Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
That’s even worse then!!!! Although why you even met her after hearing that, I have no clue.

Just heard someone use the word biliousness to describe Suella Braverman on the radio. What a wonderful word to describe this muppet too, and I take great joy in knowing if she reads this she’ll have to look it up as she won’t have a clue what it means. The ignorant monster.
If I am honest, I didn't pick up on it at the time, there were thousands of voice notes, and some blended into others. It was only when the trouble started when she got lemon 🍋 over me not wanting a relationship with her did I go back over everything after being pointed to this forum. I then realised just what a narcissistic t she was. I at no point wanted to discuss the children, it was bad enough her contacting my daughter, which is crossing the line. I hope that explains things
Apr 16, 2023
@DoIknowyoubabe Morning beaut! No I haven't yet sent an email over as I plan for this to be incredibly detailed and in chronological order. I spent this morning (on my day off!!) Saving numerous tiktok videos of her speaking about not knowing kev not kevs real name, and encouraging the internet to make her post on shaming him go viral so she could find his partner and ruin his life. I have also saved several other TikTok videos in reguards to men, arguments, and so much more as a lot of them have proof of poor parenting and lack of safe guarding in them, as well as vulgar photos from her OF with her kids photos in between.

I have just started from page 1 of this thread and will be going through all of the tattle threads also as a lot of screen shots and videos from here and there display some very disturbing behaviour that needs to be addressed.

From then I will be condensing the full voice notes down into one file, in order of my concerns, so its easy to attach via email. I truly believe this will take me a few days but hope to have it all done by Monday so you have time!

Thank you and everyone else for your help. It's clear that the majority on this post do not condone child abuse and that gives me hope for the future generations!

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Paul, may I ask… (I’m not bashing you btw, I’m genuinely curious) what your thoughts were on this ‘women’ when she was saying this stuff to you?

No one is judging you in the slightest. In fact if it wasn’t for you, I don’t think any of us would have the proof we need to take this further, but I’m genuinely curious as a parent yourself what your thoughts were when she was saying this about her 4 & 6 year old children?

Like I said, not putting you down or criticising whatsoever. In fact I actually thank you for exposing this absolute monster for who she is. X

I do not want to discuss her children, so will write from my own experiences. I have a son who has a learning disability, watching her stories struck a chord with me regarding the similarities she described with her child and my son. For the record, my son is very invert and passive though.

The voice notes could be all over the place, going off at tangents, relating to all kinds of dramas in her life. With regards to the voice notes regarding her children, I genuinely must have missed them or not listened attentively at the time. It was only after she got lemon 🍋 with me that I went back over everything. It was only then did I realise there seemed to be deep rooted issues

I had no idea about who / how she actually is until I was directed to this forum. I was quite taken aback as to what was being said about me on here, and reading the whole thread on her, I was pretty much lost for words
Apr 16, 2023
I'd just like to say @Frank Farmer messaged me yesterday voicing how s he feels about missing these voice notes or not registering them at the time.

I have loads of voice notes I've not yet been through due to the sheer volume of them and how long they are. This is why I cropped the voice notes down, not to spin a narrative but because we all know KKK is "bipolar" as she likes to call and they are all 3/4 minutes+ and flip flop from one subject to another.

I truly believe it would be easy not to pick up on it at the time and miss bits, or miss them altogether. I often voice note friends and I'll bung them on the side chatting while I make dinner and zone out and forget I have more to get too. Let alone with extensive long manic voice notes which are also lengthy.
Last edited:
Apr 20, 2023
I’m not standing up for her at all I’m pointing out how utterly ridiculous you all are. If you really want to do things to help try volunteering, you’ll find it far more fulfilling that blindly following a couple of gobshites on here.
Why don’t you take care of your kids rather than sit on forums and social media all day talking to strangers. Maybe then you won’t get done for neglect??? Just a thought


Apr 30, 2023
I’m not standing up for her at all I’m pointing out how utterly ridiculous you all are. If you really want to do things to help try volunteering, you’ll find it far more fulfilling that blindly following a couple of gobshites on here.
Do you think calling an innocent 4 year old a liar , obnoxious and a bully is utterly ridiculous? Asking for a friend ?? Or throwing an object that hard it marks her ??


Aug 12, 2023
I’m not standing up for her at all I’m pointing out how utterly ridiculous you all are. If you really want to do things to help try volunteering, you’ll find it far more fulfilling that blindly following a couple of gobshites on here.
What is your opinion of her throwing a toy at her daughter so forcefully it bruised her eye? Just out of curiosity?

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Scum of the earth not taken herself off social media yet then. She has no shame at all for her own behaviour. She needs to do off and start doing some work on herself... and I don't mean more botox. Had such a busy day today at work but every now and then I thought about what she has done, everything over the years and now hearing her admit all too this and it is all just so sad for those little kiddies. They didn't deserve to be born into a world where their parent not only shows then emotional instability, emotional abuse but now physical abuse. SCUM. I hope that 'ex friend/school mum' is still around here so they can also share this with the other mums/dads at school. Which unfortunately will mean the kids will not be allowed their friends over because other parents will know its not safe. The kids are missing out on so many life experiences and relationships all because of their mum. The one who is supposed to give them the best start in life and do anything for them. Kayleigh you should be deeply ashamed.


Apr 16, 2023
Wow.....this is all very heavy.

Taken me a good while to catch up here (mainly because I'm busy making sure my kids have underwear on) and I've just listened to the voice notes all at once after reading all your comments. How can anyone talk about any children this way let alone their own?
Kayleigh, what is wrong with you? This isn't just "different ways of parenting" or us being the judgey bitches that we are. This is horrible. Just horrible.

The way she speaks about them and then her responses to a question from the nursery or school just rings a million alarm bells. If you have nothing to hide then that wouldn't be the way you'd respond to nursery asking about a bruise
May 23, 2023
“5 yeeeears. He will be 10. 6,7,8,9,10.”
I’m thinking she struggles to count to ten too then 🤔
I noticed that myself. That alongside another voicenote I heard saying how her 34 year old self, who’s taken time off to have children, has 15 years bar experience. Let’s list maths as another life skill she lacks ✅

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Shes definitely laying low after this current confirmed revelation. I think maybe even she knows this is damaging to multiple parts of her life and so isn't biting back on her social media. Not even going into defense mode. She will be sat at home waiting for SS to contact her AGAIN. All these marks against her now,from multiple sources. with evidence. She can't blame it all on A cup trolls.