Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

May 23, 2023
That TikTok was sad a do. I’d actually feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such an odious orange gargoyle! The bit about the friendships in particular, she posted a little while back when she was out with ‘the girls’ for one of their birthdays. There were a fair few of them so either a) she’s only friends with the birthday girl who probably invited her because she’d brought it up and the berg managed to blag or threaten her for an invite or b) she knows them all but they just don’t want her sitting with them if they can avoid it lol.
And the part where she posted a clip from the date - some advice on how to adult and possibly maintain those friendships you so clearly crave - if you disagree with somebodies opinion, instead of filming it (probably without their consent) and telling your followers the next day, challenge them on their views to their face, there and then, like grown ups who can hold adult conversations do everyday. Seriously as much class as a caravan holiday in Jaywick 😑
Apr 16, 2023
That TikTok was sad a do. I’d actually feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such an odious orange gargoyle! The bit about the friendships in particular, she posted a little while back when she was out with ‘the girls’ for one of their birthdays. There were a fair few of them so either a) she’s only friends with the birthday girl who probably invited her because she’d brought it up and the berg managed to blag or threaten her for an invite or b) she knows them all but they just don’t want her sitting with them if they can avoid it lol.
And the part where she posted a clip from the date - some advice on how to adult and possibly maintain those friendships you so clearly crave - if you disagree with somebodies opinion, instead of filming it (probably without their consent) and telling your followers the next day, challenge them on their views to their face, there and then, like grown ups who can hold adult conversations do everyday. Seriously as much class as a caravan holiday in Jaywick 😑

Honestly must be mental going through life with no one to have little catch ups with, sharing your highs and lows, getting advice and being eachothers cheerleader. Proper lonely but she's done it all to herself. The fact she's filming him blatantly without him knowing though? Who sits and thinks ahh this is going down the pan, I know.. I'll film it?? Its just so twisted🤣 I've been on bad dates and do you know what I did? I fing left😂 text me girls on the way home, had a laugh in the group chat without demeaning anyone and taking the piss, just the normal "not for me huns" and moved on. She just can't human properly🙈
Apr 21, 2023
So let's break down her update.

She starts with it was a monstrosity of a date - why post pics then?
She also said he had missing teeth and later called him "the two teeth wonder" - just like dan then?
She asks herself "where am I finding these people?" - on dodgy dating sites hun, without getting to know them first, not even before handing them out the address to your landlords home. Where he let's you and your children live.
She also ridicules his outfit like she did her last "date" - when she herself was wearing a god awful nans curtains ensemble that was already so busy when I noticed she'd added a belt I nearly had a seizure. Along with her Karen mum bun on a date. Classy as ever.
She mentions his clothes had food stains on - coming from the woman who lives in beans and greased stained tops!!
I have to admit, him having her as his screensaver is weird AF - but again this is someone she's given her home address too.
Bizarrely, she then adds a clip claiming he's Andrew Tate because he's talking about monkeys having sex - all I got from the video is they were in an absolute fing dive bar I wouldn't be seen dead in, let alone on a first date.
Again circling back to his dress sense and wearing loafers - while she's in her everything5pounds council sliders
Then ended on saying she had a dry kebab - how fing romantic

Maybe if you better yourself KKK you'll attract better men, although tbh he sounded perfect for you 👌

She also said how she wants friends but doesn't want to make friends and it would be nice to have friends but then she'd have to maintain a friendship which obviously, we know she can't do. What a giant fat red flag!!!
She wasn’t referring to herself as the feminist, was she!??
May 23, 2023
Honestly must be mental going through life with no one to have little catch ups with, sharing your highs and lows, getting advice and being eachothers cheerleader. Proper lonely but she's done it all to herself. The fact she's filming him blatantly without him knowing though? Who sits and thinks ahh this is going down the pan, I know.. I'll film it?? Its just so twisted🤣 I've been on bad dates and do you know what I did? I fing left😂 text me girls on the way home, had a laugh in the group chat without demeaning anyone and taking the piss, just the normal "not for me huns" and moved on. She just can't human properly🙈
Someone on her comments said you have to kiss a few frogs before finding Prince Charming. At this rate she will have gone through the entire swamp by July 😭
I’ve never done the dating scene, found my lobster and that was that but I tell you if I found myself single in my thirties I wouldn’t be out ‘looking’ for men on dating websites, I’d be busy raising my children, maybe taking up some courses and new hobbies but the last thing I’d want after coming out of a long relationship would be trying to find a new one.
She might be missing the hugs and slaps on the arse as they walk past but seriously is it worth looking like such a desperate ho for? She should concentrate on her kids and trying to become a better person because the person she is now is pure s 💩
May 23, 2023
Was this the "awful,smelly" date
Why did she get so up and close to somebody she’s just met? I have to take pics with people sometimes (legend, don’t forget babes 💋✌🏽) and just EEEEWWWW at getting that close to anybody like that! ‘Do you have nits? Not sure but sure as hell gonna find out in a day or two 🐜
Also, she needs to stop trying to date Uncles, despite what they say I PROMISE they’re not related to a Nigerian Prince 🙄
May 18, 2023
Why did she get so up and close to somebody she’s just met? I have to take pics with people sometimes (legend, don’t forget babes 💋✌🏽) and just EEEEWWWW at getting that close to anybody like that! ‘Do you have nits? Not sure but sure as hell gonna find out in a day or two 🐜
Also, she needs to stop trying to date Uncles, despite what they say I PROMISE they’re not related to a Nigerian Prince 🙄
Uncles, I’m done for tonight 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