Karina aka Nona aka Louise aka karine aka liar


New member
Jun 18, 2024
I feel like she needs a full thread. I was once a mod for the lovely karine: or Nona as she was going by back then. This was 2019. I like most felt sorry for her cos she was getting massively bullied. However I soon woke up. You see she’s been the same way since way back. When I was mod there was some controversy about her hitting Dan and abusing her cats, she told Dan she had a few miscarriages and that is why he kept staying. Then things just got worse🤣 she left Dan due to her cheating on him. She found the elusive king Tom who is a questionable human. She had a payout from some compo she had and went off living it up in hotels doing drugs with Tom and just spaffing it all down the drain. She told Tom Dan had abused her and broke her jaw, then told Tom she was pregnant. But then miscarried. Remember that thing claims to have pcos which can make getting pregnant difficult. She has never received a formal diagnosis (although she probably does have it) she just likes to lie. She then got bored of Tom so she went back to daddies house. Her dad and his fetus wife are another topic entirely but short story is she was friends with Nona in the special needs school they went to. He worked as a caretaker there and he let the young girl move in with them and they officially announced they were together when she was 18 however Tony was fired from his job and the rumor has it he was grooming Jess from she was 15 which isn’t entirely unbelievable. So Nona ended up back with daddy Tony and somehow managed to get her claws back into Dan. Once again Dan was abused by her mentally and physically. Most of us witnessed some of this on lives. Lied about being pregnant a couple more times and then Dan come to his senses and left. Dan suffered with bad ptsd from this and had attempt to unalive. No one has heard from Dan since 2022 and I genuinely hope the geezer is ok. So little miss karine playing the victim as always made out Dan was the abuser just like Tom was. Even though there was evidence it was her but for some reason people think cos she has a mild learning disability that she’s so vunerable and innocent. She is not, she is evil to the core. So she finds herself in hotels spaffing money once again after selling her dead adoptive mums house . She latched on to new people aka billy toad, gimpy Nathan and boring Ruth and Michelle and some others, they lapped up the poor Nona game and protected her even though they knew about her treating Dan the way she did. Nevermind abusing the cats. She’s had several cats she neglects them and eventually sells them on. So Nathan, Ruth Nona bully a lady called Erica to the point Erica sadly loses her life. There was speculation that Erica ended it but she had a heart attack caused by an underlying heart condition and the stress of the relentless bullying by Nona and her hench men. One thing about Nona is she eventually shows her true colours to her friend groups and they fizzle out and new people come and she changes her personality and her name. So Nona meets Jordan, she’s made aware of who he is and she doesn’t care. Her lapdogs slowly start to remove themselves but only on social media. She’s still actually in contact with Nathan and Ruth 🤣 Karina as she is going by at this point gives Jordan phones and uses her large TikTok account to get young teens to chat with them on Snapchat. Karina Denys knowing Jordan was up to anything while they were together and says she was manipulated and she’s vunerable blah blah blah. She and Jordan were speaking to a 14year old girl on Snapchat. They were sending pics etc. I cannot give too much info as that is currently awaiting trial . Karina is also waiting to stand trial. The police haven’t returned her phones. She is allowed on social media but she is not allowed near minors under the age of 17. She pretends she isn’t with Jordan for a bit but they kept getting spotted and it’s only when Jordan cheats on her with someone else that she breaks up with him. She disappears for a bit of socials then comes back and has now ended up with new friends who also are idiots. They are all aware of her and what she’s done but still chooses to support. That judz, stackz( although he’s on the same wave length as Nona) xy level and the rest. It really infuriates me that people fall for her bull and defend her. Until she turns nasty and they wake up. I think that is as much as I can remember on the Karina/nona/karine saga for now. Apologies if it’s too long but it’ll give ya something to read when ya bored or if you’re unaware of her.
May 16, 2024
Eat It Weird Al GIF