Lou @Lifewithloux

May 22, 2023
I didnt screen record them. Probably should have haha.
She woke up very jolly at 3pm. Started with how happy she is to be alive. No mention of how her night was ruined.
Then said at the end she has some news she would like to share she's heard back (I think that she said she's heard back, I struggle to understand her at times) and the judge is going to be in contact, she will be seeing a judge. But obviously they have to go through mediation first. Then alot of squeeling and 2 second happiness. @SuzyE you saw them too, did I miss anything or capture that right?
Apr 30, 2023
I didnt screen record them. Probably should have haha.
She woke up very jolly at 3pm. Started with how happy she is to be alive. No mention of how her night was ruined.
Then said at the end she has some news she would like to share she's heard back (I think that she said she's heard back, I struggle to understand her at times) and the judge is going to be in contact, she will be seeing a judge. But obviously they have to go through mediation first. Then alot of squeeling and 2 second happiness. @SuzyE you saw them too, did I miss anything or capture that right?
That's exactly what she said 👍


Apr 12, 2023
I call s on that story on her mum! It’s rare to get a misdiagnosis as they have to have oncology test etc to confirm cancer, but to then have this rarest condition that only three people in the world have? Aye Lou anymore that comes out your crusty mouth you’ll no be able to walk with the length of your nose
Yep, I feel like that story was probably because she's scammed someone before saying her mum has cancer, so now is having to backtrack. Just a guess.
May 23, 2023
I had a very lengthy conversation with carol a few years ago (admittedly in dms) but she was just all about helping a fellow human being 🤷‍♂️ I'll see if i can access the account and find the chat. She was talking about buying lou a car and driving lessons at one point!
There was some rumour going around that they were related - some weird fb posts. Can anyone remember? I'll see if i dig that up too.
That’s actually really sad. If carol really was trying to better her and for to keep throwing it back in her face. That’s a big 2 fingers up at carol. Let hope carol has seen the light and realised Lou is a lost cause and not worthy of the help from carol.


Apr 12, 2023
Her poor mother. Bad enough she has lou for a daughter but shes blabbing abut her mothers invasive medical procedures and history. Her mother doesn't sound very well and Lou wants her to order her an ambulance. I really doubt her mother is 1 of 3 in the entire world that has this illness. 8 billion people lou.

I didnt see the judge stories . What was she going on about ?
If I were her I would stay clear of the authorities ,fing junkie.

I love that she is complaining that she was prescribed codeine . she was begging for it day before. her ankle is so bad and she knew it would really help her . she begged for it from the prescriber and they wouldnt give it to her thats why she went to hospital that day. Thinks if she gets an ambulance she will look like shes in more pain . Instead shes going to look like a junkie idiot calling ambulance when its not even life threatening. Ambulance is not a special bus ride to the hospital . Besides surely they will see on their records that her dumb ass was there recently same issue . Was probably supposed to go to her own DR after hospital .
Apr 20, 2023
Sounds like her mum is having a colonoscopy, or as Lou says a camera up the bum. 🤣 Lou seems to think it's touch and go whether she'll wake up, be OK, ffs its not a life threatening surgery, it's a look at the bowel. She's in a right old state today, slept the day away, looks and sounds out of it, what a waste of a life, hopefully the court will keep her away from the kids.
May 23, 2023
Her poor mother. Bad enough she has lou for a daughter but shes blabbing abut her mothers invasive medical procedures and history. Her mother doesn't sound very well and Lou wants her to order her an ambulance. I really doubt her mother is 1 of 3 in the entire world that has this illness. 8 billion people lou.

I didnt see the judge stories . What was she going on about ?
If I were her I would stay clear of the authorities ,fing junkie.

I love that she is complaining that she was prescribed codeine . she was begging for it day before. her ankle is so bad and she knew it would really help her . she begged for it from the prescriber and they wouldnt give it to her thats why she went to hospital that day. Thinks if she gets an ambulance she will look like shes in more pain . Instead shes going to look like a junkie idiot calling ambulance when its not even life threatening. Ambulance is not a special bus ride to the hospital . Besides surely they will see on their records that her dumb ass was there recently same issue . Was probably supposed to go to her own DR after hospital .
Nothing poor about her mother except her parental skills. It’s entirely her fault that her daughter is this way imo, her mum is the biggest enabler in her life and needs a good talk to, she’s as dim, if not dimmer than Lou, another reason I think people should need a licence to breed. I actually despise the fact that my taxes pay for her to be a useless mother and I have to pay for her do up of a leg dribble kid 😤


May 2, 2023
If any court in the land allows her to see her kids then the world has genuinely gone mad.

Her mum is a halfwit, too - I know this girl came forward and said she was her half sister and that her dad left when Lou was a baby? In my head I was thinking “yes, she’s an absolute wanker but he doesn’t sound like a particularly fing fabulous person leaving a baby with a halfwit”. It’s all mad.
May 5, 2023
I couldn’t remember for the life of me what surname Carol used previously. I find it strange that there’s no other trace of Carol anywhere else but Instagram. I remember searching for her on Facebook, google image search and nada. She’s the sort of person you’d expect to have all types of social media . She may have it but I couldn’t find it when I looked previously.. there’s something really wrong with her and makes you wonder what her intentions are in the first place.

Lou realised she need only hint at something and carol would deliver. She was talking about wanting to take her babies places and that she couldn't drive and didn't have a car and how it would make such a difference to her life blah blah blah. It was the straw that broke the camel's back and i messaged her. It was on her @carolballata account which doesn't seem to exist any more. She asked what it had to do with me what she spent her money on. I told her she wasn't helping, that Lou was using her - she wouldn't have it. Said she had money, was fortunate and wanted to help another in need. She said her money, she can do what she wants with it!

She's now @carolsquares on Insta. She changed her username because she was getting bombarded with dm's about Lou. She did used to have facebook, too. She got rid of that for the same reason. Her daughter is on Insta and has facebook, Courtney Titus. Lou follows Courtney on Insta. Courtney was following Lou, but has unfollowed her.
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Apr 12, 2023
Don’t pipes run under the floor in all directions and not again the wall? The carpet fitters would have used carpet tacks that aren’t even long enough to go through floorboards to the pipes, even if they did use nails it would be at the edges of the carpet next to skirting board where it’s highly unlikely that there will be pipes, she really thinks people are gullible, people in her inbox saying oh you should put up wishlist etc are s stirring, and watching the drama unfold
The only exposed water pipes you should have in your house are obviously shower pipes, boiler pipes & airing cupboard pipes,don't very much that they would be anywhere else exposed anyway