James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jul 9, 2024
We felt the same, and at the point he unblocked me to say he’d screen shot my messages, all id commented was that chemo is hard on your liver so they don’t recommend you drink a lot, quite what he planned to do with that screen shot I do not know .

Thank you, it’s a sucky journey, I think that’s what makes this sting. I should leave and forget him, but him fabricating these things and then making out that I’m some sort of evil person, my husband is literally dying and he can swan about making this up and still act the victim.
It’s disgusting.

Do not feel silly, you took someone who appeared vulnerable at their word, that makes you a good and kind person. Sadly it was wasted on him. Sending you so much love, I’m also here should you need to chat, I’m had so much support, I’m so lucky, so it can’t be all take on my end 🥰🥰 xxx
Oh god! That's absolutely horrible that he unblocked you just to be spiteful. I'm so very sorry that you abd your husband are going through so much. It must be so hard :(

I started thinking things were abit iffy when people that are suffering tried to reach out and there was no empathy at all and all he would focus on is the "trolls" if I see someone who is suffering or has a loved one suffering, all I want to do is reach out as I know how draining and scary it can be.

I think I was talking to a fellow baggy in his live, just trying to relate and make friends and he nearly blocked me, and accused me of trolling, I was like god grief. I even messaged him to try and just relate, give some support. It definitely does sting. It's definitely got my back up, watching my husband and my mum suffer has been just awful 😖 xxx


New member
Jul 9, 2024
I’m so sorry with all you have been and are going through. I think James was part of the Crohns community until he was kicked out for being a dickhead. Don’t feel silly about being caring, James doesn’t know or even understand that emotion. He’s a true narcissist with no feelings whatsoever. I’m also a fellow baggie having gained my permanent colostomy due to cancer. x
Oooh I used to be in some of the IBD groups on fb, I'll try and find out if any of the admins know of him. I'm so sorry you've been through so much yourself. How are you finding things now? Weirdly enough yesterday now ( 9th) was my 21st stomaversary. I've had my ileostomy since age 14. I still get good and bad days. If you ever wanna talk, I'm always here x


Jul 1, 2024
North East
Oh god! That's absolutely horrible that he unblocked you just to be spiteful. I'm so very sorry that you abd your husband are going through so much. It must be so hard :(

I started thinking things were abit iffy when people that are suffering tried to reach out and there was no empathy at all and all he would focus on is the "trolls" if I see someone who is suffering or has a loved one suffering, all I want to do is reach out as I know how draining and scary it can be.

I think I was talking to a fellow baggy in his live, just trying to relate and make friends and he nearly blocked me, and accused me of trolling, I was like god grief. I even messaged him to try and just relate, give some support. It definitely does sting. It's definitely got my back up, watching my husband and my mum suffer has been just awful 😖 xxx
Sending the biggest squeezy internet hugs.
One ‘good’ thing about situations like this is that you find others who are wonderful and we support each other. I’ll try and focus on that xxx


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Sending the biggest squeezy internet hugs.
One ‘good’ thing about situations like this is that you find others who are wonderful and we support each other. I’ll try and focus on that xxx
Aww thank you. Sending you lots and lots of gentle hugs. I'm new to this site but if you ever need a chat, I'm more than happy to talk. It's bitter sweet really. Unfortunately there's people like him out there but then there's genuine people like you and others. I'll try and focus on that too xxx


Mar 8, 2024
This is what we call in Scotland an absolute WEAPON!
No James you are the biggest whiney wimp I've ever come across.

Edited to add that I had my chemo yesterday and so far have only been able to shuffle to the door to let my dogs out and back again.
I'm on palliative chemo only so not as strong as some chemos but it can still knock me for six for a while.
There is no way he would be be able to be out partying just after chemo.
The lying t.
Last edited:


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
By the way, if anyone has the video he posted of the black eye after collapsing in hospital, take a look and tell me if you think that’s a filter. I swear it moves.

Here I found it … watch that eye and the filter moves
There was a filter on TT not long ago that would give you a pretend black eye and other facial injuries - this looks suspiciously like that!


Jun 14, 2024
Oooh I used to be in some of the IBD groups on fb, I'll try and find out if any of the admins know of him. I'm so sorry you've been through so much yourself. How are you finding things now? Weirdly enough yesterday now ( 9th) was my 21st stomaversary. I've had my ileostomy since age 14. I still get good and bad days. If you ever wanna talk, I'm always here x

Wow 21 years! I’ve had mine nearly 10 months and it’s taken some accepting. I still sit back and think wth have I been through. There’s someone on here who mentioned he was part of the crohns/collitis circle and that he was booted out for constantly comparing himself to others. I can’t remember who it was.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Wow 21 years! I’ve had mine nearly 10 months and it’s taken some accepting. I still sit back and think wth have I been through. There’s someone on here who mentioned he was part of the crohns/collitis circle and that he was booted out for constantly comparing himself to others. I can’t remember who it was.
Aww bless you. 10 months isn't long. It definitely does take a while to get used to it but you're amazing, remember to be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes. Oh blimey. Why on earth would he feel the need to compare himself to others. That's so bizarre. I don't understand when people do that.


New member
May 17, 2024
No James you are the biggest whiney wimp I've ever come across.

Edited to add that I had my chemo yesterday and so far have only been able to shuffle to the door to let my dogs out and back again.
I'm on palliative chemo only so not as strong as some chemos but it can still knock me for six for a while.
There is no way he would be be able to be out partying just after chemo.
The lying t.
Sending lots of love your way, the way he makes a mockery out of genuine people going through this is utterly vile xx


Jun 19, 2024
Ok so potential do up on James forged letter.
Just seen letstalktruth TT video.
Now on the top of the letter it says date of discharge 19/10/2023, yet in the timeline of his bullshit that's on here it says 17/10/2023.
I would say see if there's a post but we would be accused of taking screenshots and editing it.
James you thicko, we can't edit what you have written in your bullshit posts from yrs ago!


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Ok so potential do up on James forged letter.
Just seen letstalktruth TT video.
Now on the top of the letter it says date of discharge 19/10/2023, yet in the timeline of his bullshit that's on here it says 17/10/2023.
I would say see if there's a post but we would be accused of taking screenshots and editing it.
James you thicko, we can't edit what you have written in your bullshit posts from yrs ago!
You are two weeks too late….already done and proven he forged the letter 😂


Jun 19, 2024
You are two weeks too late….already done and proven he forged the letter 😂
This is even more proof surely to add on to what you already have. If he's posted on social media to say he was discharged on 17th October but his letter says 19th that just reinforces the fact he's made that document.