James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 18, 2024
mate gone take that s els where this is about exposing him not anything to do with him being gay or wanting him to kill hiself
Surely it’s James. As we all know the only people on here who actually trolls James is James himself.

And if you’re not James… f*** off, you’re not welcome on here with comments like that.
Jun 18, 2024
James darling, out of these 3588 comments could you please show just one of these death threats or homophobic slurs that you speak of? As previously mentioned, nobody on here actually wishes you any physical harm despite the narrative you try to spin. You frequently say “I’m not gonna lie” but it’s all you ever do.
Funny how all those abusive comments started 30 minutes after I posted this….
I reported whoever it was anyway and will do the same to anyone else on here who posts such comments.


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
Good morning egg head and man of NOBODY’S dreams.
What stunt are we pulling today then ?
Vandalism, air ambulance , going missing , coma , bleeding on the brain , you have twins somewhere after a one night stand or somebody’s killed your imaginary dog !!!
I didn’t think you could sink any lower than the cancer fiasco but there you are claiming you had a child that conveniently passes !!!
You really are a vile person making a
Mockery of people who have/know someone with cancer and those who have lost children. I fit into both those categories and so do many people. I also suffer from mental health but I would never behave like you do.
No wonder you have no friends and family or have you ? All your posts were “I doing this on my own “ and in the next breath your thanking your family and friends for all their support.
Have you refunded any GFM money yet ?
You’ve lost nearly all your followers except the ones you bought !!! Even your fan girls are dropping off 🤣🤣. Man up and own your lies


Jun 19, 2024
Noticed something funny about the accounts that "aren't" but "are" James that keep cropping up on here but if I post it it'll just draw his attention to it. Wondering how many others have noticed 😂 bit of a schoolboy error to make
Now I'm intrigued. I've not noticed anything....


Jun 11, 2024
“I’m not gonna badmouth him cos he’s now deceased and I wouldn’t do that to anyone” then blames him for the theft and says the ex spent it all on drugs 🙄 All this despite the fact that it was James who got caught and blamed, not the alleged partner who wouldn’t be able to defend himself even if he ever existed.
Not just blamed, found guilty and received a suspended sentence. Everything he said in that video is lies