Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
She’s been on UC all along. There was never a ‘one income house hold’.
The house is and always has been in only Kayleigh’s name. Meaning Dan can/could have been kicked out at any time. Kayleigh, in the eyes of the system has played the ‘single mum card’ since the youngest was born. She’s had rent paid to her from UC. (She only had to top it up by £50). Dans wages used to cover the bills, food, petrol, Kayleigh’s fags/vapes and her benefits went on herself and her stupid Vinted hauls. She only did OFs because her youngest is coming up to school age so there’s more pressure from UC to get a job.
Said all along she was commiting benefit fraud, NAUGHTY KK she's a work shy lazy fat fk
Jul 25, 2023
Makes me sick thinking my tax has gone towards people like her 🤢 The fact she used to cry poverty while being a benefit fraud! I’m surprised she never got reported and caught as she always seems to have an enemy. She’s always had enough money to fritter away on herself - so selfish🤬
She did a story being at the JC after starting OF & 10 bar jobs to prove to the hunz she was declaring working and taxes so doubt it was benefit fraud as the nosey neighbours would defo of grassed her in for it .
Apr 16, 2023
So if she gets her rent paid, why would dan still be paying? Does he still pay all her other bills instead
Aw no doubt he will be paying for everything, she will make sure of that, all this extra money going in house threw Dan and benefit fraud yet still buys ood food and second hand clothes and can't give ted and cheese a proper holiday
Aug 8, 2023
Makes me sick thinking my tax has gone towards people like her 🤢 The fact she used to cry poverty while being a benefit fraud! I’m surprised she never got reported and caught as she always seems to have an enemy. She’s always had enough money to fritter away on herself - so selfish🤬
She’s been reported/investigated twice. She was interviewed under caution by the DWP and told them shes a single mum, dan pops in daily to help with the eldest and his ‘additional needs’ and told them she’s subjected to ‘severe’ trolling online, and the reports are malicious. They asked for a copy of her tenancy agreement, bills etc to see that they were all in her name and paid on her card (Dan gave her the money in cash).
Aug 8, 2023
She’s been reported/investigated twice. She was interviewed under caution by the DWP and told them shes a single mum, dan pops in daily to help with the eldest and his ‘additional needs’ and told them she’s subjected to ‘severe’ trolling online, and the reports are malicious. They asked for a copy of her tenancy agreement, bills etc to see that they were all in her name and paid on her card (Dan gave her the money in cash).
Aileen was one of the ones to report her, but I’m not sure on the other occasion.
Apr 16, 2023
She’s been reported/investigated twice. She was interviewed under caution by the DWP and told them shes a single mum, dan pops in daily to help with the eldest and his ‘additional needs’ and told them she’s subjected to ‘severe’ trolling online, and the reports are malicious. They asked for a copy of her tenancy agreement, bills etc to see that they were all in her name and paid on her card (Dan gave her the money in cash).
She new exactly what she was doing, knows how to play the system ,not thick when it comes to that is she
Jul 25, 2023
She’s been reported/investigated twice. She was interviewed under caution by the DWP and told them shes a single mum, dan pops in daily to help with the eldest and his ‘additional needs’ and told them she’s subjected to ‘severe’ trolling online, and the reports are malicious. They asked for a copy of her tenancy agreement, bills etc to see that they were all in her name and paid on her card (Dan gave her the money in cash).
The DWP aren’t stupid . They carry out routine checks and intercept post . They will of randomly home checked too for his belongings so come with these receipts at 7/7:30 .
Aug 8, 2023
The DWP aren’t stupid . They carry out routine checks and intercept post . They will of randomly home checked too for his belongings so come with these receipts at 7/7:30 .
Is that why 1000s of people each year get away with benefit fraud? The DWP can’t just gain entry to your home. Even the police can’t without a warrant. 🤦🏼‍♀️


May 6, 2023
Because it’s funded. Single parents gets it free if on certain benefits/out of work. The eldest is now in full receipt of DLA too.
So her hauls are probably on the same day she gets her dla for Ted. My son gets middle dla and it’s hardddd thing to get without evidence etc but he gets a decent amount but I will ALWAYS make sure that money is spent on him and him only. Clothes, shoes, activities for him, anything remaining goes into his bank as it’s money for him!
Aug 8, 2023
So her hauls are probably on the same day she gets her dla for Ted. My son gets middle dla and it’s hardddd thing to get without evidence etc but he gets a decent amount but I will ALWAYS make sure that money is spent on him and him only. Clothes, shoes, activities for him, anything remaining goes into his bank as it’s money for him!
Probably. If you remember at Christmas when she bought Dan some new joggers/trackies, went into primark for the kids stuff and got them some new Xmas presents and bought herself clothes? That was the eldests DLA backpay.
Jul 25, 2023
Probably. If you remember at Christmas when she bought Dan some new joggers/trackies, went into primark for the kids stuff and got them some new Xmas presents and bought herself clothes? That was the eldests DLA backpay.
Can you back all this up as she’s going to go crazy when she sees these posts and to be fair to her without the receipts it could be your word against hers ?
Aug 8, 2023
Is there anything actually wrong with him, or just delayed due to her poor parenting
No, nothing that’s actually ‘diagnosed’. There was concerns around his behaviour (biting, spitting, hair pulling etc) and his speech/toilet training delays. The school wants to apply for an EHCP for him due to him lashing out and needing a 1:2:1.