James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jul 17, 2024
So his break could be a day ? Obvs 😂

Coke comedown im guessing …

James YOU are the evidence ….

Whilst you are trying to scam people …

WE will ALWAYS be here . And that’s a promise …

Come clean about all your lies .. give people their money back & get a job … and this can ALL go away

Ps I’d actually get some friends who are genuine friends ..those who enabled your behaviour live the other night are NOT real friends . If you was a friend of mine making such a show of yourself I’d of told you to “end the live “ neither of them did … go figure


New member
Jun 20, 2024
I am in remission from endometrial cancer I was told by both my oncologists that it only metastasises after radiation or chemo and also I had a ct scan with contrasting dye after my treatment to see if it had metastasis and had to wait 3 what seemed extremely long weeks. Yet he was told it had spread he is the biggest lying t I’ve ever come across and believe me in my 60 yrs of being on earth I have met many😜🤪🙈


Jul 1, 2024
North East
I am in remission from endometrial cancer I was told by both my oncologists that it only metastasises after radiation or chemo and also I had a ct scan with contrasting dye after my treatment to see if it had metastasis and had to wait 3 what seemed extremely long weeks. Yet he was told it had spread he is the biggest lying t I’ve ever come across and believe me in my 60 yrs of being on earth I have met many😜🤪🙈

Cancer doesn’t need radio / chemo to spread , my husband was diagnosed stage 4 right away, it had already spread to his liver but you’re right, you don’t go into surgery, have a scan right after, get the results same day then go straight in to a new surgery for the spread. It takes 10-14 days for CT results most of the time, and if they found spread you then have a team sit and decide what to do. The surgeon is part of that team but tbh they would first do an MRI and a PET to check for any other spread before even discussing the next course of action.
It takes weeks and weeks!


New member
Jul 9, 2024
I am in remission from endometrial cancer I was told by both my oncologists that it only metastasises after radiation or chemo and also I had a ct scan with contrasting dye after my treatment to see if it had metastasis and had to wait 3 what seemed extremely long weeks. Yet he was told it had spread he is the biggest lying t I’ve ever come across and believe me in my 60 yrs of being on earth I have met many😜🤪🙈
Hello, how are you doing now? I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. Here's a little back story.
My mum was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 8 weeks ago. Stage 1B and she had to have a chest xray as she kept on getting repetitive chest infections, only for them to find 2 shadows on her left lung. She had a CT scan, followed by a PET scan which has come back that she has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with the lung. She's having a lung biopsy next Friday. She is also having the mirena coil put in next Tuesday to keep the endometrial cancer at bay, while she's waiting to have surgery as she isn't fit enough yet. She hasn't had chemo or radiation as of yet.
Does that mean it hasn't mastetised then? Does it mean her lung cancer is a totally seperate cancer?
I'm so sorry to ask but I saw your comment and had to ask.
Thank you for reading x


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
Hello, how are you doing now? I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. Here's a little back story.
My mum was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 8 weeks ago. Stage 1B and she had to have a chest xray as she kept on getting repetitive chest infections, only for them to find 2 shadows on her left lung. She had a CT scan, followed by a PET scan which has come back that she has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with the lung. She's having a lung biopsy next Friday. She is also having the mirena coil put in next Tuesday to keep the endometrial cancer at bay, while she's waiting to have surgery as she isn't fit enough yet. She hasn't had chemo or radiation as of yet.
Does that mean it hasn't mastetised then? Does it mean her lung cancer is a totally seperate cancer?
I'm so sorry to ask but I saw your comment and had to ask.
Thank you for reading x
I have no advice I just wanted to send you lots of love. I lost my mum to lung cancer 4 years ago and I know how hard it is to find answers ❤️


New member
Jul 9, 2024
I have no advice I just wanted to send you lots of love. I lost my mum to lung cancer 4 years ago and I know how hard it is to find answers ❤️
Aww I'm so very sorry 😞 If you ever wanna talk, im always here. Thank you so much, sending lots of love back ♡
I have so many questions, I know I'm driving myself abit mad. I know that its in her left lower lobe of her lung. Just waiting on her to have her biopsy to find out what type 😰
My husband had stage 4 hodgkin's lymphoma back in 2020 ( he's thankfully in remission now) but I've always panicked x


New member
Jul 4, 2024
Hello, how are you doing now? I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. Here's a little back story.
My mum was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 8 weeks ago. Stage 1B and she had to have a chest xray as she kept on getting repetitive chest infections, only for them to find 2 shadows on her left lung. She had a CT scan, followed by a PET scan which has come back that she has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with the lung. She's having a lung biopsy next Friday. She is also having the mirena coil put in next Tuesday to keep the endometrial cancer at bay, while she's waiting to have surgery as she isn't fit enough yet. She hasn't had chemo or radiation as of yet.
Does that mean it hasn't mastetised then? Does it mean her lung cancer is a totally seperate cancer?
I'm so sorry to ask but I saw your comment and had to ask.
Thank you for reading x
Hi I'm so sorry to read about your mum sending you lots of love, I lost my partner in 2019 to esophagus cancer which spread to his lungs and stomach, I know how hard it is waiting for tests and answers ❤️


