James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jul 6, 2024
Hi James, Lozza, whoever is reading this 🤣👋🏻

I screen recorded the entire live tonight. To where he admitted he had chemo on friday (which they wouldn't allow him to have if he broke his ribs 2 days before I had this confirmed at MY own chemo on friday), to him saying they remanded 2, no 3, no 4 no actually 3 (I do think they have arrested someone but it's probably that same neighbor again), to him SNEEZING several times in a row without flinching ONCE, coughing without flinching, dancing like his ribs where fine to him getting absolutely wasted 2 days after his chemo. Not just a couple of drinks, absolutely WASTED even drinking neat vodka. Also, when he went off screen you can hear the 👃🏻❄️ activity too. I'll be popping all this together in a post :) ENJOYYYY


Jun 14, 2024
Hi James, Lozza, whoever is reading this 🤣👋🏻

I screen recorded the entire live tonight. To where he admitted he had chemo on friday (which they wouldn't allow him to have if he broke his ribs 2 days before I had this confirmed at MY own chemo on friday), to him saying they remanded 2, no 3, no 4 no actually 3 (I do think they have arrested someone but it's probably that same neighbor again), to him SNEEZING several times in a row without flinching ONCE, coughing without flinching, dancing like his ribs where fine to him getting absolutely wasted 2 days after his chemo. Not just a couple of drinks, absolutely WASTED even drinking neat vodka. Also, when he went off screen you can hear the 👃🏻❄️ activity too. I'll be popping all this together in a post :) ENJOYYYY

Let me know where the post is as I missed it all. He knows nobody believes him anymore with his drinking and crazy ass stories.
Jun 18, 2024
I’m confused can someone fill me in about this Lozza ??? After she went live with him before didn’t you say she was in your secret WhatsApp group and had turned on James ?? Or was she playing you??