James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 11, 2024
Jimmy unblock me il message you off my own account with my face no problem but you wont 👀💀 cant believe his stolen my ‘ give ur head a wobble ‘ il never say that again now 😭😭😭 your followers are dropping just as much as those views 👀🧌🧌


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Did a video yesterday saying he has moved on and not talking about trolls. Does a video today going on about trolls 🤣🤣🤣 says he isn’t bothered about views yesterday, today mentions views. He doesn’t see how sad that looks, thousands of views and a hundred likes 😂 oh dear Jimmy, and still you think people believe your lies? I think not 😂 the numbers speak for themselves.

Trolls are not people who expose you Jimmy.

We 👀 you today 😂😂

Unblock me too, you can have my full name, address and anything else you want. No? Running away again.

p.s. Pay Jaq back you scruffy beg.


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
It’s those eyes for me. They are the most creepiest, weird eyes ever that just scream liar. It’s like when someone’s lying to your face and they can’t look at you but he has no choice but to look at the camera so squints to make himself look smaller somehow. If that makes sense. He’s finished. He’ll go back to just posting quotes as that’s gonna make him a bit of money cos the whole medical and trolls theme isn’t working now. I still hope he has to face the consequences of lying about cancer and all those other scams he’s done over the years to steal money off people. Once a thief always a thief. I’m sure when this latest live ban is up he’ll start again with the same boring s. What a prick.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Morning Jimbo 👋

Can I start by saying a massive well done on your miraculous recovery. You really are a medical marvel. I mean, no catastrophic bleeds, no life threatening perforations, no air ambulance trips, no RNLI recoveries since May...actually since we all called you out?? Funny that, coincidence though I'm sure 🤔

I also want to say thank you for finding the cure to the suck ass side effects that chemo gives you. I for one genuinely feel like I'd rather eat a tramps flip flop for a week after my chemo but you seem to have found something that means you can toddle off the Belguim for a festival for a few days after yours...amazing!! I must get your Oncologist number and ask them for the secret formula 😏

But no hang on...you weren't in Belgium were you cos you were seen in your local Tesco and seen hanging your washing out when you were supposed to be having 'the time of your life' at Tomorrowland?? Whoops 🤭

And where do I even start with your latest round of videos 🥱 oh Jimbo, change the record...please, it really is getting extremely tedious now.
You're so called 'trolls' are your neighbour who you've had on ongoing fued with for years. Now if you'd have moved as you said you had (we all know you just decorated, not moved) then surely that would solve the problem...no?

The 'trolls' that you speak of aren't 'trolls' Jimbo cos we are calling you out publicly, on here, no one is hiding behind a keyboard, we want to go live with you, we want to expose you face to face but the little chicken s you are won't unblock any us to allow us to do that...come on Jimbo, there's a queue forming, a queue of us lovely lot wanting to speak to you properly to just clear a few little things up??

Also where are all of your little fan girls? Your little group of supposed people who know what youre going through? Where are they sticking up for you on here? Im damn sure my friends would be fighting tooth and nail for me if i was accused of something that wasnt true?
Where are they James? Because up to now with nearly 5000 comments, I haven't seen a single one?

Anyway, you've taken up enough of my day, being a stage 4 cancer patient like yourself Jimbo 🙄 I appreciate the time that I have and whilst I will continue to call you out for all your wrong doings, you don't live rent free in my head all day like we do yours so have a great day and probably see you 'live' tonight? It's been 7 days since your last 'live' and I assume you got a 7 day ban for being a total waster on your last one and I guess your craving the attention by now but just a friendly note Jimbo...be a bit more interesting cos by christ you're dull 😑

Oh and once again, the offer still stands to come share an NHS cheese sarnie with me at my chemo session next Tuesday or maybe a ham sarnie if you dont fancy cheese? They do tuna but I'd probably give that a miss although you could claim the worst food poisoning episode ever known to man and get rushed to ITU and then make a million videos about it? Let me know Jimbo 😘
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Feb 6, 2024
Morning Jimbo 👋

Can I start by saying a massive well done on your miraculous recovery. You really are a medical marvel. I mean, no catastrophic bleeds, no life threatening perforations, no air ambulance trips, no RNLI recoveries since May...actually since we all called you out?? Funny that, coincidence though I'm sure 🤔

I also want to say thank you for finding the cure to the suck ass side effects that chemo gives you. I for one genuinely feel like I'd rather eat a tramps flip flop for a week after my chemo but you seem to have found something that means you can toddle off the Belguim for a festival for a few days after yours...amazing!! I must get your Oncologist number and ask them for the secret formula 😏

But no hang on...you weren't in Belgium were you cos you were seen in your local Tesco and seen hanging your washing out when you were supposed to be having 'the time of your life' at Tomorrowland?? Whoops 🤭

And where do I even start with your latest round of videos 🥱 oh Jimbo, change the record...please, it really is getting extremely tedious now.
You're so called 'trolls' are your neighbour who you've had on ongoing fued with for years. Now if you'd have moved as you said you had (we all know you just decorated, not moved) then surely that would solve the problem...no?

