James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Funny how he’s documented all these supposed ops and hospital visits but not once has he pictured the IV for his chemo.

That timeline of ops / procedures and near death experiences are all taken from his posts with evidence / screenshots to back everything up.
Amazing job...hats off to you 👏👏👏
You deserve a medal going through all that...shows he definitely upped the ante in the last year or so 😡


New member
May 17, 2024
Good evening all, long time lurker and can I just say reading here has been a godsend for me as I have been in hospital (an actual real life one) and had an op on my kidneys so feeling pretty rubbish, any way I’ve been watching this “creator”
for a while now and can honestly say the only thing he creates are the imaginary trips to hospitals and cancer diagnosis.
How anyone can stoop this low is vile beyond words.


New member
Jul 2, 2024
Oh James...i've really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. i really have. But I'm puzzled. You said tonight you'd moved in today. Then you said you were moving in the next couple of days. If anyone asked about your cancer, you blocked them, and when you were asked how you are now, you ignored them?! One poor woman only asked you how you were and she got blocked.
All you want to talk about is the trolls. Nothing you say adds up. You're just digging yourself deeper, or surely you can see that?!

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
By the way, if anyone has the video he posted of the black eye after collapsing in hospital, take a look and tell me if you think that’s a filter. I swear it moves.

Here I found it … watch that eye and the filter moves
The 'Black eye filter' was on Tiktok and it was always the right eye (looking at it on camera). Loads of examples on Google of people using it, surprisingly looks identical to those?? 🤔


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Good evening ,
I have been following this with interest. I recently joined tt and James started appearing on my fyp.
I thought it seemed very suspicious the amount of procedures and complications he was having.I am a trained general and mental health nurse and have had my own cancer treatment so I knew what he was saying was bull****
I also noticed that he turns off comments and blocks anything on his lives that would show what a liar he is.
When I had chemo I couldn’t get off the couch ! Much less be in a mosh pit or on holiday, anyway you are supposed to avoid too many people when undergoing chemo as you are prone to infections .
Good on you lot for exposing this, special hello to the purple haired witch😜what a cheek your hair is fab


Jun 14, 2024
Good evening ,
I have been following this with interest. I recently joined tt and James started appearing on my fyp.
I thought it seemed very suspicious the amount of procedures and complications he was having.I am a trained general and mental health nurse and have had my own cancer treatment so I knew what he was saying was bull****
I also noticed that he turns off comments and blocks anything on his lives that would show what a liar he is.
When I had chemo I couldn’t get off the couch ! Much less be in a mosh pit or on holiday, anyway you are supposed to avoid too many people when undergoing chemo as you are prone to infections .
Good on you lot for exposing this, special hello to the purple haired witch😜what a cheek your hair is fab

My oncologist told me to protect myself during chemo and avoid groups of people. I think getting on a plane and attending events would be seriously risky especially if he’d had sepsis like he claims.


New member
Jul 4, 2024
My friend wasn’t allowed near people while going through chemo and doctor wouldn’t let her fly abroad either so how can he?? That bruise is deffo a filter. He is vile! I watched abit of his live but he was just annoying me..constantly changing what he was saying…has he moved or not?! lol! I so wanted to comment but knew if I did I’d just get blocked. He kept saying his ‘trolls’ have blocked him!!


Jun 14, 2024
It’s so painful to watch this evil prick. I’m 29 and currently going through cancer. Iv had 6 rounds of chemo and 2 major surgeries and it’s been pure hell and I know he’s lying! I don’t know how he can live with himself, watching him makes me physically sick. We have to take him down!
My friend wasn’t allowed near people while going through chemo and doctor wouldn’t let her fly abroad either so how can he?? That bruise is deffo a filter. He is vile! I watched abit of his live but he was just annoying me..constantly changing what he was saying…has he moved or not?! lol! I so wanted to comment but knew if I did I’d just get blocked. He kept saying his ‘trolls’ have blocked him!!

The more he bangs on about the trolls and the poor me bullshit the more people are finding this group. He fails to understand that the believers are just a handful of people and rest see right through him.

