James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jul 6, 2024
Hey you lovely lot hope you are doing ok.

I'm sat here tonight feeling sorry for James and feeling sympathy towards him. Before you all jump on me, I know, I know. It's just how I can be.

I still think he needs off the app and needs to tell the truth but I'm starting to think a bit deeper (yeah I'm a deep thinker too) into it all and wonder what makes him do it. What's brought him to this point. The heavy drinking and drugs is something I used to do (ai don't touch either now) and it was while I was battling with depression and other stuff. But does the compulsive lying stem from that and it's now spiralled to another addiction of attention seeking.

I dunno my mind is racing.

I still stand by the video I did but I won't be re-posting.

Please no hate. I just wanted to be honest with my thoughts with you guys.
Apr 26, 2024
Hey you lovely lot hope you are doing ok.

I'm sat here tonight feeling sorry for James and feeling sympathy towards him. Before you all jump on me, I know, I know. It's just how I can be.

I still think he needs off the app and needs to tell the truth but I'm starting to think a bit deeper (yeah I'm a deep thinker too) into it all and wonder what makes him do it. What's brought him to this point. The heavy drinking and drugs is something I used to do (ai don't touch either now) and it was while I was battling with depression and other stuff. But does the compulsive lying stem from that and it's now spiralled to another addiction of attention seeking.

I dunno my mind is racing.

I still stand by the video I did but I won't be re-posting.

Please no hate. I just wanted to be honest with my thoughts with you guys.
All behaviour serves a purpose.

I wonder if he caught on from the attention he got around his crohns and it’s spiralled from there. That doesn’t forgive the conning people out of thousands of pounds and lying about attempted murder though.


Jul 4, 2024
All behaviour serves a purpose.

I wonder if he caught on from the attention he got around his crohns and it’s spiralled from there. That doesn’t forgive the conning people out of thousands of pounds and lying about attempted murder though.
Nor does it excuse the aggressiveness he displays on his lives or when he tells people to unalive themselves or let him push them off the pier. Coming from a man who is meant to suffer from mental health you would this he has empathy.


Jul 1, 2024
North East
Hello, how are you doing now? I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. Here's a little back story.
My mum was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 8 weeks ago. Stage 1B and she had to have a chest xray as she kept on getting repetitive chest infections, only for them to find 2 shadows on her left lung. She had a CT scan, followed by a PET scan which has come back that she has lung cancer and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with the lung. She's having a lung biopsy next Friday. She is also having the mirena coil put in next Tuesday to keep the endometrial cancer at bay, while she's waiting to have surgery as she isn't fit enough yet. She hasn't had chemo or radiation as of yet.
Does that mean it hasn't mastetised then? Does it mean her lung cancer is a totally seperate cancer?
I'm so sorry to ask but I saw your comment and had to ask.
Thank you for reading x

I think the other commenter may have misunderstood something their doctor said, as it can spread without chemo/radio and lungs are a common site for it to spread to according to a few cancer centre sites.
Of course that’s not to say it couldn’t also be a 2nd type of cancer, this does happen also, but they will explain when they have done all their checks.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
I think the other commenter may have misunderstood something their doctor said, as it can spread without chemo/radio and lungs are a common site for it to spread to according to a few cancer centre sites.
Of course that’s not to say it couldn’t also be a 2nd type of cancer, this does happen also, but they will explain when they have done all their checks.
Ah yeah of course, thank you. I know I need to be patient. It's definitely not my strong point. How are you both doing today? X


Jul 1, 2024
North East
Thanks for replying to my message about the helicopter, I did what some of you advised and had a read through some of this chat and also had a look on other site to gain a bit more knowledge on this drama, from what I can gather all of this “trolling” and stalking and death threats he is getting is because people don’t believe he has cancer, I have never been through anything at all like cancer so I can’t comment on what’s not adding up but what I do know is if he has cancer and is going through chemo then all of the hate and trolling and death threats and people turning up at his house has got to be absolutely unbearable for him and something that he absolutely cannot deal with, he would need love and support and thousands of people on his side bigging him up and offering help, sure that’s the side of this s show you’d want to be on given the severity of the nightmare your living through with cancer. So for James (I have seen people say he reads these) I understand no one should have to explain themselves or prove anything personal to anyone, however in this circumstance it would benefit you a million times over to just let everyone know that your not happy about it and don’t want to do it but your being forced to show proof. It would be a 2 minute video, you wouldn’t even have to show your face just you name on letters/emails/family or friend chats that you have with proof that you are going through everything you say, you can blank out all personal info and just leave dates and diagnosis/treatment, if you were to do this you have no idea how many people would feel immense guilt and retract everything they have ever said, I think if I was in your position I would have done that before it got this far and I would of reaped the rewards of the gifts and go fund me donations from everyone who felt guilt because you would deserve every penny of it.

