Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Did this oaf really just come on to share the screenshot Paul had already shared in an attempt to prove he wouldn't leave her alone? Because SHE sent a message to him to say 'leave me alone', yet no messages from him harassing her? And yes Paul did tell us all you rang him, he showed the screenshot of the missed calls... again YOU ringing him. Yet he is the one who needs to leave you alone? What is your point here? All you have done is confirm its you who will not leave Paul alone? Hahahahaa IDIOT!


Aug 13, 2023
But KK, you haven’t disproved any of what’s been said on here by anyone 😂 people will
Put up what they wish, you’ll never stop that! But you can’t silence others and make out you’re the victim constantly.

If you have any evidence, to disprove Paul’s, or anyone else’s claims on here, then do it. I’m sure others would have more respect for you, and maybe even get a few apologies if you did.
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .


Aug 13, 2023
Any direct questions welcome but I'm not about to go through 600 odd pages of every single false allegations and malicious accusations. I just don't have that amount of time free im afraid .
Apr 12, 2023
Sorry I've been busy with my kids , thanks for the offer but I don't think I need to be uploading copious amounts of 'receipts' and 'evidence' for peoples amusement, and won't be bear baited into it , its just not my jam anymore .

I will post what I feel the need to, but tale teller or what ever its name is , stop your nonsense your looking silly , and the tales your telling is quite literally unbelievable! And anyone with an ounce of common sense will see everything tou have put is utter made up bullshit .

Sorry but could you tell me the time you had this imaginary phone call from me ? Because obviously as you all know I have2 doorbell cameras right? So anyone who comes in my property will be recorded ?? So please do tell me what time they came to my house .. now this is for starters .

Sorry that this goes against your narrative of stories and views on this thread but I'm very invested on this take tellers version of events.
Again you come here and prove nothing!

Paul came here after you publicly belittled him on your sm accounts ffs and coming here to discuss your car crash life is not harassment b, YOU KEEP COMING HERE NO ONE MAKES YOU, jeez you really are thick!

Anyway while you are here we keep asking you questions that you ignore, I know you see them so…..

Why we’re in the company of the fat s can she answer a few questions?

Why did you tell everyone you were grieving the loss of your child you sick w to make people feel sorry for you but actually you had an abortion?

Why do you troll your own kids calling them the R word and S word?

Why are you obsessed with Jodie and her babies? (You won’t ever get to her 🤣)

Why do you think you’re so lonely?

Do you recognise that you are ruining your kids lives with your constant unhinged behaviour?

Will you ever free Dan so he can meet a normal human and hopefully save the kids?
Last edited:
Aug 7, 2023
Sorry I've been busy with my kids , thanks for the offer but I don't think I need to be uploading copious amounts of 'receipts' and 'evidence' for peoples amusement, and won't be bear baited into it , its just not my jam anymore .

I will post what I feel the need to, but tale teller or what ever its name is , stop your nonsense your looking silly , and the tales your telling is quite literally unbelievable! And anyone with an ounce of common sense will see everything tou have put is utter made up bullshit .

Sorry but could you tell me the time you had this imaginary phone call from me ? Because obviously as you all know I have2 doorbell cameras right? So anyone who comes in my property will be recorded ?? So please do tell me what time they came to my house .. now this is for starters .

Sorry that this goes against your narrative of stories and views on this thread but I'm very invested on this take tellers version of events.
But a lot of us know what she’s saying is true, if you wanted to disprove it that badly it should be easy enough for you to do. Clearly you’re triggered by everything going on here otherwise you wouldn’t block people or put passive aggressive stories up, when if you wanted it all to end, just prove everyone that you’re not lying? Not hard is it?
Apr 29, 2023
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .
Any direct questions welcome but I'm not about to go through 600 odd pages of every single false allegations and malicious accusations. I just don't have that amount of time free im afraid .
🤣🤣🤣 You are the gift that keeps on giving …. Absolute prick
Apr 16, 2023
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .
Paul was actually really respectful when talking about you, then you started with your venomous posts about him and that’s when he let rip.

YOU are the one the one that told him about this site trying to look like a victim. It didn’t really go to plan did it 😂


Aug 10, 2023
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .
put your money where your mouth is and share the live then.


