Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 16, 2023
you fing bitches sit here and hag them off, what for? You wont make any difference to what they do. you are basically wasting your time, on some sty little forum, hagging off someone, and sending them links to it so they read it, why would you want them to read all the fing s you've said about them? Bunch of fing lowlife scum
Ste, is that you hun?!
May 11, 2023
you fing bitches sit here and hag them off, what for? You wont make any difference to what they do. you are basically wasting your time, on some sty little forum, hagging off someone, and sending them links to it so they read it, why would you want them to read all the fing s you've said about them? Bunch of fing lowlife scum
Are you okay? You seem a bit angry.

I think you missed the whole point of this forum. To have a gossip and conversation. The only difference between here and having a conversation with ‘old Doris at no 2 about saucy Susan at no 10 is, they can come and read it for themselves. 🤷‍♀️

your Dummy and toys fell out your pram.. you want them back?
Apr 21, 2023
Us fing nasty fs have a public opinion on people who want to live their life in the public eye. These people want attention wether it’s good or bad. As do you “ivy”. You want the verification of these people for helping them block the “trolls”.
Do you honestly think a woman who has lost her kids through her own neglect and choices deserves to sit on the internet and get hundreds of pounds sent to her every week by pulling the wool over peoples eyes. She’s not vulnerable, she’s a game player. She knows exactly how to milk the system and everyone around her for her benefit. And you aswell apparently.
Apr 12, 2023
I am not KK, or whoever you have accused me of. Instead of sending me follow requests from fake accounts, just come at me with your real account?
Well so far you’ve only been accused of being KK so why say “or whoever else you’ve accused me of being” you’ve clearly been reading here you replied with in 30 mins ffs so you can see it was only Fatberg mentioned so I’m sticking to thinking it’s you Kayleigh because you spend your life reading these groups and have always thought you were an amazing detective but you’re a complete Div!

Dear Lord, what a sad little life, Jane.


May 11, 2023
Hello Mr Employer, I'm writing to you regarding your employee who has been seen online commenting on a couple of drug addicts who have had their child permanently removed from their care at birth, and lost custody of two other children. He has convictions in double digits. Frequently live completely off it, yet claim to be in recovery so they can continue to receive gifts and money from followers. They've accumulated 100's, and are still in the same position. Nothing has been used to better themselves. Nothing.

I mean, this could be on any news site or Reddit and I'm pretty sure the results would be the same.
May 5, 2023
I have a feeling it’s that fat mess Kayleigh!

The tattlers unmasked Bio originally had the quote “Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane.” at the same time she was saying it all the time. Then last year sometime she was also helping Marcus Mitchell clear out his “trolls” by getting him to block a load of people and he messed up on a live by mentioning Kayleigh helping him then said that tattlers unmasked was helping him figure out who the trolls were a few minutes later so I really think it’s her!

Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. One of the biggest (no pun intended) internet trolls, fighting the internet trolls. You couldn't make it up 😂😂😂
Kayleigh loathes Lou. The support for her is fake. It's just that Lou is getting attention (albeit for the wrong reasons, but even awful attention is attention, eh?) so KK is riding those coat tails. What a person to choose to hitch your wagon to 🤡😂😂😂

This "Lorna", was she the Canadian living in Scotland, who claimed to be a scientist and did "experiments" to "prove" how dangerous Hinch was with her product (chemical) recommendations?

Hinch did create a generation of idiots who were putting Zoflora in plug-in air fresheners and scented laundry beads on top of radiators, though. Lou jumped right on that Hinch train 🚂 toot! toot!
Apr 12, 2023
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. One of the biggest (no pun intended) internet trolls, fighting the internet trolls. You couldn't make it up 😂😂😂
Kayleigh loathes Lou. The support for her is fake. It's just that Lou is getting attention (albeit for the wrong reasons, but even awful attention is attention, eh?) so KK is riding those coat tails. What a person to choose to hitch your wagon to 🤡😂😂😂

This "Lorna", was she the Canadian living in Scotland, who claimed to be a scientist and did "experiments" to "prove" how dangerous Hinch was with her product (chemical) recommendations?

Hinch did create a generation of idiots who were putting Zoflora in plug-in air fresheners and scented laundry beads on top of radiators, though. Lou jumped right on that Hinch train 🚂 toot! toot!
Lorna actually lives in Canada she did do a cushion experiment but It was Curvy Crumpet who lived in Scotland. I’m sure she’s still around I think she’s called Winifred Sanderson or something like that don’t be surprised if she pops up now after this, she was another Herts never far from the drama!
May 5, 2023
If its the same account I think it used to be called tattle haters or something like that. She outed a few people on stories I think and I'm sure she sent screen shots to employers. It's the same profile pic .

The profile pic is stolen anyway. It belongs to Yel, one of the TL mods. Whoever is behind the account has waaay too much time on their hands. They'll never "out" anybody who's chosen to be anon on ANY gossip forum/website. They're just a loser 😂😂😂🤡

ETA: just saw that they popped up on here, hiding as "Ivy", asking us to "chat" with them on our "real accounts" 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😅💀 whilst they sit behind fake/anon accounts. The irony is OFF. THE. CHARTS 🤣🤣🤣
Foaming at the mouth over two drug addled morons who beg for expensive stuff on the internet, beg online & in shop doorways for drug money, one has a conviction sheet of 51, served jail time for assault & battery, battered his grandad, the other was off her face on drugs whilst two young children were in her care, they both CHOSE drugs over their newborn son, one was gouching on drugs and fell asleep and off the bed whilst high on a 4am Insta Live, takes opiates whilst "in recovery", stole money from her own mother, & had all three of her children removed from her, has the grossest personal hygiene I've seen online... the list goes on. Get the do outta here...
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Lou’s Crabs

Apr 26, 2023
That Tattlers Unmasked account is Kayleigh (and Aileen as well I believe, originally it was just KK). I worked it out a long time ago. Tattlers Unmasked used to have a back up account called Tattle Haters and the s they’d post on there was identical to what KK would post too (same fonts/backgrounds/typing styles/grammatical errors etc…). KK is just a bitter old hag who wanted to be another Hinch back in the day, but could never quite manage it. So being the vile beast that she is, decided she was going to torment people and made it her mission to “shut Tattle down”, and began doxing people and posting their addresses online and sending their addresses to local gangsters who were fresh out of prison. Something wrong with KK. Who else is that vindictive and spiteful?