James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jul 5, 2024
The moon
Sorry, I forgot my password for here but sorted it had to start again.

Was only gonna post in private group but seen the posts here and think he is mad. Sorry again to the ones I haven’t spoken to who I didnt believe but the more he says thank god I saw the light. And you can see from some of the stuff I told you how mad he is, I‘ll keep talking to him and his other mods to see what he says but I am over his bs.

He actually doesn’t know who is who in here and doesnt believe this is me so I can post and will go back with my sickly smile on my face to him. Lol.


Jun 16, 2024
Sorry, I forgot my password for here but sorted it had to start again.

Was only gonna post in private group but seen the posts here and think he is mad. Sorry again to the ones I haven’t spoken to who I didnt believe but the more he says thank god I saw the light. And you can see from some of the stuff I told you how mad he is, I‘ll keep talking to him and his other mods to see what he says but I am over his bs.

He actually doesn’t know who is who in here and doesnt believe this is me so I can post and will go back with my sickly smile on my face to him. Lol.
Like we said when you first contacted us . This is a safe space . We don’t judge people who finally see the light .
Jun 18, 2024
I'm really honestly getting fed up with you now James!!!!
You need to get some professional help . Your seriously unwell.
I'm absoloutly fed up of you calling people like me and many others "Trolls" I'm as far away from a troll as you could get!
But what I will tell you am is a young person not to dissimilar in age to you and I'm fighting bowel cancer. I'm currently on chemotherapy treatment following major surgery in February.
Calling me a Troll is disgusting!! I'm a decent, caring human being who doesn't agree or like people like you making a mockery of what is a very scary and real situation for me and many others! All we have done is call you out. Many decent people have offered you help and support but you are rude, aggressive, and absoloutly unhinged at the moment.
You do really need to get some mental health help as your clearly struggling.
Do the decent thing, and stop lying snd deal with your real issues. I do actually think you have had some medical issues yes , but you have falsified other information which is very obviously not true.
Cancer patients aren't silly. We know what it's like being In hospital, we know what is like getting chemotherapy so you can't fool us.
None of the people on this page are Trolls James! We are decent people that want to see justice for your actions.


Jul 2, 2024
I live on the street behind James! I can confirm James has just been arrested by police!!! CID and uniform officers!
That’s a shame, you got me excited that you were finally going to pay for your crimes, it will come soon enough…

You’re never going to change are you James? Prison will change some things for you, though I’m sure even being convicted won’t make you see the error of your ways, you are helpless.


Jun 14, 2024
You can tell he’s a liar by the way he responds . It’s always in a nasty way and he insults others. If he was genuine he would be nice and support others and obviously show proof which he doesn’t have. I wonder what triggered him to be this nasty and quite frankly his dad would be ashamed of him. From posts I’ve read he adored his dad as a role model well jimmy your dad would have probably disowned you too with your behaviour.
Jun 18, 2024
You can tell he’s a liar by the way he responds . It’s always in a nasty way and he insults others. If he was genuine he would be nice and support others and obviously show proof which he doesn’t have. I wonder what triggered him to be this nasty and quite frankly his dad would be ashamed of him. From posts I’ve read he adored his dad as a role model well jimmy your dad would have probably disowned you too with your behaviour.
That’s the difference between him and Sarah. He’s the darkness to her light. One only has to see and read her posts to know that she’s a genuine caring person. Not once have I doubted her story nor felt the need to check the evidence, which unlike James she has happily shared for all to see. People on a genuine cancer journey wouldn’t behave like James.


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
there he goes exaggerating again the fat melt imagine making fake accounts to come comment about ureself just so u can make a tiktok in the words of the famous jhk "give ure fat head a wobble"
If he’s been taken away in handcuffs how on earth is he gonna receive a video. ??? What he really means is that he’s frantically scouring the internet for footage he can steal.
Give your head a wobble you doughnut !!!!


Jun 12, 2024
Sorry, I forgot my password for here but sorted it had to start again.

Was only gonna post in private group but seen the posts here and think he is mad. Sorry again to the ones I haven’t spoken to who I didnt believe but the more he says thank god I saw the light. And you can see from some of the stuff I told you how mad he is, I‘ll keep talking to him and his other mods to see what he says but I am over his bs.

He actually doesn’t know who is who in here and doesnt believe this is me so I can post and will go back with my sickly smile on my face to him. Lol.
You need to delete your message and check WhatsApp ASAP ! Oh Jamesssss
Jun 18, 2024
there he goes exaggerating again the fat melt imagine making fake accounts to come comment about ureself just so u can make a tiktok in the words of the famous jhk "give ure fat head a wobble"
For a second there I thought you’d posted “in the words of the famous JFK” 😂
I can imagine it now. “”Ask not what your country can do for you, give your fat head a wobble”


Jun 30, 2024
James this is what real cancer scars look like not a tiny thin line on your tummy u muppet


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