So let's break down her update.
She starts with it was a monstrosity of a date - why post pics then?
She also said he had missing teeth and later called him "the two teeth wonder" - just like dan then?
She asks herself "where am I finding these people?" - on dodgy dating sites hun, without getting to know them first, not even before handing them out the address to your landlords home. Where he let's you and your children live.
She also ridicules his outfit like she did her last "date" - when she herself was wearing a god awful nans curtains ensemble that was already so busy when I noticed she'd added a belt I nearly had a seizure. Along with her Karen mum bun on a date. Classy as ever.
She mentions his clothes had food stains on - coming from the woman who lives in beans and greased stained tops!!
I have to admit, him having her as his screensaver is weird AF - but again this is someone she's given her home address too.
Bizarrely, she then adds a clip claiming he's Andrew Tate because he's talking about monkeys having sex - all I got from the video is they were in an absolute fing dive bar I wouldn't be seen dead in, let alone on a first date.
Again circling back to his dress sense and wearing loafers - while she's in her everything5pounds council sliders
Then ended on saying she had a dry kebab - how fing romantic
Maybe if you better yourself KKK you'll attract better men, although tbh he sounded perfect for you
She also said how she wants friends but doesn't want to make friends and it would be nice to have friends but then she'd have to maintain a friendship which obviously, we know she can't do. What a giant fat red flag!!!