James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 8, 2024
He's getting to me way more than he should be. When someone first told me about him I thought 'right another cancer faker (we had a women fake cancer in my lives too but got caught out) doing posts for sympathy' then finding his account and seeing just how many followers he has to seeing that he claimed so much more than just the 'cancer'. To then see him live and instantly see how vile he is as a person, and yet people still support him. He's rude, arrogant, manipulating and narcissistic and I actually don't believe he has attempted to take his own life because I think he loves himself too much. I think everything he does, posts about and says is to gain attention and friends because his own personality can't sustain them. I don't care if he calls me a troll or a bully for writing this because I am 100% sure in my head that he's totally full of s. Thanks for reason my ramble 🤣
I agree.
Having cancer and going through chemo every week just so I can have a bit of extra time with my loved ones is so hard.
The anxiety that comes with every little twinge, every blood test, every scan is off the scale.
Yet here we have a really vile aggressive person making it all up for attention and money.

It really sickens me that Tiktok is giving him a platform to be able to continue with his evil lies.


Jun 26, 2024
I agree.
Having cancer and going through chemo every week just so I can have a bit of extra time with my loved ones is so hard.
The anxiety that comes with every little twinge, every blood test, every scan is off the scale.
Yet here we have a really vile aggressive person making it all up for attention and money.

It really sickens me that Tiktok is giving him a platform to be able to continue with his evil lies.
100% this. Having to go through all the nasty constant side effects of treatment in the hope it gives you more time! I'm now waiting on my next scan results to see if I'm still stable, as you say, every slight ache or pain is such a stress and worry. Then there's the mental side of things that comes along living with cancer. Yet he's there making it all up and basically taking the absolute piss out of us all! It angers me so much!
Jun 18, 2024
It’s worrying also that people seem to think that lying about cancer is ok, some of his followers who support him must know and even when they do find out they will make excuses just like others on Tik tok who have lied about having cancer and still have a huge following and people defending them, I don’t get it I think it’s the lowest of the low, how can you excuse someone who lies about it especially for financial gain - baffles me
Jun 13, 2024
Well according to his new post he’s living a pretty decent life. 🤔🤔 Umm so let me get this right. You’ve been in hospital the best part of the year, you’ve been diagnosed with bowel cancer and had multiple surgeries and complications including sepsis and being placed in comas. Your cancer has then spread to your lung which you had removed along with half of your lung, again followed by multiple complications and more surgery. And now you’re week 6 into 13 weeks of chemo. Also let’s not forget getting battered by 3 men leaving you with several broken ribs. So with all that plus more, you have the audacity to say you’re living a decent fing life!!!! What an absolute tool your are!!!!
It’ll be interesting to see if he posts a video about follow up appointments - especially ref his mets & this recent chest injury. You’d think he’d be high risk considering the recent lung surgery🤷🏼‍♀️. There’s something in particular he should mention/include which for obvious reasons I won’t mention here.


Jul 6, 2024
I agree.
Having cancer and going through chemo every week just so I can have a bit of extra time with my loved ones is so hard.
The anxiety that comes with every little twinge, every blood test, every scan is off the scale.
Yet here we have a really vile aggressive person making it all up for attention and money.

It really sickens me that Tiktok is giving him a platform to be able to continue with his evil lies.
Exactly this. I've been in treatment for a year now and still have chemo up to the end of this year. I'm sat watching his tiktok with one breast chopped off, will be having the other chopped off after my chemo along with my ovaries removed and I'm doing this while being a single mum. I live daily with crippling anxiety that it's spreading everywhere and do you know what, I have friends who actually have it way worse than me so James just angers me so so much it makes me feel sick.


Mar 8, 2024
I'm sorry for everyone going through this also.
It sickens me also and I agree that anyone supporting him knowing fine well he's lying (and I believe many of his so called supporters do know) are just as vile as him.

Deleted member 5062

New member
Jul 5, 2024
We are all here for 1 thing only guys and its taking the CONFOED down so why so is everyone bickering over somert else?
The recent photo that the “new member” uploaded? Lets be honest wouldn't put it past me to be James because he's that fed in the head to cause drama because he thrives off. You can see the evil in hes last video. Says it all.
What is the photo?


Jun 16, 2024
He just said 2 of his old neighbours were arrested at 12 last night and he got a phone call about an hour ago to keep him updated 😂 remanded?? He is delusional 😅 the only person who deserves to be behind bars is you ya clown, lying about cancer 🤬 has anyone actually reported him to the NHS??
Apparently 2 on Friday and 3 tonight … all remanded 😂😂

James - Why the do your lying 😂



New member
Jul 4, 2024
Haha he's just said 2 people have already been arrested and remanded and 3 people arrested today and hopefully they'll be remanded aswell...hes delusional he's seriously tapped in the head


Jun 16, 2024
Been to the pub?

No you ain’t James ya been sat there drinking dark fruit cider which you are still drinking 😂😂

He tried to cover the camera whilst he hard a drink . Idiot can’t even do that right 😂

He’s restarting every time the numbers drop below 80 😂😂


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Jul 6, 2024
1000039157.png I specifically asked my chemo nurse if you would be given chemo after breaking your ribs a few days before. She said no, it would be too risky for infection and bleeding etc. He claimed he had chemo friday.

Hello to James fan base 👋🏻 I'm not stopping until he's taken down. I've also started screenshotting all your names. I'll be naming all his hard core fans too once all the truth comes out :) block me all you want I am screen recording from an account I don't go into the chat with 🤣