James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 12, 2024
The best bit is your that obsessed with this forum and your so called “trolls” keeps pointing people to the come and read all about it to find out how much a narcasstic bullying horrible scammer you really are. I hope ur put away for a very long time, the police are probably already filming your episode of 24 hours in police custody! Won’t take long tho there’s that much evidence!


Mar 8, 2024
because he keeps crying about us posting his videos on tiktok, we shall continue. also i can see your fingers dying to itch that head of yours.

He creeps me the do out.

Funny how there has been no more cancer medical emergencies since he's been called out for the lying scum bag that he is.

He's still desperately clinging on to the gullible that still believe his bullshit but it's all falling apart around him.
Boo fing hoo.

I love that for you James you freaky fantasist.


Jun 15, 2024
He doesn’t even enter my thoughts until I’m having five minutes on my phone and I see what you all have to say.
I won’t be watching his videos either - I scroll right past them but I’ll be clicking not interested from now because I don’t care what he has to say. I’ve already lost interest since he’s just repeating himself over and over.


Jun 14, 2024
He creeps me the do out.

Funny how there has been no more cancer medical emergencies since he's been called out for the lying scum bag that he is.

He's still desperately clinging on to the gullible that still believe his bullshit but it's all falling apart around him.
Boo fing hoo.

I love that for you James you freaky fantasist.

Yeah i’ve noticed all the medical emergencies and admissions have stopped. The serious self harm injuries seem to have disappeared too. The guy loves himself too much to harm himself. He can’t stay off social media either, normally when he takes a break it’s to be put into an induced holiday coma so he must not have anything booked. The so called trolls and bullying are his only source of content at the moment so he’s gonna run with that and milk it to the bitter end.


Jun 17, 2024
He creeps me the do out.

Funny how there has been no more cancer medical emergencies since he's been called out for the lying scum bag that he is.

He's still desperately clinging on to the gullible that still believe his bullshit but it's all falling apart around him.
Boo fing hoo.

I love that for you James you freaky fantasist.
Yes I thought that no mention of his chemo what a t cant look at him lol🤣


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
That latest video screams defeat to me. Not the quote one. The talking one. He’s finally beaten and it shows. James - you did all this to yourself not the people on this forum. You can’t expect people to leave you alone with the despicable lies you have told. You’re a proper wrong un who’s twisted and sad. Nobody is stalking you people just want to see you face the consequences of your actions. Imagine how people suffering from cancer feel knowing you lied and they believed you. What about their mental health? Do the right thing and move on with your life and stop using TT for attention.
Jun 17, 2024
Taking pictures, visiting his address? James nobody gives a s to do that to you? Who are you? Oh yes like you said on your latest tiktok YOU'RE A NOBODY. Just some little attention seeking t whose got addicted to tt and lied about having cancer for views (as well as buying views and followers as we can see on social blade, ya can't hide that can you)
Get back to quoting uninspiring se on your uninspiring account, there's a good boy.
Jun 22, 2024
Finally a truth, you're absolutely correct you are a "NOBODY"
Looking a tad deflated Jimbob in your latest borefest, things getting to you are they?
Not nice is it, spare a thought for all the upset and pain you have caused genuine people with your lies.

I mean you could just put an end to your misery and f*ck off but I'm pretty sure you won't so I, like many others will just sit back and watch it all go to s around you because actually it's rather amusing 😘


Jun 15, 2024
His video 💤💤💤💤

Stalking did he say? Isn’t it him reading everything on here and joining with fake names? I think its him that is stalking.
On his live he said nobody had been to his house, now they have. He can’t keep up with yet another lie.
And in answer to your other question James, yes we can imagine contacting the police over someone we don’t know, because we have. And dwp, and hmrc, and gfm, and SS.

So you asked us to ‘imagine’ things, well how about you play along too:
Imagine lying about having cancer, then saying that cancer had spread, lying you had a lung tumour removed, pretending you are in a coma, pretending you are in ICU and a friend posts to make your coma look real? Do YOU know how weird that looks?
Imagine screen recording to be able to show evidence to the authorities? Yes we have.
Imagine inboxing somebody telling them you hope they die of the disease? Yes you did that.
Imagine calling a cancer survivor ‘wig head’. Yes you did that.
Imagine committing fraud by collecting money under false pretences. Yes you did that.
Imagine conning people out of rent money by lying. Yes you did that.
Imagine taking a video off RNLI of somebody in huge distress, posting it multiple times saying it was you being rescued (yes there is recordings), and lying. Oh and then denying saying it. Yes you did that.
Imagine lying you were going to Christie’s cancer hospital. All in front of cancer sufferers eyes. Yes you did that.
So yes, sure the police will welcome you going to them when they are armed with all this anyway.

P.S. I’ll give my head a wobble again (because you are that original you keep using your hilarious (not) sayings, if you promise to give your verbal diarrhoea a rest. YOU ARE BORING.

Well done on your 70 likes though from followers you bought 😂
from what ive seen hes losing about 1000 a day at this rate hes gonna have none soon 😂


Jun 9, 2024
He creeps me the do out.

Funny how there has been no more cancer medical emergencies since he's been called out for the lying scum bag that he is.

He's still desperately clinging on to the gullible that still believe his bullshit but it's all falling apart around him.
Boo fing hoo.

I love that for you James you freaky fantasist.
I was under the impression that chemo was due to start now….well that’s what James was leading people to believe when he WAS FRAUDULENTLY ASKING FOR MONEY FOR HIS GFM. Dirty, lying snake.


Jun 15, 2024
Did anybody record the Live on Tuesday? I may be mistaken but I’m sure he said nobody had been to his flat, after saying that someone had smashed a cctv camera and posted dog poo through his letterbox. Did I imagine this? To be fair I was watching the footie and may have mis-heard.
I cant watch his tt anymore as he has blocked me 🤪🤣

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
All his 'woe is me' posts and 'people are picking on me' videos, surely all that is doing is highlighting the fact that there ARE online forums, discussion pages and posts made about him?? All i can see is that he's driving people that may be sceptical or have doubts about him to these pages...

When I first came across him, I was sucked in, I thought that this guy was having a s tonne of bad luck and started following him as I was going through the same but like soooo many other people have mentioned something didn't sit right, things didn't add up...extensive surgery, started chemo then stopped, multiple complications, a sodding holiday and attempts at life all within a few weeks...really??? But I didn't want to think bad of someone going through cancer.

Then there were all the 'trolling' accusations from him so I thought I'd have a look at what was being said...now I can't be the only person to do that but it then transpires that I wasnt the only one to think things were 'off' with this guy and found all you gorgeous people 😍

So all I can see is he's actually driving people to these forums and discussions about him where people can see what he is really like with evidence of his lies??

We all know he's not the sharpest tool in the box and the ring light might be on but there's definitely no one home but he's just being the Master of his own downfall by sending people our way on these pages whilst thinking he's clever by trying to call us out!!

Well done Jimbo, keep sending them over, they're all welcome here 😘


Jun 8, 2024
This what he's clearly not clever enough to realise, the world of social media has made people alot more nosy. If you choose to post on it then unless it's restricted it's there for the world to see. Posting it publicly then restricting it at a later date is too late because the digital footprint is already there.

As for mentioning online forums on his continuous woe is me posts, if any creator posted a video saying there a thread on a forum about them then you bet I'm gonna go and have a neb at it and I'm sure most other people are the same. If you don't want to draw attention to the stuff that is being said on the forums don't mention them on your profile.

The ego on him is unreal