Lou @Lifewithloux


May 11, 2023
Someone trying to shut down a gossip forum comes here being racist, calling babies fs, asking if they have cancer? (Are you 12?) I don't even think this board or Tattle is for you Ivy, sorry. You've proven yourself to be the absolute lowest of the low, and judging from your replies, not very intelligent. If you're so passionate in your cause you wouldn't be resorting to such cheap insults. I suggest you lookup what a paedophile actually is as it loses meaning when you use it out of context, and makes you look a bit silly.
Can I just clear up, you say "we're here all day", well, we're not. You can just drop on and off here as you would Whatsapp, IG, Facebook, or Reddit. So just like when you're exchanging your racist messages to your racist friends, or whatever you do in your spare time, we just pop on here leave a quick reply and off we go. It's quite simple, like you really.
Apr 16, 2023
I’m not sure to be honest, I think KK just tried to do a Gretchen and make “fetch aka Hag off” happen. Moral of the story, KK still thinks she’s in school, and even now is still unpopular, disliked and lame. She can’t and won’t EVER be able to sit with us or anyone really
Are we certain this is KK,they use the word t alot,i'm thinking more ste as he loves that word,by previous txts,could be wrong tho


Apr 18, 2023
Considering it’s an anonymous gossip site and the “trolls” have the freedom to say whatever they want I think it says a lot that we stick to talking about drug addicts in fake recovery who scam kind hearted people.
At no point has anyone ever been racist and bigoted. Or said (a beautiful) child looks ill. All you’ve done is lower the tone and made yourself look like a bellend. Screaming random insults to strangers on the internet is the definition of trolling. Everyone’s a pedo, everyone’s a t, everyone’s a nonce, you might be a darkie, if your son wears a warm hat in the winter he might be a Russian terrorist. That’s insight into you as a person and that’s fed.
May 11, 2023
Wow, I’ve caught up.
That ivy is something else, I’ve never seen so many disgusting words in one sentence but not sure what I’d expect from such and uneducated t.
Racist, homophobic and noncey all in one?! She really is the perfect package 🥱
Imagine even taking and posting photos of other peoples innocent children?! That’s fed up..
This fool realised that nobody was biting and couldn’t handle the come backs so resorted to the children to get a reaction.. 🤣🤣

At least most of us ‘trolls’ have the common sense to know that children are off limits.
Ivy, you are the absolute scrapings from the barrel of society. Your Mum should have swallowed you..
May 5, 2023
I've put it on ignore. I'm here to talk about beggy, not to read what crap spews out from that intellectually incapacitated idiot. I don't "get" its mission - what the do has who follows it on Instagram got to do with anything? 😂 I don't follow it, I don't follow beggy either, I just watch her bullshit. "Outing" someone who we all know already, who isn't hiding and never was?.. yeah, GREAT detective work 😂😂😂 Going after kids is what people do when they are getting desperate. This moron lost any ground they thought they had when they resorted to that & using outdated and offensive slurs. What a t, getting their flaps & wig in a twist over two skanks 🤡
Apr 21, 2023
Good morning fs and faggots.

Yamfoot your kids are beautiful and I hope you had a fantastic sleep induced joint last night.

Ivy you are a racist peadophile. It might be a public forum with no moderators but that doesn’t stop the UK police from being able to track racist nonces IP addresses. Unless you don’t care because you’re not in the UK and are currently sunning it up in turkey on your nephews disability money. Freak. Having pictures of other peoples kids on your phone is disturbing. There is laws for that pedo Pete.

Anyway, ignoring that t f…
Come on lou where’s this content you promised us.❤️