You went after him first didn’t you KK, and you don’t like retaliation cos you’re a sebag. All mouth and zero actions.

You’ve said twice now that you have the live saved and can share it. So do it!!!

(Migraine incoming, followed by “I dont need 2 prove anyfing 2 any1” 🥳)


Aug 13, 2023
Any direct questions welcome but I'm not about to go through 600 odd pages of every single false allegations and malicious accusations. I just don't have that amount of time free im afraid .
Ok, I have some questions.
1) what is this allegation of your kids SA each other? You don’t have to answer me, but as a mother myself, I’d be screaming from the roof tops if that was said about my children.
2) are you known to social services, and if so why? Why has the current plan been ranked up if they aren’t known to you.
3) why has several other users, stated they saw Dan with black eyes in your live and why do people remember you ripping his shirt after you came back from a night out.


Aug 10, 2023
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .
So we can call his posts “ranty posts too”

Nothing more and nothing less 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

He done to you what you’ve done to him. I’m seriously failing to see the difference other than we think Paul is funny and Paul’s not contacted anyone in your family.


Aug 13, 2023
I can only speak how I find, but from what was uploaded last night, many other people remembered and resonated with. There is a screenshot of the call she received somewhere a few pages back.
But your speaking from idle baseless accusations though?

Anyone can come on here and say anything doesn't mean its true.
Apr 21, 2023
The Paul story is boring kk.. He knocked you back, you couldn’t believe it so went on to belittle him online. He came here to set the record straight about HIMSELF whilst not contacting you. You belittled him again and posted screenshots about him then went on to message his daughter. So now he knows for himself your as bitter and spiteful as your character in this forum.

It’s very obvious you feel safe enough now to post. You think your old friend doesn’t have the screenshots to go with the tea. So now your pretending calmly to brush it off as lies. We’re all invested and we can’t wait to see if she does have the receipts especially the voice notes. I’d hate to be publicly outed as a thieving manipulating domestic abusing b. Wouldn’t you?


Aug 13, 2023
One thing I will say , any spiteful comments from users I'll ignore . Anyone who actually wants to ask me anything please just ask

Because I really am tired of my kids being victims of many of you in here . Really I am as a mother I'm saying this and I'm sure you are all mothers to.

Please leave my kids alone .
May 23, 2023
Now now guys… If KKK is claiming she’s the victim again, maybe we should allow her the opportunity to put up EVIDENCE to discredit what others have SHOWN.

This, Kayleigh could change a lot of what’s said on her about you, your life and your kids if you could prove you’re telling the truth.

I’m happy to wait and I’ll be the first to personally apologise to you on here.
Can I also have some evidence of all the harassment I’ve made towards the berg and all the other accounts/women she claims I ‘continuously troll’ and also can I have some screenshots of my many troll accounts please? (Remembering whilst doing so that trolls are anonymous) 🥰
I’d still love to see the letter I sent to her or any single message that wasn’t a direct reply to her other then the very first ‘I love a yellow sticker’ response to her stories when I first started watching?
I’d also LOVE to know why she has photos of both my young children and my younger self stored on her phone? I feel as if, just like with the ‘Jodie fancy’s me’ comments and calling us all nonces is projecting because really she’s the only one on here displaying ANY type of let’s say - unsavoury - behaviour where children are concerned. That’s not speculation or gossip, it’s fact, it’s been posted on her main account and recorded ‘appropriately’ 🤣🤣
A stranger having photos of me as a 5 year old isn’t normal 🥴
Apr 16, 2023
I liked Paul, Paul didn't like me unfortunetly as you can see I deleted the convo I had no reason to keep the convo to use against him maliciously .

I didn't want to stay in the friendship and that's it.

A couple asked about him in my live, I said what I said which I can back this up if necessary and he then proceeded to talk about me on here and body shame me etc yes i did bite back with a silly tiktok and a few silly rants as ANY female would do after telling a male to leave them alone constantly and not being left alone .

just to add again ..my few ranty posts aimed at paul was after telling him multiple times to leave me alone even asking his daughter to ask him also.

Nothing more nothing less .
Well what i got from that crap is, you're still pissed off because he wanted nothing to do with you.