The 'trolls' that you speak of aren't 'trolls' Jimbo cos we are calling you out publicly, on here, no one is hiding behind a keyboard, we want to go live with you, we want to expose you face to face but the little chicken s you are won't unblock any us to allow us to do that...come on Jimbo, there's a queue forming, a queue of us lovely lot wanting to speak to you properly to just clear a few little things up??

Also where are all of your little fan girls? Your little group of supposed people who know what youre going through? Where are they sticking up for you on here? Im damn sure my friends would be fighting tooth and nail for me if i was accused of something that wasnt true?
Where are they James? Because up to now with nearly 5000 comments, I haven't seen a single one?

Anyway, you've taken up enough of my day, being a stage 4 cancer patient like yourself Jimbo 🙄 I appreciate the time that I have and whilst I will continue to call you out for all your wrong doings, you don't live rent free in my head all day like we do yours so have a great day and probably see you 'live' tonight? It's been 7 days since your last 'live' and I assume you got a 7 day ban for being a total waster on your last one and I guess your craving the attention by now but just a friendly note Jimbo...be a bit more interesting cos by christ you're dull 😑

Oh and once again, the offer still stands to come share an NHS cheese sarnie with me at my chemo session next Tuesday or maybe a ham sarnie if you dont fancy cheese? They do tuna but I'd probably give that a miss although you could claim the worst food poisoning episode ever known to man and get rushed to ITU and then make a million videos about it? Let me know Jimbo 😘

I think the Tuna sandwiches are ok, but prefer the cheese, but that's just me...😂😂😂
but very well said. This pleb really needs a visit from the boys in blue.. he's a disgrace!!

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Sorry Jimbo,

I forgot to say...your obsession with 'likes' & 'views' is very concerning. It smacks of attention seeking and needy. ..not an attractive trait really is it?
And please don't think we are all on here for 'clout' on TT. My account is private, no videos, 40 odd followers who are friends and family and I personally couldn't think of anything worse than putting my life out in the world to be judged by other people...but if that's your bag then good for you but don't be surprised and cry about it when people do judge you, maybe social media isn't the best place for you??

You seem to think that you are interesting enough to earn people 'clout'...you're not!!
It's not your charismatic personality, it's not your delightful way with words, it's not even your seductive squinty eye thing that you do that draws people to you...its your lies, your manipulation, your scamming, your constant whinning about 'trolls'...we find it funny Jimbo, people are literally laughing at you, not with you, at you!!

Ps, don't forget to let me know about next Tuesday 😉
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Jun 6, 2024
north West
Oh the recycled photos again after his walk around a hospital to take photos of ICU and the operating theatres 🤣🤣 or does he think we are as stupid as him and believe he was wheeled in to theatre, complete with phone in hand and the porters just stopped to let him have a photoshoot at the doors 🤣🤣

His consent form for his endoscopy is there though. Hardly bowel and lung cancer is it? Funny how of all the recycled photos he shows he hasn’t been able to show a letter about cancer or a photo of him having chemo. Oh thats because he hasn’t had any of them.

Strange that he moved but he has spent every single day and night in his old place 😂 he hasn’t moved at all and won’t because he is skint. So he can stay in his trampy house and just change the wallpaper and move the tv and pretend he’s moved. Oh what a sad imaginay life he has in his head 😂


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
He wouldn’t wish the last 5 months on anybody !!!!! Neither would I if any of it’s true but as we all know it isn’t.
The recycled hospital photos keep popping up as usual.
What’s happened to him so far ??
Abdominal bleeds
Several ops
Stage 4 cancer
Rescued by the RNLI which we all know didn’t happen.
His house was vandalised
He got beaten up and ribs broken

But ………. Still ok to fly , drink excessively , snort powder up nose and party !!
Oh and don’t forget the telling people to unalive themselves during a live !!
There’s so much more too !!!


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Doesn’t he have chemo on a Friday? Remember non existent chemo for his non existent cancer thats spread?

Jaq said he robbed her money (£300) for the tickets to weekend 2 in Belgium so he could be there. He is doing great for someone with secondary cancer still going through chemo isn’t he. Also he is on benefits and skint so how does he afford this? Oh yes, he scams people constantly. The rat.

Oh James, hope you will be home soon, you’ve left your washing out.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I think I am going to vomit. He is so cringe with his stupid quotes. As if anybody would want to be in any relationship with him 🤣 I’ve spoken to a few of his exes and omg their opinion of him and the lies he told.

Thinks he is funny but looks like a moron. Plus the stolen video thats all over google search pretending he’s on a jet ski. Jackanory. Be careful though Jimmy you might need the RNLI rescue out to you again, that’s if they’ve got a big enough dinghy. He is a bloody embarrassing laughing stock.