Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart there's always a but with you "but her mums dead" "but I can tell she's hiding remourse" "but my nose is brown" "but all I can smell is KKKs s" bore off mate. My uncle died last week the same week my friend hung themselves, have I hit my kid? Randomly trolled people online for the fun of it? Have I do. She reacts how she reacts because she's a t.
Nov 21, 2023
Did you know that she wrote on someone's petsonal Facebook page that had had a personal tragic event by losing an unborn child that the baby killed itself because it didn't want to be born to a c*#t like her?

There is personal tragic events for most people in life that causes us to become venerable. I have been there myself. The issue is we have family, friends who help us through the dark days and when the black dog turns up

She has no-one, and why is that? There is an old saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink". And that is Kayleigh in a nutshell
And believe me when I say, I don’t condone. That. I think it’s the lowest of the lows. I lost a baby myself quite late into pregnancy, and had anyone said that to me it would have destroyed me.
I’ve already stated that she brings it on herself. I’ve never said otherwise.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
But everyone reacts to death differently and we have no idea the upbringing she had afterwards, of course it’s not an excuse, but it can’t be linked to her ability, or inability, to parent now.
In the nicest way, you are flogging a dead horse. Nobody feels sorry for her that has been on the end of her vitreous behaviour

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
But everyone reacts to death differently and we have no idea the upbringing she had afterwards, of course it’s not an excuse, but it can’t be linked to her ability, or inability, to parent now.
It seems you are constantly looking for excuses for her behaviour. It's just boring now and you are just sounding like an enabler.
May 23, 2023
I made a few completely normal suggestions when I used to chat to her. And I mean stuff that might help encourage Bobby to eat, ways that might help her manage her time a bit better - literally as replies to stories she was sharing. It didn't take much longer for her to show her true colours towards me. She sees people offering advice or support as an insult or a criticism and then twists it even further in her own head. And God help you if you actually decide to stand up to her when she starts with the passive aggressive story posts, hiding stories from you, ignoring messages etc. She's an absolute whopper.
I offered advice in reply to a story I saw with her having issues with his teeth brushing. This was when she knew exactly who I was aka kraken the troll, but she was still trying to get into the pink on Thursday gang, she didn’t give a do about my advice, she only cares about attention and looking like she’s amazing online 🙄
Apr 20, 2023
IF all these other personality’s aren’t actually kk and are just weird groupies of hers, do they not realise what they are getting themselves involved in? She was going to dob her own fing mate in to the HMRC (she will definitely do this at some point). She ain’t going to shag you for writing here, she literally couldn’t give a do about any of yas 😂
Nov 21, 2023
I’m going to go back through this thread, it will likely take me a while, because it’s pretty obvious that I’ve only seen one side to a story, I still don’t think two wrongs make a right, but I’m clearly missing something aren’t I… like I said, I’m likely naive and don’t want to see the bad in people, but the more I’m trying to get my point across, to play devils advocate, the more I’m being told and the less I’m able to make any sort of reasonable ‘excuse’… I truly do just hate the thought of children being ripped away from their parents when the household situation has a chance of being rectified


Aug 13, 2023
I do wonder about her (partner / ex partner / current partner / he isn't living at the family home but is living at the family home) not stepping in for the sake of the young family, whilst I do feel sorry for the way hevgas been abused, bullied, humiliated by her, I can't help thinking that he just needs to grow a pair and insist that help is sought. I don't really get it tbh
I agree with this a million percent. I really do appreciate he is probably under the thumb, but when it comes to his children, I don’t understand it either.
Nov 21, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart funny. So many things you "can't condone" that she's done, some you've personally experienced that would "devestate" you and yet here you are!! Bet you're one of the fs that sends lou money 🤣
I don’t think I’ve ever followed Lou and I definitely cared enough to send her money? I hadn’t even realised her children had been removed till she popped up on my tiktok a few months ago.
May 23, 2023
I’m going to go back through this thread, it will likely take me a while, because it’s pretty obvious that I’ve only seen one side to a story, I still don’t think two wrongs make a right, but I’m clearly missing something aren’t I… like I said, I’m likely naive and don’t want to see the bad in people, but the more I’m trying to get my point across, to play devils advocate, the more I’m being told and the less I’m able to make any sort of reasonable ‘excuse’… I truly do just hate the thought of children being ripped away from their parents when the household situation has a chance of being rectified
I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but commenting on anything without at least having half a clue on the subject (unless it’s a question) makes you stupid, not naive. Don’t try and cushion your fall love x

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I’m going to go back through this thread, it will likely take me a while, because it’s pretty obvious that I’ve only seen one side to a story, I still don’t think two wrongs make a right, but I’m clearly missing something aren’t I… like I said, I’m likely naive and don’t want to see the bad in people, but the more I’m trying to get my point across, to play devils advocate, the more I’m being told and the less I’m able to make any sort of reasonable ‘excuse’… I truly do just hate the thought of children being ripped away from their parents when the household situation has a chance of being rectified
I think that's wise. You clearly are not fully informed so go and have a read through of all the stuff KK has done and been documented in this thread - many many receipts to be seen / heard. Noone would CHOOSE for someone's children's to be removed unless in was for their own protection. It should always be a last resort but an extremely necessary last resort.
Nov 21, 2023
I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but commenting on anything without at least having half a clue on the subject (unless it’s a question) makes you stupid, not naive. Don’t try and cushion your fall love x
It’s hardly that I had No clue, I’ve seen some things that have been posted on here, and tattle that I don’t agree with, and think make people as bad as her, but I also feel I’ve missed a lot of what has, or hasn’t, gone on! I still don’t think a witch hunt is fair, or even remotely okay, and I don’t think stooping to her level is right either.