The trolls and bullying are his only form of content now so like everything else he’s running with it. He has so many people watching and we see every lie he trips up on. He’s an embarrassment to society.


Jun 27, 2024
Basically his whole demeanour is ‘poor me’ whether it’s cancer or it’s trolls or anything else he dreams up. Then he comes on live to collect the gifts/cash from the people feeling sorry for him. It’s all about scamming people and he clearly loves it. I think he probably even loves the number of comments about him in this group!


Jun 14, 2024
Basically his whole demeanour is ‘poor me’ whether it’s cancer or it’s trolls or anything else he dreams up. Then he comes on live to collect the gifts/cash from the people feeling sorry for him. It’s all about scamming people and he clearly loves it. I think he probably even loves the number of comments about him in this group!

He lives for this stuff, he’s like an excited little boy over it.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Just to say,
He unblocked me to message me and say he’s screen shot my messages on here and is reporting me. 🙃

He also had the gall to say ‘IF my husband has stage 4 cancer’

I suggest James, that you focus on your recovery.
The people on this website are ‘trolling’ you , because you are posting clear cut lies / if they can be explained, then explain them.
Also as an aside - I would never have known about this place and thus would have still belived you, if you hadn’t blocked me and my husband when we tried to help you / ask questions about your journey so we could sympathise / offer advise - just something to ponder.

You are still most welcome to unblock my husband - his posts will help you on the cancer journey you state you are on.
Hello, firstly I'm so sorry your husband has stage 4 bowel cancer. How are you and how is your husband? If you ever need to talk, im always here honestly. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 hodgkin's lymphoma in 2020. My mum has recently been diagnosed with endometrial and lung cancer and I have a permanent ileostomy bag due to crohns and ulcerative colitis. I feel abit silly as I felt quite bad for him. Now I've seen all this. I was on his live the other day commenting and being supportive and he accused me of being a troll :eek: Made me quite uncomfortable as I've never been horrible to anyone x


Jul 1, 2024
North East
Hello, firstly I'm so sorry your husband has stage 4 bowel cancer. How are you and how is your husband? If you ever need to talk, im always here honestly. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 hodgkin's lymphoma in 2020. My mum has recently been diagnosed with endometrial and lung cancer and I have a permanent ileostomy bag due to crohns and ulcerative colitis. I feel abit silly as I felt quite bad for him. Now I've seen all this. I was on his live the other day commenting and being supportive and he accused me of being a troll :eek: Made me quite uncomfortable as I've never been horrible to anyone x
We felt the same, and at the point he unblocked me to say he’d screen shot my messages, all id commented was that chemo is hard on your liver so they don’t recommend you drink a lot, quite what he planned to do with that screen shot I do not know .

Thank you, it’s a sucky journey, I think that’s what makes this sting. I should leave and forget him, but him fabricating these things and then making out that I’m some sort of evil person, my husband is literally dying and he can swan about making this up and still act the victim.
It’s disgusting.

Do not feel silly, you took someone who appeared vulnerable at their word, that makes you a good and kind person. Sadly it was wasted on him. Sending you so much love, I’m also here should you need to chat, I’m had so much support, I’m so lucky, so it can’t be all take on my end 🥰🥰 xxx


Jun 14, 2024
Hello, firstly I'm so sorry your husband has stage 4 bowel cancer. How are you and how is your husband? If you ever need to talk, im always here honestly. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 hodgkin's lymphoma in 2020. My mum has recently been diagnosed with endometrial and lung cancer and I have a permanent ileostomy bag due to crohns and ulcerative colitis. I feel abit silly as I felt quite bad for him. Now I've seen all this. I was on his live the other day commenting and being supportive and he accused me of being a troll :eek: Made me quite uncomfortable as I've never been horrible to anyone x

I’m so sorry with all you have been and are going through. I think James was part of the Crohns community until he was kicked out for being a dickhead. Don’t feel silly about being caring, James doesn’t know or even understand that emotion. He’s a true narcissist with no feelings whatsoever. I’m also a fellow baggie having gained my permanent colostomy due to cancer. x