James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 8, 2024
Has anyone noticed James new tagline under his name? Surely if you’re fighting cancer your energy will be consumed trying to get through chemo every week. The last thing on your mind would be trolls lol

Notice his messages are off too. I'd love to know how many messages off people questioning him or asking for gfm refunds he's getting.
It won't be James fault though.... the whole of tiktok will be trolls before he admits he's a lying scumbag 🧌 I for one, wear my trolls badge with pride 🧌🧌🧌


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
He claimed he jumped off a pier and was rescued by the RNLI and posted a video but it was stolen from the RNLI and was also dated about 6 months before he said he was rescued. Apparently the RNLI have confirmed it wasn’t him. Get yourself a coffee and read thru all these pages , the evidence is there !!! It’s quite disturbing actually
Sorry it was actually dated 2022 which is just over 18 months not 6. My mistake


Mar 11, 2024
Love how he post then deletes 🤣 not enough likes jimmy 🧌🤣 your times up & you dont have cancer just admit it fs 💀 we know shes not stalking you or being a troll shes giving out just as good as you do but you cant handle it so you call the police 😴


Mar 11, 2024
Repost as its all he does that was already up and now its back after not getting the attention on outing his troll ( we already knew it was molly ) you have problems jimmy go get help. Btw im sending molly flowers to thank her when you see them getting delivered you know its came from all your trolls. ✌🧌


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New member
Jul 17, 2024
Honestly I don't think it's real I think a lot of it is for drama.or attention. I believe he has chrons and that is it, please I ask you to look over all of his posts. All his hospital journey pictures are near enough reposted ones and for someone that has had as many surgeries that he had claimed he never has knew incisions on his body just the same ones he shows on every pictures. On a live he stated he had a secondary to his lung then the next he said it was his liver then he said it was his liver multiple times when someone said "oh no you have lung and liver secondaries that awful" he replied no I have lung I said liver because others said liver in the thread which confused me.
Secondly how can someone who had what three major surgeries in a week and had an ITU stay with being in a coma that was discharged on Friday then be able to jet off on holiday on the Monday?
Why are do his perforations only happen of an evening and these need fixing of a night? These never happen during the day? Also every surgery he has he has a bleed after and needs to go back to theatre to have a bleed fixed.
He stated in September the drs took biopsies of tissues they were concerned about but he only got diagnosed with cancer 5 days before Christmas but had his lung cancer diagnosed within minutes and had the surgery the next day but had to wait till February for his bowel cancer surgery to be done.

Also how is it he is never the bad guy in anything but how is it he is alone in everything his friends have all left him, his family have dumped him and they send him toxic emails even while his critically ill in hospital, he is trolled and sent hate messages daily, when he got home from hospital on Friday there was dog poop through the door, the person he went on holiday with has left him and gone home but he states he is the nicest of people and doesn't have a nasty bone in his body. To me their is a common denominator in this. If you just Google search him there are numerous news articles on him with him doing regular disappearing acts, not only that he claimed the police were banging on his door at 1.30am over an issue with a friend however this person has now passed away sadly and he was heavily in recreational medication.


New member
Jul 17, 2024
Honestly I don't think it's real I think a lot of it is for drama.or attention. I believe he has chrons and that is it, please I ask you to look over all of his posts. All his hospital journey pictures are near enough reposted ones and for someone that has had as many surgeries that he had claimed he never has knew incisions on his body just the same ones he shows on every pictures. On a live he stated he had a secondary to his lung then the next he said it was his liver then he said it was his liver multiple times when someone said "oh no you have lung and liver secondaries that awful" he replied no I have lung I said liver because others said liver in the thread which confused me.
Secondly how can someone who had what three major surgeries in a week and had an ITU stay with being in a coma that was discharged on Friday then be able to jet off on holiday on the Monday?
Why are do his perforations only happen of an evening and these need fixing of a night? These never happen during the day? Also every surgery he has he has a bleed after and needs to go back to theatre to have a bleed fixed.
He stated in September the drs took biopsies of tissues they were concerned about but he only got diagnosed with cancer 5 days before Christmas but had his lung cancer diagnosed within minutes and had the surgery the next day but had to wait till February for his bowel cancer surgery to be done.

Also how is it he is never the bad guy in anything but how is it he is alone in everything his friends have all left him, his family have dumped him and they send him toxic emails even while his critically ill in hospital, he is trolled and sent hate messages daily, when he got home from hospital on Friday there was dog poop through the door, the person he went on holiday with has left him and gone home but he states he is the nicest of people and doesn't have a nasty bone in his body. To me their is a common denominator in this. If you just Google search him there are numerous news articles on him with him doing regular disappearing acts, not only that he claimed the police were banging on his door at 1.30am over an issue with a friend however this person has now passed away sadly and he was heavily in recreational medication.


New member
Jul 17, 2024
I also watched a tiktok live when he was discussing the spread of his cancer, he initially said it had metastasised to his lung on a previous post but on the live said it was his kidney, then people were confused and questioning it. How can you get that mixed up? I’m maybe being harsh


New member
Jul 17, 2024
James' new stalking post, looking for sympathy 🤔

I wouldn't give two hoots about stalking or having my windows covered in paint by my crazy neighbour, if a massive attempted murder plot against me, by trolls, had just been discovered. Would you? Why's he nit posting about that? 🤔🤣🤣🧌🧌
His neighbour never did anything to his window yes the cameras were smashed but no window


New member
Jul 17, 2024
Hey Jimbo 👋

Long time, no speak. Or should I say long time since you made a fake profile on here and trolled yourself 🙄 but we all know you're still lurking on here.

So...you're not going to go 'live' anymore? Have a break from social media...Pull the other one, it got bells on...

You thrive/live for the attention, now I could understand it if it was positive attention but I honestly haven't seen one person stick up for you. I've seen people ask if we should really question if someone has cancer or not and no we shouldn't but you'll find most cancer fighters (like myself), cancer survivors, family's supporting someone with cancer etc WILL talk about it because we want to help others.

Unfortunately the attention you crave is ALL negative and you've made your bed (not a hospital one) and now you have to lie in it!

As for your 'story' about I don't know how many trolls you've had arrested, again a load of bollocks, it's on ongoing fued that you're having with someone from your area, not a troll at all and it's 1 person not the 3,5,6,9,7 that you say.

So I for one welcome your absence from social media and really hope it becomes a permanent one however knowing you have been lying/scamming and attention seeking for over 10 years I very much doubt you'll be gone for long.

I hope karma doesn't take her revenge too hard...oh no wait, I really do!!!