jun 26, 2024
Ah thanks to those that have commented on my post about me actually having stage 4!! I didn't write it for sympathy though, more to express my personal knowledge as my cancer had spread to my lung and liver just as he claims his has!! It amazes me that i had a lung biopsy and my scars are on my side rather than the front...I was short of breath for a couple of days...they have to deflate the lung and have xray after to ensure the lung has inflated again..I had drains...was sore and stiff for days....I could go on!! Yet he had this surgery...went on a live not long after and was not breathless, not sore,no visible drains...nothing!! Once cancer has spread you are always stage 4. You can even get to no evidence of disease on scans but you are still stage 4 because once those cancer cells have spread there is no stopping them!! Argh, sorry for the long post, I just want him outed so badly!!!!
Jun 18, 2024
I have stumbled down a rabbit hole online “cancer fraud” and those previously who have claimed to have had it and what lies they told, letters they faked and prison sentences and fines they have had to pay it actually makes a good read and they say those who use cancer more than likely have commuted fraud in the past in other ways and most are pathological liars which lets me honest you have to be to lie about that and now more judges around the country are coming down hard on those that choose to lie about it. So I hope this utter piece of scum gets what’s coming to him soon!!!
Jun 22, 2024
All these genuine people suffering and being so brave sharing their stories just makes me so frustrated people like him exist.

I do however think there has been some good come from the outing of his lies, he's definitely much quieter than he was, his followers and likes are dropping, just need to keep pushing guys and hopefully he will eventually be shamed off Tiktok for good.

Trojan Horse

Jun 22, 2024
South Wales
Yes I saw his desperation attention seeking video yesterday. A photo of a scar years old from a Crohns op. The one of the doors of the operating theatre made me laugh, he must wander round hospitals taking photos of signs. Does he think we believe he was just about to be wheeled in to theatre and had his phone in his hand and they paused so he could record? 😂 everyone knows you go to theatre with nothing, but not Billy, he was allowed to take his phone.
What a sad muppet, walking around taking photos of hospital signs so he can make up a story and lie about things. And he said we should get a life? The manchild is seriously fooked up.
Yeh the plaster on his chest must have been where they removed half of his lung 🤭


Jun 4, 2024
Ah thanks to those that have commented on my post about me actually having stage 4!! I didn't write it for sympathy though, more to express my personal knowledge as my cancer had spread to my lung and liver just as he claims his has!! It amazes me that i had a lung biopsy and my scars are on my side rather than the front...I was short of breath for a couple of days...they have to deflate the lung and have xray after to ensure the lung has inflated again..I had drains...was sore and stiff for days....I could go on!! Yet he had this surgery...went on a live not long after and was not breathless, not sore,no visible drains...nothing!! Once cancer has spread you are always stage 4. You can even get to no evidence of disease on scans but you are still stage 4 because once those cancer cells have spread there is no stopping them!! Argh, sorry for the long post, I just want him outed so badly!!!!
I know you didn’t post anything for sympathy and don’t feel like you did. Your opinions are more than valid!!!!