James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
Erm James, a couple of points from your recent video of bullshit.
1. You haven't received death threats from this forum, we can't help it if your hated by your neighbours or people that know you.
2. Your window wasn't covered in paint hence the flag covering it at the moment.
3. Nothing to achieve by sharing this bullshit? Ding ding ding you've set the utter bullshit alarm off with that one! You set up a gofundme which people still haven't been refunded. Not to mention the gifts your sheep give you on your lives. Didn't u state on X that u had made 3k and were moaning about your bank?. Hmmmm
4. You 100% should be ashamed cos you are LYING about cancer. You know it and so do we. The number of people realising the truth is getting bigger. Hence your followers are going down. You will soon be left with the exact 500k that you bought.
5. Noone from this forum has mentioned your dad in a nasty way at all. What was said here was that he would be ashamed of you and your behaviour. That's true. Esp considering the rest of your family feel that way and want nothing to do with you.

Lastly, are you capable of doing a video where you're not laying in bed squinting your eyes looking like you've just licked piss off a stinging nettle?
Well done on resisting the urge to scratch the noggin tho.
Utter cockwomble.
Just posted virtually the same thing! We can’t all be wrong eh?
Jun 30, 2024
For the people blocked, here is another minute and a half of absolute drivel of rinse and repeat
The bit about "I wouldn't wish cancer and trolling on my worst enemy" made me laugh, because didn't you 'troll' Sarah, James? We know you're sat at home refreshing commentcafe waiting to see what we have to say next. Rest assured no stories of ours will ever change, and the amazing people on this forum, the cancer community & all affected by your lies won't stop reposting your bs until you're held accountable


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Jun 24, 2024
The truth will set you free comes to mind. In a way I’m glad he is posting these videos because he is just digging his own grave. He is clutching at straws and begging for sympathy. If he was telling the truth, it would be so easy for him to prove it. He can’t - he’s really dug a whole for himself this week and he is scrambling. If I were him and I was telling the truth I’d want nothing more than to get the proof out there so I can say f u to all the doubters. He can’t - all he can do is fall back on his go to which is try and get sympathy and blame trolls. All of us cannot be wrong - we are all unconnected and nothing to gain by any of this. In a way I’d prefer for him to be telling the truth - it would go some way to restoring my faith in humanity.


Mar 8, 2024
For the people blocked, here is another minute and a half of absolute drivel of rinse and repeat
The bit about "I wouldn't wish cancer and trolling on my worst enemy" made me laugh, because didn't you 'troll' Sarah, James? We know you're sat at home refreshing commentcafe waiting to see what we have to say next. Rest assured no stories of ours will ever change, and the amazing people on this forum, the cancer community & all affected by your lies won't stop reposting your bs until you're held accountable

Cry me a fing river liar!


Jun 24, 2024
Sick sick man
Sorry James but they aren’t coming forward now! They shared this information 8 years ago. Video seems very contradictory- they couldn’t / wouldn’t accept money before the matter went to court but when it went to court it got dismissed as you had paid them back? Which is it? And the one person who could verify / back you up is now deceased - unfortunately with your track record we have to take that with a pinch of salt.
Jun 18, 2024
He’s the gift that keeps on giving. We expose his lies and he attempts to deflect by telling more lies, contradicting himself and digging himself into a deeper & deeper hole.
BTW, how’re you feeling today after your after going in the mosh pit the day after treatment? I think your laughing emojis on the post summed up what you think of the handful of people who still believe you.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Can he not see the more videos he makes the more he is showing he is guilty? Anyone innocent would either ignore or show proof. He can’t do any and everyone is seeing what a fool he is.

Don’t forget you trolled Sarah because you couldn’t think up a lie quick enough to tell Ian, her husband, a cancer sufferer. Imagine trolling the wife of a man with cancer.

Don’t forget you mocked your friend who has cancer calling her ‘wig head’ and made several fake profiles to troll her on TT.

Don’t forget that you messaged someone else with cancer telling them ‘you hoped they died of the disease’.

Don’t forget you are not defending yourself at all, all you are doing is adding more evidence you are lying.

Don’t forget we know everything about you, your past, your present, but more importantly, your future. And it looks very bleak.

Now please bore the do off.