James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Hey Jimbo 👋

Long time, no speak. Or should I say long time since you made a fake profile on here and trolled yourself 🙄 but we all know you're still lurking on here.

So...you're not going to go 'live' anymore? Have a break from social media...Pull the other one, it got bells on...

You thrive/live for the attention, now I could understand it if it was positive attention but I honestly haven't seen one person stick up for you. I've seen people ask if we should really question if someone has cancer or not and no we shouldn't but you'll find most cancer fighters (like myself), cancer survivors, family's supporting someone with cancer etc WILL talk about it because we want to help others.

Unfortunately the attention you crave is ALL negative and you've made your bed (not a hospital one) and now you have to lie in it!

As for your 'story' about I don't know how many trolls you've had arrested, again a load of bollocks, it's on ongoing fued that you're having with someone from your area, not a troll at all and it's 1 person not the 3,5,6,9,7 that you say.

So I for one welcome your absence from social media and really hope it becomes a permanent one however knowing you have been lying/scamming and attention seeking for over 10 years I very much doubt you'll be gone for long.

I hope karma doesn't take her revenge too hard...oh no wait, I really do!!!


Jul 6, 2024
Thanks everyone, I didn't expect the video to go far but the amount of people commenting about being blocked for asking genuine questions and also the amount of people who are going through cancer and have been affected by his account has made it all worthwhile.

James did private message me. Called me a troll said I was soliciting hate towards him. Then blocked me.

Message for James: If you watch my video fully you will see I specifically said in one part, 'no one to message hate or abuse to you'. I am genuinely not wanting any harm to you at all. However I want others including yourself to be aware of your behavior and that you need calling out on it. It is causing harm to others that are going through it. Thousands of us have or are actually suffering with this awful disease. I do think you genuinely need help for your mental health though and maybe your drinking (I don't drink anymore but I used to binge drink and I'd drink like you did on your live last night).

However if you continue to claim you have cancer, I will continue to prove to people that you don't


Jul 4, 2024
So my post has been removed by tiktok someone reported it for harresment and bullying. I've appealed. I'll just repost it again tomorrow if the appeal doesn't work
With James its always everybody else's fault. He will never see that it's his own behaviour that is unacceptable. He tells people to unalive themselves or he will help push them off the puer yet is the first to play the mental health card. He is aggressive and spiteful. He genuinely needs help for his own safety. Your post on tt was excellent. You made it extremely clear that nobody was to go to his page and give him abuse xx


Jun 16, 2024
So his break could be a day ? Obvs 😂

Coke comedown im guessing …

James YOU are the evidence ….

Whilst you are trying to scam people …

WE will ALWAYS be here . And that’s a promise …

Come clean about all your lies .. give people their money back & get a job … and this can ALL go away

Ps I’d actually get some friends who are genuine friends ..those who enabled your behaviour live the other night are NOT real friends . If you was a friend of mine making such a show of yourself I’d of told you to “end the live “ neither of them did … go figure


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Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
James (because let’s face it we know you read everything on here) why do you keep posting and removing the same post about taking a break from social media? It’s been posted and removed 3 times in the last 12 hours!! Ahhh I know. Because it’s not getting enough likes each time?? So you keep re posting it hoping to improve your likes. fed up haven’t you pal? In your own words what are you hoping to achieve? Getting boring now and your followers are dropping nicely. A victory for the good honest people on this forum 👍🏻


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
Yeh I seen he said he was airlifted but stole a clip from someone and said it was him or something x
He claimed he jumped off a pier and was rescued by the RNLI and posted a video but it was stolen from the RNLI and was also dated about 6 months before he said he was rescued. Apparently the RNLI have confirmed it wasn’t him. Get yourself a coffee and read thru all these pages , the evidence is there !!! It’s quite disturbing actually