James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jul 5, 2024
Paranoid no your coming here saying stuff and no proof we havr all our proof. Dont just come comment that then start saying paranoid not how it works over here!
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!


Mar 11, 2024
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!
Hahahahahhahahh we have our proof again come with urs before we believe ur bullshit. To early to be annoying people over that prick!
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Mar 11, 2024
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!
And he doesnt have cancer just so you know thats another lie.


Mar 11, 2024
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours

Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!


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Jun 19, 2024
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!
No proof? James we know you've read all the comments and seen all the pics on this thread. Pull the other one.


Jun 19, 2024
Because that’s what’s important to him, the views, that’s why he posts so dramatically and doesn’t give information, it drives engagement.
It’s not about awareness, it’s not about documenting his journey, it’s the views, and he can’t see how to anyone else that isn’t important.

What I will say, with my video that did go over a million, I was constantly checking it and thinking what is going on, the comments began to stress me out as it was pushed to a much wider comment and people didn’t know who I was, what was going on in my life and had no context, but if you are someone who needs that validation that would become very addictive.

He also tried to twist and adapt the information to make it seem like I ONLY got those 33k views because of him. Of the 3 vids mentioning him, 2 (as of last night) 1 had less than 1k and the other is around 3k… - he’s actually negatively affecting my overall views as, quite rightly, many of my followers aren’t into the drama, they follow me for my actual content. But hey, All that clout
You've hit the nail on the head there.
It's the views, the attention. He craves it and can never get enough. Hence the erratic and disgusting behaviour.
He's delusional.

Love to you and your hubby x


Jun 12, 2024
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!
James if you're gonna come on here with your obvious grammar and use of language, try running your comments through ChatGPT first or something to disguise yourself better.

Also; no one phoned the airport, I just suggested you were on strong stuff by your appearance, so presumed you may have brought your own supplies to Ireland.

And FYI it isn't all females who are you calling you out. Remember - you have a very colourful past, and some of us have very good memories even after all these years.

Jog on and play some Sia xo

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
You see Jimbo, you might think you're smart, clever, charismatic, charming, engaging, interesting or any other superlative you wish to use but I can assure you, you are none of these.

You are a very sad, lonely, disturbed young (man) that craves attention from strangers by lying and manipulating others. Not really a nice way to be going through life is it?

Karma can be a cruel mistress James and has a way of always finding you out and I think you know she's coming for you, hence the scrambling with the pity posts, the woe is me posts, the MH posts.

How about you take a little advice from the people on here and scuttle back into your little hole, take a long, hard look at your actions, and maybe think staying off social media as its clearly not for you.

The attention you so desperately crave, isn't real...its not people agreeing with you, it's people laughing at you, it's people waiting for your downfall, it's people who actually have interesting things happening in their own lives. You are a 3 second scroll of a mundane, monotone, self pitying, boring liar who says the same self pitying quotes over and over and over again.

You're scrambling James, you can see your engagement dropping, you can no longer have comments on your post as you know they'll call you out. You continually state you're not interacting with 'trolls' anymore, you're not coming onto our little online forum but you do the exact opposite...enjoy you're day petal 😘


Jun 16, 2024
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!
This is the last time I will explain this James …

YOU are the proof …

All 17 stone of you ….

Every time you go live … or post a video …or open ya mouth …

YOU are the proof that you don’t have stage 4 cancer ….

For proof of the fact you have always been an abusive (to women) scammer or that you have faked suicide on numerous occasions (drainer) .. see all the posts above or google your name …

You wonder why it’s women who come after you ?? Ya way too much of a coward to pick on a man 🤔

Have a fabulous day James 😘

Ps stop confusing the fact that people in real life also hate you and damage your house …

That’s not us …

They just think ya a t too …

As I’m sure everyone who has ever had the experience of encountering you 🤩
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New member
Jun 22, 2024
He clearly made that post on here about being arrested himself and by this afternoon he will do a post saying ‘someone has made a post saying I’ve been arrested and yet here I am’ no we know you haven’t been arrested and we know it’s you that made that lie ( just another one to add to the ever growing list!) but we know that it’s just because your so desperate to have a reason to make a post on you TT. Your fooling no one 😂


Jun 16, 2024
He clearly made that post on here about being arrested himself and by this afternoon he will do a post saying ‘someone has made a post saying I’ve been arrested and yet here I am’ no we know you haven’t been arrested and we know it’s you that made that lie ( just another one to add to the ever growing list!) but we know that it’s just because your so desperate to have a reason to make a post on you TT. Your fooling no one 😂
It’s either him or a genuine “troll”

Either way . We ain’t stupid ❤️


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Reading all your comments I see no proof from any of you either? You’re saying he’s lied??? Yet not provided anything to say he has so I’m confused 😐 but I can assure and prove he’s been arrested! You know some of his neighbours just ask them!
Oh good morning Billy or Billy’s lamb.

The police have visited you yes but that was about your window, even though according to your borefest video last night the police don’t tell what they are doing. Ooops. Wrong again. And I didn’t have to speak to any neighbour for that info. Fact. You have not been arrested. YET.

Are you blind as well as stupid? There is plenty of evidence and a crime number, unblock me babe. Trollll meee 🎶

Yes you went live from hospital. Do you really think that proves you are not lying? You went live after ‘major life saving surgery’, not just one, but 3 in a week including removing half of your lung but then showed us an old laparoscopy paper cut scar on your stomach 😂😂 YOU ARE LYING. You can’t stop yourself, you have been doing it since you could speak.

You think we can’t sniff you out from miles away. Your posts in your name and trolls names are so transparent you thick idiot. Now go back to your little bridge and scratch your head while you think about your next lie. Oh, you are at chemo aren’t you this morning. Didn’t know Just Eat could deliver it to your house and give it you there 😂


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
He clearly made that post on here about being arrested himself and by this afternoon he will do a post saying ‘someone has made a post saying I’ve been arrested and yet here I am’ no we know you haven’t been arrested and we know it’s you that made that lie ( just another one to add to the ever growing list!) but we know that it’s just because your so desperate to have a reason to make a post on you TT. Your fooling no one 😂
He’s problaby searching through the internet looking for footage of someone being arrested that is also fat and bald and then claiming it as proof !!!! Such a dick head 🤣🤣🤣