James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Poor kid (if he is real) having that as a father I think if I found that out I would stick pins in my eyes 🤣🤣🤣💔
He is real but he isn’t his, he stole the photo. The baby has nothing to do with him at all, no ties whatsoever. This is how crazy he is. Another fraud. Also I don’t think the police take too kindly to posting other people’s children on social media and announcing they are yours. What a freak he is. What man would even do that?
Jun 22, 2024
Oh piss off James, do you really think people are going to go out of their way to help YOU?
Absolute clown you are.

And can someone add 2024 to the bingo card because for some reason it features heavily in his videos recently.
"It's 2024, you shouldn't be trolling" so it was OK to troll in 2023 then? It makes absolutely no sense 🙄

He just spouts complete and utterly bollocks.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
What about all the fake profiles he's made on here and he's been called out everytimeon them. He blarts on about 'fake profiles', 'trolls', blah blah blah, on one account he was actually trolling himself so d'you wanna give 101 a call Jimbo and report yourself?

I think somebody's arse is twitching now with everything that's coming out!
People are speaking up about the experiences they've had with him and he can't control the narrative anymore.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
It’s ok James, telling people to report anyone putting your life in danger to 101, all it does is bring more people to the page who see your lies.

You go on about followers. How many times? Nobody cares. Yours are all only because you bought them or you enrolled vulnerable people to your tribe. Lozza soon saw the light, Jess will be next too, she is seeing it with the convo I had with her. What was it again? Waiting to see what he says next about chemo. Ooops oh dear James, they are so loyal to you aren’t they 😂😂

Oh and while you are telling people to ring 101 if you have threats to your life? Not one person here has made any threat to your life. However after taking your advice and ringing, they have CONFIRMED that you were NOT held at knife point as you claim two nights ago, your door was NOT kicked in any 3 men did NOT come to your house and rob you. Oh and as we told you 2 days ago, you have NOT moved house.

Your life must be so sad for you to make up these stories, its actually embarrassing how much attention you crave, you thirsty bore.


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
It’s ok James, telling people to report anyone putting your life in danger to 101, all it does is bring more people to the page who see your lies.

You go on about followers. How many times? Nobody cares. Yours are all only because you bought them or you enrolled vulnerable people to your tribe. Lozza soon saw the light, Jess will be next too, she is seeing it with the convo I had with her. What was it again? Waiting to see what he says next about chemo. Ooops oh dear James, they are so loyal to you aren’t they 😂😂

Oh and while you are telling people to ring 101 if you have threats to your life? Not one person here has made any threat to your life. However after taking your advice and ringing, they have CONFIRMED that you were NOT held at knife point as you claim two nights ago, your door was NOT kicked in any 3 men did NOT come to your house and rob you. Oh and as we told you 2 days ago, you have NOT moved house.

Your life must be so sad for you to make up these stories, its actually embarrassing how much attention you crave, you thirsty bore.
Love this! Exactly what I was thinking. The more I see the more I know he’s in for a mighty fall from grace and I cannot wait to see it! High five 🖐