James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Ha ha…Jimmy why you so obsessed with reading what we write on here? It’s you who is obsessed with views, you mention it in every single one of your boring lives. When is your ban up? Hurry up so we can get you banned again, its lovely not seeing you squirming on a live.

And why dont you unblock me so I can show you ALL the evidemce I have. Your posts saying we won’t give you evidence are boring now and everyone is laughing. Every single person who likes your videos gets told the truth that you wont unblock us because you will be rumbled.

And pay Jac back you freeloading cuddle buddy 🤮🤮
Jun 22, 2024
He's like a bloody stuck record.
You have been quiet because you're banned not because you have been concentrating on you 🙄.
Also you are thanking your supporters for their messages but it literally said in your bio messages requests turned off so unless they have been sending messages via carrier pigeon you is lying 🤥
Edited to add he's removed it from his bio now so I bet the support messages are flooding in as I type.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
He isn’t bothered, he ignores it, he has moved on. But he can’t stop reading in here and posting a video afterwards 😂😂 ok Jimmy 😂

He deleted his pathetic daddy, bodyguard, cuddle buddy video, and the one about not being bothered about views, then the next video mentions views 🤣🤣

And again says about nobody having proof, when everyone is laughing at what a coward he is because every one of them know he has blocked anyone with proof and is a coward.

Oh and pay Jaq back you peasant. She is living her best life since ditching the weight of you clinging on to her legs. What a waster you are.

Keep the videos coming on repeat, I need something to help me sleep.