Anyway that’s all it would take, 1 little 2 min video of pictures with proof, everyone would shut up and leave you alone and I think you know, and we all know, and the girls that pretend to support you all know that the fact you haven’t done this yet is absolutely an outright admission to guilt because everything you have said is a lie. I hope you get the help you need ♥️

I absolutely agree and as someone whose husband has the cancer James says he has, with mets in the places James said / says (he changed it) he had - I can categorically say that is not how cancer treatment works. If they find it has spread you do not go straight to surgery. Those scan results alone take more than a day and then a team decides what to do after more tests are done.
He has absolutely lied about that. I would NEVER accuse someone who might be in my husband’s situation unless I was absolutely sure.
I can promise you that.

I told him - prove it, give me the name of your surgeon because they’re doing things the NHS refuses to / cannot do and they could save more lives


Jul 1, 2024
North East
Ah yeah of course, thank you. I know I need to be patient. It's definitely not my strong point. How are you both doing today? X
Patience is nigh on impossible in these situations- you search and try and preempt ? I still do even nearly 2 years in, I have not and will not learn my lesson. It’s human nature xxx

We’re okay thank you, today has been a much better day for Ian xxx


Mar 8, 2024
Hey you lovely lot hope you are doing ok.

I'm sat here tonight feeling sorry for James and feeling sympathy towards him. Before you all jump on me, I know, I know. It's just how I can be.

I still think he needs off the app and needs to tell the truth but I'm starting to think a bit deeper (yeah I'm a deep thinker too) into it all and wonder what makes him do it. What's brought him to this point. The heavy drinking and drugs is something I used to do (ai don't touch either now) and it was while I was battling with depression and other stuff. But does the compulsive lying stem from that and it's now spiralled to another addiction of attention seeking.

I dunno my mind is racing.

I still stand by the video I did but I won't be re-posting.

Please no hate. I just wanted to be honest with my thoughts with you guys.
I understand what you are saying and I felt the same way at first.

It is understandable that we look for reasons why someone behaves so badly but the reality is is that some people are just bad people in my opinion.

I believe James is just one of those bad people.
He seems to have been scamming people in various ways for years.
I do think he's probably got addicted to the attention he gets from his lies but in my opinion he's nothing more than a nasty aggressive little con man.


New member
May 9, 2024
West Yorkshire
Hey you lovely lot hope you are doing ok.

I'm sat here tonight feeling sorry for James and feeling sympathy towards him. Before you all jump on me, I know, I know. It's just how I can be.

I still think he needs off the app and needs to tell the truth but I'm starting to think a bit deeper (yeah I'm a deep thinker too) into it all and wonder what makes him do it. What's brought him to this point. The heavy drinking and drugs is something I used to do (ai don't touch either now) and it was while I was battling with depression and other stuff. But does the compulsive lying stem from that and it's now spiralled to another addiction of attention seeking.

I dunno my mind is racing.

I still stand by the video I did but I won't be re-posting.

Please no hate. I just wanted to be honest with my thoughts with you guys.
Hi, I know exactly how you feel. A part of me wants to believe that he initially did have stage 2 bowel cancer and it has just resulted in an exaggeration of it’s gone to his lung and now he can’t get out of that lie. I find it so hard to believe that anybody would actually lie about having cancer because it is so life changing for us that have/had it. Also, being stage 4 myself, I am trying my utter most to think better of people and be non judgmental.. it’s a weird place to be. Anyway, I don’t think any of what you’re/other people are doing should stop because it’s now at a place where people need to know the truth and he needs to prove himself which isn’t hard to do at all, every meeting, every test, every treatment plan is recorded and on paper or on an app. I for one would put it out there if I was him. He says he doesn’t have to prove anything, he knows the truth but he does need to prove it to stop the exposures .. Come on James, do the right thing.


New member
Jul 9, 2024
Patience is nigh on impossible in these situations- you search and try and preempt ? I still do even nearly 2 years in, I have not and will not learn my lesson. It’s human nature xxx

We’re okay thank you, today has been a much better day for Ian xxx
Oh god yeah, I'm the exact same. I was like it when my husband had cancer too. My name on tiktok is mariepreston89. I'd love to follow you or anyone else that's on here. I'm glad you're both okay xx


Mar 8, 2024
Thanks everyone for replying to my post, I think you are all right. I'm too soft sometimes it's my weakness
You're not soft, you are just looking for the best in people and there is nothing wrong with that.

I knew for a while something was off about him but I was so reluctant to say anything as my brain couldn't understand why anyone would lie about such things. I didn't want to believe it.