Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 16, 2023
So she wants a £350 payday loan until the COL payment comes through. The COL payment is £301 so how is she going to pay back the remaining £49 AND the interest??

She's really annoyed me with that section of her stories. She will be getting that payment at some point between 25th April and 17th May, £301 for doing absolutely do all but that timeframe isn't good enough for Lou. She wants it earlier so she can buy drugs kit out a house that isn't hers with her sty 'bits and bobs'. Get to do, you dick.

I have absolutely no issue with people getting this money. Several of my family members are getting it. However, 2 of them are disabled and cannot work for health reasons and the others are entitled to it due to really low income or have only recently started employment. Not one of them is getting it because they are a lazy, good for nothing t who chooses drugs and begging over their kids.
Apr 17, 2023
No one’s buying them anything in my opinion!! It’s all a big con. Carol buys her the more expensive stuff and then she buys her other stuff herself. I don’t think she would be sanctioned and only left with £13. Even if she was she lives in a house with no financial costs and she could use the food bank but she chooses not to coz she is a LIAR!!
Apr 16, 2023
Angered so much by this fool crying that she’s got to wait til next month! She doesn’t deserve that payment, all her problems will be solved until it’s spent and back to begging. Me and my oh both work and we have 4 kids I have £2 left in my bank we aren’t entitled to COL but we are managing we have bought enough food to last til pay day. We don’t have treats and bits and bobs because we can’t afford to!! I’ve never hated someone of the internet as much as I do this beggy tw*t!

Tea and toast

Apr 17, 2023
Can anyone explain what the obsession is with costa coffee please?
I never use these kind of places . .
I have a kettle at home and a coffee machine!
If she really feels the need for these things, I'm sure the pound shop or B & M type shops do sachets of cappuccino and lattes and stuff . .
Unbelievable hate watching right now, can't believe people are gifting her stuff . . Who even are these people??

Edited to add . .
This is hilarious.
She is addressing people on her reels as though she's a celebrity! 😂
Apr 12, 2023
So all her normal clothes don't fit her because she's put on weight. But she didn't have any of her normal clothes did she as they all got taken in her last accommodation and she only had one T shirt??????
Exactly this! Plus the crap she got from Primark a few weeks ago & if she's grown out of those I'd love to know how because she's been starving for past month or so 🤔
Apr 12, 2023
No one’s buying them anything in my opinion!! It’s all a big con. Carol buys her the more expensive stuff and then she buys her other stuff herself. I don’t think she would be sanctioned and only left with £13. Even if she was she lives in a house with no financial costs and she could use the food bank but she chooses not to coz she is a LIAR!!
This is the what I was thinking, she's buying some bits & bobs her self that why her excitement only lasts a few minutes because she obviously already knows about it
Apr 22, 2023
I tried really hard to just read and lurk once I found somewhere to discuss Lou…but I’ve clearly too much of a mouth to not say anything 😂
She disgusted me when she said that the COL payment would solve all her problems…that’s not bringing back your babies is it?
I can’t believe that anyone believes the utter tripe that spews from her mouth. Wish people would stop enabling her!

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Scuba Ste has made her feel better - bet he has by letting her have some of his Olazapine. Now she's dosed up they can go and get their Costa, so did she nick her earlier one then? She's an emotional begging rollercoaster. Looking absolutely haggered. They'll be all buzzing with their Costa and brownie shortly. Then be back to miserable later on because she has no money for a maccies. The people funding her are just as bad as she is, if not worse. Not once has she said about using a food bank, she's eating something because you don't get all that 'tub' as she called it from the level of starvation she claims. I do OK now financially but there were times when we struggled and needed to really budget, during those times a Costa never once crossed my mind. If family ever offered to help it would literally be to buy essentials not luxuries. She's begging for luxuries with no consideration for the essentials. I dont even know if I can carry on watching her, I want to throw my phone every time I see her fed up face.


Apr 22, 2023
There's no way her barely open eyes are just from tiredness today, I can go out on just a couple of hours sleep and I'm not almost closing my eyes while walking and talking on my phone, no way, it's when I sit down I start to feel the worst. She's on something without a doubt. She isn't clean, she might not be taking illegal drugs but she's 100% taking prescription ones that aren't hers.
Apr 16, 2023
She is really getting hard to watch! She won’t take accountability for anything in her life, all she wants is crap bits for the house to make it homely! You need a brush and shovel! And bleach and a sponge and bucket and washing up liquid ! That’s all you need and you can make that place clean and tidy that’s what they will be looking for, meal plan! You can get the too good to go app and get meals that way etc but again too much effort for Beggy Lou, she just wants to sit out her face as she has clearly fell off the wagon especially cleaning her gums and teeth with a baby wipe and trying to take lashes off a filter! It’s sad as I thought she would defo get clean this time and she has the perfect opportunity to make something of her account about homelessness and recovery and how to make a real go out of it but she has went sadly down the other road, when ste goes I truly think she will reach her rock bottom but wither she gets herself up or not I don’t know

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Her highs and lows are getting so bad she is definitely misusing the meds. She is becoming reliant on 'presents' to give her a buzz but that is so short lived then she realises she doesn't even have shampoo and soap and it all comes crashing down again. Always searching for the quick fix buzz. I'd have so much more respect for her if she was out there showing how you can survive on very little money, using food banks, helping at food banks, buying from a charity shop or picking up freebies that she's found on Facebook marketplace. She's doing all this walking round but not heading anywhere, just walking aimlessly. She clearly doesn't know how to get herself out of her hell hole, but she's not taking advice from anyone about how to move forward. Only person who can make the change is her, only she can help herself and doesn't look like she's wanting to / able / ready. Scuba Ste moving out could be her opportunity to start fresh, she choosing not to.