James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 18, 2024
I’m not either…. Only cos it was WhatsApp

The beginning of that was stole from when Phillip Schofield come out as gay 😂😂🙈 thought id heard those first few sentences before.....

Anybody else not in this secret group? Feeling left out here guys. I also only use TT for scrolling so have about 40 followers n no posts, so dont wanna be seen as a secret assassin but been here for a long time if you look back through this thread.... just wanna check im not the only one not in this group and out the loop!!
Also how are people so sure Lozza can be trusted and not just getting info to show James?


Jun 16, 2024
Because im not in the group.
How come you appear just after posting another dull post on TikTok ? 🤔

So predictable ..

Have you not worked out how clever we are yet ?🤔

Come on get smashed off your tits on drink and drugs and show your true colours 🤔❤️

Surely there are a few left to show the real you to ? 🤔

PS we don’t care where you are as long as its not on TikTok scamming folk 😘

For us you can take a long walk off a short pier … for the 3rd time (apparently) 😘
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Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
The beginning of that was stole from when Phillip Schofield come out as gay 😂😂🙈 thought id heard those first few sentences before.....

Anybody else not in this secret group? Feeling left out here guys. I also only use TT for scrolling so have about 40 followers n no posts, so dont wanna be seen as a secret assassin but been here for a long time if you look back through this thread.... just wanna check im not the only one not in this group and out the loop!!
Also how are people so sure Lozza can be trusted and not just getting info to show James?
I’m not in the group either. Was too worried about any weirdos getting in! (Sorry to those who are in it!) I have FOMO but I’ll live 🤣


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
They have to be super careful who’s in it and who’s not, which I totally understand. So although I’m missing the ‘gossip’ I know they need a safe space that he can’t infiltrate 👍🏻
thank you for saying this🫶 that’s the reason exactly- we don’t wanna accidentally let in james or one of his cronies by accident and risk everything, it’s nothing personal x
Jun 12, 2024
north west
don’t worry you aren’t missing too much in the group… it will all come out eventually guys don’t you worry your itchy little heads about it xx
Oh good. Least not missing much. Felt like we've rode this rollercoaster all the way together and half of us been thrown off before the big drop 😂😂 i feel a little too uneasy joinin a group with personal details especially if some of this friends on there (one who was still friends with him last night?) So would rather stay here. Thanks 😊
Jun 17, 2024
How come you appear just after posting another dull post on TikTok ? 🤔

So predictable ..

Come on get smashed off your tits on drink and drugs and show your true colours 🤔❤️

Surely there are a few left to show the real you to ? 🤔
Oh he always does doesn't he, his last fake profile he created was straight after he'd posted a video then he came back here after a live and said it wasn't him, remember? Lol absolute idiot


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
Oh good. Least not missing much. Felt like we've rode this rollercoaster all the way together and half of us been thrown off before the big drop 😂😂 i feel a little too uneasy joinin a group with personal details especially if some of this friends on there (one who was still friends with him last night?) So would rather stay here. Thanks 😊
nah you’re fine! anything we find out we will let you know, like the fake child, we just wanna do it in a safe way that protects us all :)