James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
The neighbour rose has been asked to check the forum to see if we've noticed he's live.
Oh and apparently he doesn't have a picc line anymore as he got too many infections with it.
Hi Rose, boy are you gonna feel fing stupid soon. He's fooled you hook line and sinker rofl
Ooooo that's angered me so much, him claiming that he doesn't have a picc line anymore due to getting to many infections from it.
Not once has he "claimed to have an infection from his line" he would have definitely posted about needing to be admitted from it which then caused sepsis as a result (I know he claimed to have "caught sepsis" following his first lot of chemo but he didn't have any lines then as he would have said) anyway having an infection from a central line is really dangerous and extremely frightening trust me I nearly died from my Hickman line infection a couple of years back so him claiming to of had many line infections has really hit a nerve.

James I know you are reading this a line infection is not something to lie about along with all these other things you lie about, you honestly make me sick.