Lou @Lifewithloux

May 7, 2023
You don’t have to follow any of their accounts, just watch them. Don’t give them the follow number
Now she’s admitted that whilst she was with James looking after her 2 kids she was addicted to speed🤦🏼‍♀️. Is there anything she hasn’t done!!!
i spotted that. I tbink that’s the first time she’s posted that publicly ( I may be wrong) I’ve only ever heard her saying she went on to drugs after “losing everything”
Apr 20, 2023
She's admitted speed, but not taken responsibility for it. No matter the state of her relationship, if you're looking after your kids does anyone with a brain think oh this is the way out of my problems. I'm guessing issues with James started after her escalating drug use.
Sounding like Mrs hinch here, but my sister had a short issue with speed, no idea why, but anyhow her house was always always a mess, a bad state. On speed it looked immaculate for a month, then she stopped, got fat again, and house is a ruin. Why was lou still in a mess, she could've done some manic cleaning stories.
May 5, 2023
She's a lying wretch. She needs to leave James the do alone, now. Without him, their kids would be in the care system. I can't stand how everyone on her page blows smoke up her ass. Not a single one of them shows disgust at her having two children in her care whilst off her face on amphetamines! (and the rest!). They're as sick and delusional as she is. She needs to stop calling that ugly streak of piss "baby daddy", they have no baby, the twats.
And who is this "Tattlers unmasked" sad sack? What kind of idiot chooses to be a lookout for those two morons? A t, that's who.