Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
Y'know what as well, let's take the humiliation factor out of it and how bloody hilarious it is for a second and think right.. she's posting these with captions like "This was an hour after I told him I knew about his gf" so hang on.. Where are the kids? I don't think it's a flex at all letting a man so unpredictable into your life wether you know it or not, which is why you don't tell a man you've only know for 6 months where you and your children live, and sleep, alone. She's seriously putting them in danger by trying to regain some face after being rejected and posting him online. He knows where she lives. It's just not cool and not clever imo. Go out and date by all means, but this is the 2nd person we know of that she's admitted to handing out her address too in the last week. How many more are there? Is it really worth it for a bit of dick ffs. Even if the kids hadn't been there, whose to say he won't turn up when they are.
May 23, 2023
Y'know what as well, let's take the humiliation factor out of it and how bloody hilarious it is for a second and think right.. she's posting these with captions like "This was an hour after I told him I knew about his gf" so hang on.. Where are the kids? I don't think it's a flex at all letting a man so unpredictable into your life wether you know it or not, which is why you don't tell a man you've only know for 6 months where you and your children live, and sleep, alone. She's seriously putting them in danger by trying to regain some face after being rejected and posting him online. He knows where she lives. It's just not cool and not clever imo. Go out and date by all means, but this is the 2nd person we know of that she's admitted to handing out her address too in the last week. How many more are there? Is it really worth it for a bit of dick ffs. Even if the kids hadn't been there, whose to say he won't turn up when they are.
As if she gives a do though? She shows us everyday just how much she lomboks her family. As long as it benefits her nothing matters is what I’ve got from the years of watching her stories 👀
Apr 16, 2023
As if she gives a do though? She shows us everyday just how much she lomboks her family. As long as it benefits her nothing matters is what I’ve got from the years of watching her stories 👀

I so want to be outraged but the lombok took me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 its so true though, absolute sket. Can only hope for the kids sake she doesn't attract and hand out her address to someone as unhinged as herself aye or they're all fed!

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
What is her point that she us trying to prove by sharing all this? That she was used and ditched yet she was so desperate and gullible that she kept going back for more? Or that she's bitter with no self respect because he has blocked her (after she asked him to leave her alone). KK please do let us know what your thought process is in sharing this? At the same time though please do continue to share the tragic embarrassment that is your life because we Lombok it!
May 23, 2023
I so want to be outraged but the lombok took me out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 its so true though, absolute sket. Can only hope for the kids sake she doesn't attract and hand out her address to someone as unhinged as herself aye or they're all fed!
Her kids - daughter in particular - have little prospects with a parent like her. I’d be mortified to think my girls would grow up to think so little of themselves and be so openly cruel to another woman who they’ve never met just because she’s been cheated on!


And PLEASE, before you screengrab or whatever and post on your stories replying (but not really replying because you only reply to people when you’re private and they’re blocked lol), THINK, for once, THINK, about how stupid you look and how if your kids saw YOUR stories, not the s posted by your trulls, but YOUR actual stories how they’d feel…?

You my sweet ginger racist t are the problem, only you sweetie 🤷🏽‍♀️

Lombok, Mumma Kraken 😘
May 1, 2023
Everytime she slates someone else it's straight to private,she's a coward and would s herself if someone replied back,goes on all billy hard bollicks yet she's just a pussy cat,we all seen the takeaway drama she's pathetic
She gobs off then blocks the person so they can’t reply.

Also I bet she wet her knickers when she found out he had a Range Rover and his own house. She will have mentally moved herself in and be spending his money on yellow sticker and crap from Vinted .


May 11, 2023
Me here, I wasn’t going to come on but I saw the post of his face. This man has been coming to Kayleigh’s when her and Dan were ”happy” and together. We recognise him, every Wednesday he would go, I just presumed it was ray before but this man went to Kayleigh’s for a do every Wednesday whilst Dan was at work. weve just realised she had been cheating on Dan. The arguments they used to have screaming and smashing things, was awful. That’s my two pennies worth and I’m off 😂😂😂

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
Me here, I wasn’t going to come on but I saw the post of his face. This man has been coming to Kayleigh’s when her and Dan were ”happy” and together. We recognise him, every Wednesday he would go, I just presumed it was ray before but this man went to Kayleigh’s for a do every Wednesday whilst Dan was at work. weve just realised she had been cheating on Dan. The arguments they used to have screaming and smashing things, was awful. That’s my two pennies worth and I’m off 😂😂😂
Has she not confronted you yet?

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
I've been lurking and catching up wit this thread all afternoon. Glad she's finally got a thread somewhere seein as she managed to wangle out of one on tattle. I'v not watchd her for a while and I see she still hasn't changed. Why did her and Dan split?
She has a thread on tattle but this one is much more active
Apr 16, 2023
I think someone got above her station and thought 🤔? He has a house money etc I’ll have that, started shagging him and wanted to be top t, then dad found out, she didn’t give a do as she would want a house etc then realised she was the side chick and he didn’t take her s and bolted then Dan has left and sad KK has been left then was ghosted at the weekend, the grass isn’t always greener, I think she will want back to Dan, but I really hope Dan is genuinely happy away from her


May 29, 2023
Me here, I wasn’t going to come on but I saw the post of his face. This man has been coming to Kayleigh’s when her and Dan were ”happy” and together. We recognise him, every Wednesday he would go, I just presumed it was ray before but this man went to Kayleigh’s for a do every Wednesday whilst Dan was at work. weve just realised she had been cheating on Dan. The arguments they used to have screaming and smashing things, was awful. That’s my two pennies worth and I’m off 😂😂😂
What, when Dan was the only person with access to the doorbell?