Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
How do you know what I'm earning a month off of ? How do you know any of what your saying ??

I just don't understand how you can possibly say any of this unless you have access to Mu bank account ??

I make more on only fans than I ever did waitressing ?? And I have now got a part time job to top up what I'm earning on only fans on slow weeks so I can be off universal credit ?? What is your exact issue here ??

So what you said makes 0 sense .
Only because you are being forced to get a job 🤣🤣

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
Now now Paul. Have you actually told the truth or do I need to chip in here ?

Now the truth Paul is ... I liked you more than you liked me .

I asked if you were still in love with your ex wife as you non stop went on about her daily and it was becoming very boring and repetitive.

I mean we both could go and air our entire convos back from we began talking couldn't we ? We could both air our dirty laundry for all to see and the general public.

What screen shots have you shown Paul? Just the parts you wanted to and fits your narrative I suppose . Did you mention I also tried to call you 2 could of been 3 times ro discuss personally with you why you felt the need to be continously talking about me in a gossip /hate/trolling forum? In which you didn't answer . Strange as you clearly want my attention again .

After I told you I was no longer wasting my time on a man who didn't like me back in that way (one who touched my bum, paid for everything and joined my OF for months) and didn't want friendship I asked you to leave me alone didn't I? Did you show that part of screen shot ?

I didn't speak to you again after me saying leave me alone did I? That's when I found out you were writing here ?? For what reason I'm unsure of as I told you exactly what I said in the live and for the record I keep all my live streams so will happily share :)

Did you post where I then asked you to leave me alone AGAIN? and you ignored it? I then did message your daughter to tell you to also leave me alone ( clearly you both have the same mentality) I wasn't rude, I wasn't nasty I merely asked you on several occasions to leave me alone .

I'm sorry if your hurt and missing our friendship but I made the decision to no longer be involved in that friendship.

Anyway enough of that irrelevant nonsense...

Where do we start ladies .....jeez there's so much that's happened in my life I was completely unaware of and is complete news to me !

Still failing to see an ounce of evidence from any ludicrous claims but as we said its all fun and games isn't it .

And the story teller in here you should look into being a jornalist for the daily star the amount of s you spout , scary thing is you believe it yourself 🤣🤣🤣

Christ alive. Absolute madness.
You are messaging someone (that you claim is harassing you) to tell him to stop talking about you on a forum. He is clearly blocked as it shows you unblocking and reblocking so seems like he can't have been harassing you on there. Can you not see how ridiculous you are? So he's joined in on here - he's not coming at you through whatsapp/ insta/ whatever so where is it has actually harassing you? You make no sense, as per.

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
Sorry I've been busy with my kids , thanks for the offer but I don't think I need to be uploading copious amounts of 'receipts' and 'evidence' for peoples amusement, and won't be bear baited into it , its just not my jam anymore .

I will post what I feel the need to, but tale teller or what ever its name is , stop your nonsense your looking silly , and the tales your telling is quite literally unbelievable! And anyone with an ounce of common sense will see everything tou have put is utter made up bullshit .

Sorry but could you tell me the time you had this imaginary phone call from me ? Because obviously as you all know I have2 doorbell cameras right? So anyone who comes in my property will be recorded ?? So please do tell me what time they came to my house .. now this is for starters .

Sorry that this goes against your narrative of stories and views on this thread but I'm very invested on this take tellers version of events.
Why have you felt the need for yet another account on here?? Weirdo.
Apr 20, 2023
So you don't think what vile s I've read in here about me and my kids isn't grounds for me being a victim? Countless malicious calls to socials about my children ? You don't think my kids arnt a victim here either I suppose ?

What about when they are being and me being accused of the most despicable s I have ever read in my life ??

Wouldn't you feel a bit victimised ?
From all the evidence in here, the calls to social are justified. You’re having men around to the children’s home whose name you don’t even know. You’re using your kids as bait to your porn site also. These are two things YOU have posted for the world to see. You’re a massive safeguarding risk to them children kayleigh