Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

May 23, 2023
I tell what I find odd, that someone could listen to all that and think ‘lovely girl, let’s go to London for cakes’. She doesn’t sound like a victim, she sounds like a bully, which she is.
If you listen to the voicenotes without knowing the truth about Kayleigh she just sounds like she’s trapped in a relationship with a man who controls her financially, refuses to leave the house and uses their children as weapons.
Apr 22, 2023
I think she’s spun this whole story, how Dan has turned her into this bad person. He made her cheat. He made her get angry and so on. It’s very easy to do, and unfortunately even easier if you’re a genuine person with a good heart and thinks the best of people . I think he was completely tricked and manipulated by her with her stories. And if you’ve never come across someone like KKK you wouldn’t know any different
This!! 💯
Apr 16, 2023
I think she’s spun this whole story, how Dan has turned her into this bad person. He made her cheat. He made her get angry and so on. It’s very easy to do, and unfortunately even easier if you’re a genuine person with a good heart and thinks the best of people . I think he was completely tricked and manipulated by her with her stories. And if you’ve never come across someone like KKK you wouldn’t know any different
And then once you actually meet her the true colours shine through 😡
Apr 17, 2023
Wowwwwwww and to think I did do all yesterday but didn’t think to have a look on here. Just taken me 40 mins to catch up 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Jesus Christ on a bike where do we even start.

Paul if you’re still reading in here, fair play - she can put in as many reports as she wants, the minute anyone (which they won’t) go to investigate and see what she’s written, even just by participating and commenting on here ONCE they will not entertain it anyway.

I had a friends daughter being hounded online relentlessly and because she replied to one of the pictures saying ‘LOL’ that was her retaliating and they wouldn’t be moving forward with a legal case. Imagine all the s they will see old fat berg has posted herself the silly fat t.

Cracking up she wanted proof that she’s had men round whilst kids were home… well there’s ya poof dickhead 🤣🤣
May 23, 2023
@Yammyssubstanceaddiction were they the worst of the voice notes? Because I'm not sure we could hear any worse tbf.
There’s bits and bobs 🤷🏽‍♀️ I just don’t want her migraine to be too serious! She probably has content to be making because it’s bank holiday and everywhere has activities for the kids - seeing as she always puts them first 🤡

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
STI test and morning after pill ☕

I'm quite sure that Dan does not have a narcissistic bone in his body. His voice on the other voicenote you shared is that of a broken, heartbroken and confused man. Maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer but certainly not a narcissist. Perhaps Dan's mum knows her son and knows what a fing snake you are, kkk. Would not surprise me if your children are the result of tricking him. You trapped him as a parent and financially. You then got him under your thumb within the household. He worked and provided. He has put up with the 'trulling' you claimed to have had. I cannot tell you how angry you've made me feel with your 'I felt trapped' and 'in a prison' bollocks. I've been in that situation. You have not. And how dare you make out you are a victim when it's becoming more and more apparent that it's you that have done it all to Dan. And let's not even start with the impact your behaviour has had on those children. No wonder Bobby hardly fing speaks. He's probably learned from a very early age that you fly off the handle and has probably just tried to stay under the radar. No wonder he has issues with food and with socialisation. It all makes sense now. You've damaged him. You're slightly less controlling with Briah because you proudly announce that she's your double. So it wouldn't surprise me if she actually gets away with tormenting Bobby. Because she's watched how you speak to and treat Dan. Your 'family' days out are nothing short of toxic to Dan and subsequently those children. I understand Dan being at the house with the kids when he's seeing them but then he should set boundaries. One of which is that you are nowhere near. Go stay at Simon's for the night. Let him have quality time with the kids. He is more than capable. You just won't allow him to know that he is.
Ffs, someone send Dan a link to here so that he can get some help and support. I pray that Dan's mum is here and is seeing all this. Go and get your son and give him the support he needs. Now.