James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 8, 2024
As you read here James here's a few things I want to correct you on that you said in the above video.

As you are the one that made constant public Tiktoks for attention, receiving gifts and then setting up a gofundme for monetary gain then YES YOU DO NEED TO PROVE WHAT YOU WERE SAYING IS TRUE.
I actually am covered in scars from genuine surgeries related to my cancer and I could prove everything in the blink of an eye. You can't because you are a disgusting liar.

The only delusional people are the ones who are too stupid to see through your disgusting lies. You're exaggerations are your downfall and how anyone is still too stupid to see through you at this point deserves to be taken for a ride by you (except for some vulnerable people who I really feel sorry for).

As for calling people boring🤣 You are the biggest fing bore fest going.
Seriously give it up now because we are also not going anywhere until you stop lying about serious issues and duping people for attention and money.

You are a liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar.

Oh and stop trying to look sultry into the camera as it's not working.
You just look like a cockeyed cockwomble.
Jun 13, 2024
Right let’s get a few things straight James because let’s face it, you can’t help but read here because you’re seriously panicking now. Your lies are unravelling by the hour, you’re being outed by so many people right now you practically feel cornered - good!
• NOBODY from this forum has sent you death threats, nor are they going, or has gone to your home, let alone vandalised it.
• You’ve blocked EVERYONE willing to present evidence of your lies yet continue with the “see, the “trolls” are scared, their all lying” narrative.
• It’s YOU James who’s created this drama by lying about having cancer amongst other ailments/surgeries etc.
• You’re the delusional one, you’re also the one BULLYING genuine cancer sufferers. Your behaviour towards others is quite frankly abhorrent, the hatred you spew is truly vile.
• You’re now abusing the Mental Health route, using it to deflect your own disgusting actions, playing the victim once again.

It’s about time you had your comeuppance, it’s about time your “loyal followers” knew who the real James Horton Kofoed is.
You’re nothing but a lying, manipulative excuse of a human🤬.


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
Saying we fell for his trap, we all thought he was in Ireland for days? No we didn't we all knew you were on a dumb arse whistle stop visit. Being there for days never even came up here lol
Is it just me but he is WAAAYYYYY fatter in his lives than he is on videos. The filters must be freaking strong cos he's got a massive fat head on himself live.
Nah , chemo makes you fat you know !!!
What a nasty s show he is !!
He’s basically putting 2 fingers up at the people who are really going through treatment right now. We all have family/friends who have gone thru / going thru this , he’s a danger to society 🤬
Jul 2, 2024
Oh James, the police aren’t going to be arsed about you faking cancer as weirdos appear to do it all the time and it’s technically not illegal. What is illegal is claiming money off people to help with said cancer battle, and they will 100% have spoken with gfm about the account and if you’ve accessed the funds if it’s been reported as fraudulent. Just because you claim to have not heard anything doesn’t mean you’re not being investigated, also don’t forget you’re a fan of a false claim or two (of death threats etc) and they absolutely will be keeping a record of that. fing idiot.


Mar 11, 2024
👀👀👀 i love annoying you jimmy you ain’t going anywhere nor am i big tits and thats without moving off my sofa its easy 👀🤌🏼 ps.. No one actually gives a do where you are, still not addressed the other creators video been made when you blocked ian in your live that to everyone screams you LYINGGGGG 🗣️🗣️ you take something and run with it what a laugh we get with you its brilliant you shout MH i think you used that card more than enough now you're taking the piss many years can you keep it up go get the help you need, It’s beyond disgusting and no wonder your family cannot stand you they didnt even know until you shouted about it on social media still not showed them any proof honesty joke of a man 🤦🏼‍♀️🐀


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Jun 18, 2024
Right let’s get a few things straight James because let’s face it, you can’t help but read here because you’re seriously panicking now. Your lies are unravelling by the hour, you’re being outed by so many people right now you practically feel cornered - good!
• NOBODY from this forum has sent you death threats, nor are they going, or has gone to your home, let alone vandalised it.
• You’ve blocked EVERYONE willing to present evidence of your lies yet continue with the “see, the “trolls” are scared, their all lying” narrative.
• It’s YOU James who’s created this drama by lying about having cancer amongst other ailments/surgeries etc.
• You’re the delusional one, you’re also the one BULLYING genuine cancer sufferers. Your behaviour towards others is quite frankly abhorrent, the hatred you spew is truly vile.
• You’re now abusing the Mental Health route, using it to deflect your own disgusting actions, playing the victim once again.

It’s about time you had your comeuppance, it’s about time your “loyal followers” knew who the real James Horton Kofoed is.
You’re nothing but a lying, manipulative excuse of a human🤬.
He’s becoming even more boring now (as if that were possible). Just repeating the same things he has said previously, which have all been responded to by us with facts and evidence. Please could you entertain us again James? Liven it up a bit. Maybe have another one-man pity party in a cheap hotel room. Wow us with your amazing dance moves whilst you get off your head with all your (online) friends. Put on that plastic grin again, you know the one. The smile that doesn’t hide the self loathing we see in your eyes, the smile that doesn’t quite hide the fact that you’re crying inside. Crying because you probably hate yourself more than we do. Christ, it must be s being you.
Jun 18, 2024
Oh James, the police aren’t going to be arsed about you faking cancer as weirdos appear to do it all the time and it’s technically not illegal. What is illegal is claiming money off people to help with said cancer battle, and they will 100% have spoken with gfm about the account and if you’ve accessed the funds if it’s been reported as fraudulent. Just because you claim to have not heard anything doesn’t mean you’re not being investigated, also don’t forget you’re a fan of a false claim or two (of death threats etc) and they absolutely will be keeping a record of that. fing idiot.
They’ve already got a record of his numerous false claims in the past. He’s well known to GMP as being an annoying, time wasting pest. They are sick of him.


Jun 14, 2024
Please stop with the MH bullshit, you’ve lied about suicide attempts, you’ve threatened someone on live to push them off a pier and told us lot to off ourselves. Stop with the awareness crap as we all know it’s just a tactic to get views and sympathy. You’ve shown your true colours to everyone and you can’t undo what you’ve done. You’re bitter, angry, very twisted and very selfish. You don’t know how to offer advice or support anyone else because it’s not an emotion you possess. You can’t raise awareness for something you actually don’t understand.