James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 4, 2024
One fact we do know is he has Chrons. As a sufferer he surely knows how cruel it is to try to shame/embarrass somebody who has had a loss of control over their bowel. Small point but it just sums him up, no real empathy towards anybody despite making himself out to be a hero for all these causes.
I also thought that was very cruel to post that up about her. Then he was saying ‘she left me on my own on the strip’. Any decent friend would go back and check their friend is OK!!!


Jun 14, 2024
One fact we do know is he has Chrons. As a sufferer he surely knows how cruel it is to try to shame/embarrass somebody who has had a loss of control over their bowel. Small point but it just sums him up, no real empathy towards anybody despite making himself out to be a hero for all these causes.

The one thing he would know if he actually had bowel cancer is that the cancer and its treatments play havoc with the bowels and going to the toilet multiple times and struggling with control is very normal.
Jun 18, 2024
Sarah_WTFisLife. Her husband us terminal and has been blocked by James for asking him about his chemo treatments. There's been a live about James and she's put a post on questioning whether he's lying.
I’ve just had a look at her posts, she comes across as a nice person. Smart and empathetic but no pushover. As she says, anybody asking for money has a responsibility to prove that the reason they are asking is genuine and to prove where the money is being spent. Reading the comments it looks like more and more people are discovering who Kofoed really is.

If you’re reading this Sarah, big hugs to you and your family. As someone who lost his father at a young age to bowel cancer I understand how tough things must be for you all. You have the support of everyone on here x
Jun 18, 2024
This is what makes me sad, I saw her comments and she seems genuine and nice and young going through this herself and Is fiercely sticking up for him and I would hate to think of anyone being taken advantage of to fight his battles, like he is praying on people in these situations to fight his battle as they don’t want to see the bad in anyone and it boils my blood.

Jessie B reckons she’s seen him having treatment in hospital. At the same hospital she has her chemo


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I’ve cmmented some facts on Sarah’s pist. He won’t see them because he has me blocked nder that profile too 😂 oh he will because he has loads of fakes!
Sarah is lovely and so is her husband who is going through it, such genuine people. It must be heartbreaking for them and all the people on this post going through cancer or having lost loved ones to it to watch him lying about it. He repulses me.

And see the lie about Jacq trying to shame her! Even if it was true he turned the pity to him…she left him on his own. What was she supposed to do if she was in that situation? And why did he not go back with her to make sure she was ok? No sympathy for her, just all about him as usual. It’s a lie though, and remember he first said she left when he was sleeping? Now he changed the story again.

We saw him live that night, in a bar, he forgets. He was far from upset, he was showing off to a load of girls about his tiktok. Jacq wasn’t with him, so when was this old couple looking after him?

And it went wrong from on the plane? They did a live together at the pool and she was nothing but nice, there certainly wasn’t even a hint of him being away with somebody he was uncomfortable with.

He is trying to turn it on her and is angry because she has proof that he has no stoma, no recent surgery scars and was in good health.