Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 21, 2023
She was not in recovery a few Saturdays ago when she went hopping and skipping to a crack den with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice in hand, came home and had a live smack attack where all you could hear was laboured breathing and see her gouching off her tits.

Booze, propranolol or weed does not get someone in that state.

She is a filthy liar.


Apr 12, 2023
So smoking weed isn't taking any drugs??
Thought she was in real recovery, she used the word at least 25 times in the last few rambling stories to make her point.

Yes I counted most of them 😆
I tried counting but her hands kept distracting me 🤣🤣🤣
And don’t forget it was only last month she was replying to my stories when I was in Dam saying how she hadn’t smoked weed in ages and ages 😴

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Showed herself in a taxi heading out to be treated like a princess. Now she's back in her beyond filthy dressing gown using a toaster as a lighter on the bed appearing pretty dosed up on her 'prescribed' medication whilst spouting about recovery and others recovery and how noone should talk about her recovery because it might effect her recovery. NOONE CARES ABOUT YOUR NON EXISTENT RECOVERY YOU WASTE OF SPACE DIRTY CRETIN. The pair of them are literally the worst kind of people to exist in society.
Apr 12, 2023
I’m so bored of the “I am in recovowy” bullshit with her 1f92c.png

I work with an Addict, he says he’s not an Ex addict he’s an addict because although he hasn’t touched drugs for a few years now he says he will always be an addict! The desire has not left him it just gets a little weaker but he says it’s always there!
He’s looking after himself and now has a healthy gym obsession which gives him a focus to stay on track, he also goes to Narcotics anonymous a few times a week and he still contacts his sponsor when he’s having bad days but the reason I’m saying this is because he recently broke his wrist and was in a lot of pain and he told me it’s not recommended that he takes any “mind altering” pain killers he can only really take paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain because if he gets a fuzzy feelings from them he will be tempted to use again, he’s also T-Total because if he was even to get slightly tipsy he might get the temptation to use!

So Lou do off with your bullshit, REAL people in recovery are not able to have a bit of a spliff here and there or take cocktails of prescription painkillers you silly c***