Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 24, 2023
What is her obsession with choc choc??! I know I constantly say this but she is just bone idle lazy. I can bet her mum never gave her any money. She always has money just wants to spend it on drugs. She doesn't want to cook . Opening a bar of choc choc or a takeaway is the easiest option for her. There's no way her kids were ever fed a nutrious substantial meal when she was supposedly their mother
May 17, 2023
And if she “Was sober” during pregnancy, why couldn’t she stay clean and turn it around? Because it’s all bull s! She’s been an addict for years. Started with the pregabalin or gabbies(thanks for the drug lesson Lou!!) all those years ago.
Also.... where the do is this live we were promised? Nearly finished my popcorn already and the show hasn't even started.
Stick your bank details on here I’ll send you £3 for some choc choc and a red bull😘


Apr 12, 2023
Would it not be more logical to go first thing to get your methadone, then take you amitriptyline before 7.30pm like your doctor would have told her. Then she wouldn't be a fing waster everyday 🙄
Probably shows up at the latest possible time to get her methadone then probably has to have a set amount of time in between the dose pickups .
Has someone seriously just suggested she sets up her own business cleaning 🤣🤣🤣
Um hello ! she is a cleaning instagrammer. Have you not seen the reel with the pot scrubber she thinks is a dust rag ? IYDKGTK :)
Apr 21, 2023
Probably shows up at the latest possible time to get her methadone then probably has to have a set amount of time in between the dose pickups .
Um hello ! she is a cleaning instagrammer. Have you not seen the reel with the pot scrubber she thinks is a dust rag ? IYDKGTK :)
Let's not forget the sock she was polishing her drawers with

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
So... in that live she claimed Ste is still using because he's had a hard life did I hear that right? Bless 'im.

Then she said she wants to start earning money by blogging and through Instagram but then said she hasn't got enough time to do this because of her recovery. But she also doesn't know what she wants to do on Instagram to earn money, she does have lists though that she will show us.

There was also a very long list of every drugs she has taken, I think she named them all.

Couple of her 'supporters' think they're being nice by offering to go out for a beer / cocktail with her... a 'recovering' addict. Yeah some mate that, your worse than us 'trolls' mate. Taking her out and getting her fueled up.