Jun 26, 2024
Hello, how are you doing now? I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. Here's a little back story.
My mum was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 8 weeks ago. Stage 1B and she had to have a chest xray as she kept on getting repetitive chest infections, only for them to find 2 shadows on her left lung. She had a CT scan, followed by a PET scan which has come back that she has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with the lung. She's having a lung biopsy next Friday. She is also having the mirena coil put in next Tuesday to keep the endometrial cancer at bay, while she's waiting to have surgery as she isn't fit enough yet. She hasn't had chemo or radiation as of yet.
Does that mean it hasn't mastetised then? Does it mean her lung cancer is a totally seperate cancer?
I'm so sorry to ask but I saw your comment and had to ask.
Thank you for reading x
Sorry to jump in but just wanted to say, I don't have any experience with endometrial cancer but I had breast cancer a few years ago and then last year cancer showed on my lung and liver. I had to have a lung biopsy to determine if it was my breast cancer that had returned/metastasized or a new cancer. The biopsy confirmed it was a return of my breast cancer. So I would imagine your mums biopsy is being done for the same thing...to determine of its metastasized or a new cancer. Everyone's cancer experiences are different so try not to go by anyone else's, your mums medical team will be the ones with answers. I hope they get her treatment plan sorted soon.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Hi I'm so sorry to read about your mum sending you lots of love, I lost my partner in 2019 to esophagus cancer which spread to his lungs and stomach, I know how hard it is waiting for tests and answers ❤️
Aww thank you so much. I'm so so sorry for your loss 😔 Sending all my love and hugs to you ❤️


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Sorry to jump in but just wanted to say, I don't have any experience with endometrial cancer but I had breast cancer a few years ago and then last year cancer showed on my lung and liver. I had to have a lung biopsy to determine if it was my breast cancer that had returned/metastasized or a new cancer. The biopsy confirmed it was a return of my breast cancer. So I would imagine your mums biopsy is being done for the same thing...to determine of its metastasized or a new cancer. Everyone's cancer experiences are different so try not to go by anyone else's, your mums medical team will be the ones with answers. I hope they get her treatment plan sorted soon.
Oh bless you! How are you doing now? I hope you're doing alright now.
Ah yeah definitely. Sorry to ask but how long did it take for you to get your results from your biopsy? X


Jun 26, 2024
Oh bless you! How are you doing now? I hope you're doing alright now.
Ah yeah definitely. Sorry to ask but how long did it take for you to get your results from your biopsy? X
It took about 3 weeks in total. It was about 2 weeks for them to get the results to confirm it was breast cancer but another few days for all the results to come back so show them what type of breast cancer. The waiting for results really is the worse part, I was constantly calling the hospital asking for an update but unfortunately these things take days/weeks to be done! x


New member
Jul 16, 2024
Thanks for replying to my message about the helicopter, I did what some of you advised and had a read through some of this chat and also had a look on other site to gain a bit more knowledge on this drama, from what I can gather all of this “trolling” and stalking and death threats he is getting is because people don’t believe he has cancer, I have never been through anything at all like cancer so I can’t comment on what’s not adding up but what I do know is if he has cancer and is going through chemo then all of the hate and trolling and death threats and people turning up at his house has got to be absolutely unbearable for him and something that he absolutely cannot deal with, he would need love and support and thousands of people on his side bigging him up and offering help, sure that’s the side of this s show you’d want to be on given the severity of the nightmare your living through with cancer. So for James (I have seen people say he reads these) I understand no one should have to explain themselves or prove anything personal to anyone, however in this circumstance it would benefit you a million times over to just let everyone know that your not happy about it and don’t want to do it but your being forced to show proof. It would be a 2 minute video, you wouldn’t even have to show your face just you name on letters/emails/family or friend chats that you have with proof that you are going through everything you say, you can blank out all personal info and just leave dates and diagnosis/treatment, if you were to do this you have no idea how many people would feel immense guilt and retract everything they have ever said, I think if I was in your position I would have done that before it got this far and I would of reaped the rewards of the gifts and go fund me donations from everyone who felt guilt because you would deserve every penny of it.

Anyway that’s all it would take, 1 little 2 min video of pictures with proof, everyone would shut up and leave you alone and I think you know, and we all know, and the girls that pretend to support you all know that the fact you haven’t done this yet is absolutely an outright admission to guilt because everything you have said is a lie. I hope you get the help you need ♥️


New member
Jun 20, 2024
Hello, how are you doing now? I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. Here's a little back story.
My mum was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 8 weeks ago. Stage 1B and she had to have a chest xray as she kept on getting repetitive chest infections, only for them to find 2 shadows on her left lung. She had a CT scan, followed by a PET scan which has come back that she has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with the lung. She's having a lung biopsy next Friday. She is also having the mirena coil put in next Tuesday to keep the endometrial cancer at bay, while she's waiting to have surgery as she isn't fit enough yet. She hasn't had chemo or radiation as of yet.
Does that mean it hasn't mastetised then? Does it mean her lung cancer is a totally seperate cancer?
I'm so sorry to ask but I saw your comment and had to ask.
Thank you for reading x


New member
Jun 20, 2024
Hello sweetheart it sounds to me like it could be another cancer I was stage 2 grade 2 originally I was told I had a few cells and just needed a hysterectomy which I had and they then did biopsies and found I had a huge tumour in my uterus that had spread to the cervix. A month after the surgery I had 28 rounds of radiation and then 2 brachytherapy which is internal radiation. I then had the ct scan on the thorax down to the pelvis area that is when they looked to see if it had mastitis. From how me and my fella understood radiation can make the cancer spread. I’m sending u and mum so much love and never feel u cannot ask me anything xxx


New member
Jun 20, 2024
Totally agree with you with your answer we are all very different. I was told I had my cancer a good year before diagnosis but because I have reaccurring utis they never checked me plus I have a prolaps and thought it was this that was making me uncomfortable sorry but to much info there 😜🙈🙈