James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 21, 2024
Knew it šŸ˜… back yesterday, after the night before, saying it's took a toll on his MH! Very convenient that your not posting about your "cancer" journey after sitting out your face and pissed up on TT live whilst receiving chemo?! Your a lying baw heid prick šŸ¤¬ how your still keeping this going I'll never know! You thrive off attention, if you really were receiving chemo you would be chomping at the bit to prove it and thrive of the attention that would bring. But you can't, so you & 3 fing dumb musketeers thrive of lies as there is no way they 3 ain't in on it!


Jun 11, 2024
I donā€™t even give the little bellend 24hrs before he goes on about being trolled again.
Didnā€™t even last a few hours let alone 24 šŸ¤£. The last post where he has said he hasnā€™t lied about anything has really got my back up. He has been proven to have lied about the video from RNLI. Saying he doesnā€™t have to prove anything to anyone about his cancer is the biggest red flag for me. Showing proof would be the first thing youā€™d do if you had cancer and youā€™d had ā€œtens of thousandsā€ of messages accusing you of lying.
Jun 17, 2024


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Jun 18, 2024
when is he gonna get it ā€¦ that there is loads of evidence he just ignores it and blocks anyone that questions him. He also trolls others for calling him out on his bullshit, if you didnā€™t lie about something so horrific no one would be able to say anything! I would pay to go head to head with him and give him some home truths


Jul 4, 2024
I've been lurking apart from the odd comment on tik tok. Tonight's video has really angered me. Accusing everyone of bullying and playing mental health and everyone should think how it makes people feel. Shame he didn't show the same courtesy when he was drunk or in Ireland when he said he'd push someone of the pier. He's a big man posting videos without giving people the option to reply.


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
Iā€™m no body language expert but I do know that when someoneā€™s eyes twitch then they are talking to you they are lying. Look back at the precise moment he says ā€˜I havenā€™t lied about having cancerā€™ I rest my case. Heā€™s desperate for all this to go away but is too thick to realise that the more heā€™s protesting his innocence the more people want to see him get his comeuppance. And I think itā€™s only been 3 weeks not a month. Clutching at straws in the hope heā€™s not being investigated. Heā€™s sick in the head.


Jun 14, 2024
Saying we fell for his trap, we all thought he was in Ireland for days? No we didn't we all knew you were on a dumb arse whistle stop visit. Being there for days never even came up here lol
Is it just me but he is WAAAYYYYY fatter in his lives than he is on videos. The filters must be freaking strong cos he's got a massive fat head on himself live.
Filter filter filter, heā€™s got the ring light and laying in bed as his choice of pose with a thin face filter on.


Jun 14, 2024
Iā€™m no body language expert but I do know that when someoneā€™s eyes twitch then they are talking to you they are lying. Look back at the precise moment he says ā€˜I havenā€™t lied about having cancerā€™ I rest my case. Heā€™s desperate for all this to go away but is too thick to realise that the more heā€™s protesting his innocence the more people want to see him get his comeuppance. And I think itā€™s only been 3 weeks not a month. Clutching at straws in the hope heā€™s not being investigated. Heā€™s sick in the head.

Tens of thousands of private messages I highly doubt, we stick to the group so heā€™s clearly pissed off a lot of people


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Oh Billy Big Bollox šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I am NOT gonna tolerate it, its bin a munf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Sending death threats? When you threatened to unalive someone on your drunken live?

Called the airport? Omg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Is this what Lozza was on about when she said she is going to set him up and not tell him? She is ace šŸ˜‚

Went to a different one? You didnā€™t sweetie, we saw your flight land. But its a good job we have someone who works at the airport and can enquire about that lie.

And you say show the proof? We havenā€™t got any? šŸ˜‚ this is getting boring now but unblock me, I will bring all the receipts. Dare you!

And are you sure the police will take less than a ā€˜munfā€™? Do you know how many people from your past are adding statements to the case? Even Beth now too. If you want the incident number I told you I will gladly give it you so you can check.

Videos are pointless though, make a million, no one is arsed, I can promise you 90% of your followers have been messaging me and others to say that not one person believes you, so carry on making a tit of yourself trying to play poor me. Everyone is laughing at you.

You havenā€™t lied once? No youā€™ve lied a million times.

As for your message to Sarah, I have no words, you are disgusting but my god that will backfire massively, youā€™ll see.

Letā€™s go Billy, Iā€™m ready.

P.S. Thought you wasnā€™t ever addressing the trolls again šŸ˜‚ oops canā€™t even stay true on your videos from one day to another.
P.P.S. We are going nowhere either
P.P.S. We are NOT going to tolerate it either
P.P.P.S. You are still a cringey knobhead
Jun 17, 2024
I mean we know he's a billy bullshitter and we also knew he buys likes and followers. I've never been arsed to compare any other account before. But I'm laughing my head off at this partly because the math ain't mathin..
So CLA has LESS followers, 15 MILLION LESS LIKES lol (she has 5 mil fathead has 20 mil) but CLA gets waaaaaayyyyy more views than him your talking average 40k at worst per video and he averages 8k or less. So I go into his followers they are rows and rows of bot accounts. He's a nobody there is absolutely no way he's got over 500k off a sty quote page of just 170 + videos.

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