James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 4, 2024
He took the crohns diagnosis and ran with it. Come clean James if you have a decent bone left in your body!! You said you’re spreading awareness, not seen anything of the sort, in fact when any cancer questions come up you’re reluctant to answer 🤔
Jun 22, 2024
Oh absolutely not, he will just continue to dodge and block any reference to cancer and chemo because he knows as soon as he says anything his game is up. He simply doesn't have the knowledge or experience to back up anything he says in relation to it because it's all lies.
A live detailing and documenting his diagnosis is NEVER happening. Nah this guy STILL on his lives dodges questions ‘when did I ever say I was stage 4’ YOU did, we just kept up with your BS


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
God this thing riles me so much. Have had messages in my inbox saying how I deserve my mental health to be bad because of that scum. It’s bad at the moment so I’m not posting as much here or on there.. oh and James.. you’re a wanker.
Look after yourself and just keep blocking the idiots messaging you. James is lower than a snakes belly and is not worth your mental health suffering. Keep your chin up xx
Jun 17, 2024
God this thing riles me so much. Have had messages in my inbox saying how I deserve my mental health to be bad because of that scum. It’s bad at the moment so I’m not posting as much here or on there.. oh and James.. you’re a wanker.
Take care of yourself Doll, he's just a waster and an oxygen stealing cretin. No friends, buys followers but accuses you of clout chasing. Maybe James she got followers because she was interesting, let's face it she didn't have to buy them like you lol
She could read from a phone book and record it and I'd still find her personality likeable enough to watch.
Jun 8, 2024
Take care of yourself Doll, he's just a waster and an oxygen stealing cretin. No friends, buys followers but accuses you of clout chasing. Maybe James she got followers because she was interesting, let's face it she didn't have to buy them like you lol
She could read from a phone book and record it and I'd still find her personality likeable enough to watch.
Haha that made me smile that did x


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
I haven’t said much on this thread BUT …. I watched my brother and my dad pass away in agony and looking like a skeleton when their cancer spread. it’s a horrible horrible thing to witness 😕. How this idiot keeps getting away with it is beyond me. I can’t even listen to his boring voice droning on and on about everything except the real issue. He claims to be an advocate for people suffering from the disease - my arse is he ffs !!! Plus, I’d like to get that effing hand that he’s always scratching his head with and shove it where the sun don’t shine !!
He’s a liar, thief and a scum bag. I can’t wait for it all to come crashing down around his ears !!
He probably sits on his phone in his bedsit pleasuring himself as he obviously gets off on deceiving everybody and no man in his right mind would want to be with him !! He’s a fat , bald ugly con man !!!