Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 22, 2023
Lou do off you beggy little t.

ā€˜Iā€™ve not go the kids out cos I need to focus on me, because I need to get stuff to help me get my kids backā€™

Not a single bit of tatt that youā€™ve bought with your free Ā£Ā£ is going to help you get them kids back! Youā€™ve not bought anything for the house. You could have your entire house kitted out with the amount youā€™ve had but no itā€™s all on gone bits and bobs for you, ya greedy selfish little greb.

You donā€™t have any towels, or plates or bedding etc, but ey least youā€™ve got 50 head bands. Good going you little bin rat.
Apr 24, 2023
Lou, you are selfish.You are very selfish. Your kids should come first no matter what. Now you have all of a sudden decided to use your free credit to 'buy' them some items. You ain't even putting your hand in your pocket and actually buying them something. It's all fing free. Strangers of the Internet have bought her kids more in their lives than she has ever bought them. You ain't ever getting your kids back and that's a fact
Apr 30, 2023
Why is all of Louā€™s shampoo and stuff at Gollumā€™s new place when sheā€™s not allowed to stay there? Iā€™m pretty sure they will both be made homeless if she stays at his new place?

fs me off how those divvies get help with housing when my local council wonā€™t help me and my kids šŸ™„ might sack my kids off and get on the brown see if they give me a house
I think the 3 pound thing was bollox they are living together it was to throw us off the scent


Apr 17, 2023
That's obviously different, silly sausage.

There's a difference between a life long investment such as a mortgage than klarna'ing a foundation šŸ„±
Hi, dimwit. I guess that fact that Klarna is interest free has passed you by. I can afford to buy pretty much anything I like but sometimes I put larger purchases on Klarna because my money is better off gaining interest in my account. People using Klarna are actually saving money.

Itā€™s alright having more than one braincell but if they are dead it means nothing, does it, you crack ass ho?


Apr 12, 2023
Sheā€™s so deluded she really believes that if she has the house set up with all the stuff she can have the children she hasnā€™t seen in months and months back and she will have a normal family home again
She canā€™t even keep one room clean
Itā€™s very sad actually
Everything is someone elseā€™s fault yet she thinks that bevause sheā€™s not on her drug of choice that she is putting work in

Should be asking her prescriber at foundations for help getting into a residential program is what she should be doing
Apr 22, 2023
Sheā€™s so deluded she really believes that if she has the house set up with all the stuff she can have the children she hasnā€™t seen in months and months back and she will have a normal family home again
She canā€™t even keep one room clean
Itā€™s very sad actually
Everything is someone elseā€™s fault yet she thinks that bevause sheā€™s not on her drug of choice that she is putting work in

Should be asking her prescriber at foundations for help getting into a residential program is what she should be doing
I wonder what will happen when she has the house, is clean, has all the bits and bobs in the world and she finally realised that that doesnā€™t cut it, she will not be getting her kids back!

Will she stay on track or will she crumble.

I mean tbh letā€™s be fair sheā€™s never even going to get clean.
May 17, 2023
Yeah. I had to rewatch that story a couple of times.
Didnā€™t her and ste get kicked about like empty tracksuits last year? Iā€™m sure that was due to drug debt
It looked quite fresh, she mustā€™ve bumped in to her dealer and owe him again. Thatā€™s right they did, claimed they got attacked cos they were sleeping on the streetsšŸ˜†

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
We've been promised a live for weeks now and it's never materialised. Shes definitely a bit more 'with it' (lou level with it ) when Ste isn't there. Still a walking contradiction and a half wit. She's just thick though isn't she, this is probably her at her baseline. She's never going to be able to live a 'normal' life, she's too stupid. She can't even make herself a meal. I think that porridge was first thing we've heard her make, oh apart from the 4 day old kebab she heated up and poisoned herself.